I quickly want to make this post to mention that i will be very inactive for the coming weeks,
My grans is currently in the hospital, and her health is deteriorating very fast,.
I will be able to spend some time ingame, but i have decided not to spend all of the time ingame, instead i'll help the clan out and keep monitoring the teamspeak simply bts,
also the clan anniversary photo is something i am rounding up, + some additional options for the clans teamspeak,
And i will still come online to cap in the citadel (wich i cannot do this week)
I will still be active on the forums w/ my cellphone,
And sadly i will be missing out on runefest (if everything stays the way it is at this moment) but i will try to make my ticket available for another clan member,.
Got any questions still, or help needed w/ anything, pm me on the forums here, or whatsapp +32 488 84 72 21. and i will try to tell if i can be of any help or not.
Hoping to be back very soon!
ps, locking this thread, as i dont want it to be cluttering up space in the next few days.