Hi Consentus, some of you might have seen that I've registered an account on your forums. I just want to let you know who I am and about my Runescape account.
My ingame name is Tommykillme, with my actual name obviously being Tommy.
I started playing Runescape back in 2004. Only recently (last Christmas) did I start playing once again, but this time as a level 3 skiller.
I am 20, maybe getting to the age where it isn't cool to be playing online games. But, I'm not bothered by that.
I go to university. Seeing my new timetable for lectures yesterday, I will be having 6 taught hours a week. Not impressed at all due to the tuition fees I am paying.
I live in the Uk, pretty amazing place :

My position in Clan Hopefull is Chat Moderator.
I have come to your forums because I heard that they are a fun and interesting place for discussions. That all sounds perfect to me!
My Runescape account is not good or rich. I play for fun. I think that is where many players go wrong nowadays trying have pixel fame or wealth. Friendship and self-achievement is why I play.
Hope you all are having a good day!