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Offline Shef

Shef leaving after two years
« on: November 10, 2016, 02:01:56 »
Hi guys,

I've been thinking about this for a while and I think it's time to go ahead with it. I've decided to leave Consentus, for pastures new (not sure where they are yet).

I've been in Consentus for over two years now and in that time I've met some great people. However as time has gone on, I've more and more begun to feel distanced from the clan. I don't speak as much any more, whereas in the past I was a very active person in the chat.

As some of the staff will know, I've always been a person willing to air my grievances in the clan. And as time has gone on, that's all I've got to share; complaints. And so without putting the blame on anyone, I've decided I'm just probably not suitable for the Consentus environment as things never seem to improve. And so it's time to move on.

In the two years I've been with Consentus, I've seen it continue to be a very active clan that has a great structure for community events and a fantastic website that is hard to rival in other clans. Overall it's a great clan for anyone to be in, where they can find people to speak to at all hours of the day. My suggestions would be:

1. Improve the outlook in the clan. At the moment it's an extremely pure skiller orientated clan. Three of the four owners are skillers. A lot of events have to take skillers into account and as a result it essentially limits most of the game to their style of play. In some instances where combat isn't required then this works. However there's a severe lack of PVM content in a clan of this size, without much work to improve it. And that's because the clan tries not to exclude the pure skillers of the clan. That's not fair on the rest of the clan who want to play that side of the game, and is one of the reasons why I want to find somewhere else.

2. Efforts have been made to educate staff in how to deal with the chat, which I recognise. However I don't think the efforts have done anything. Time and time again you see people getting away with being rude and offensive, even with an army of staff online. This grows tiresome.

3. The clan or game isn't just based in the UK/Europe. There's a strong US presence, but you would be hard pressed to realise it. Events are often focused on UK times, by UK people and typically there's a lack of US staff. I know there have been efforts to improve this, and there have been some great people added as wardens and staff in the US hours, but I think it needs a clan effort to push forward in the later hours. While it's a hard process, I'd even suggest popping out feelers to small Australian or Pacific based clans for a merge to fill in those hours.

I'm sure Consentus will keep going from strength to strength and hopefully Jagex release a combined clan across RS3 and OSRS because I'm sure it will grow to be strong there too.

I might pop back now and then to say hello, but for now; Shef out!

Thanks for the two years.



Offline Jasperine

Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 06:05:29 »
I'm sorry that you're leaving. However, I do agree with the US time thing. I was a US-based staff member, but I had to resign. One of the requirements is attending events, and due to 95%+ events being favored toward the European timezones, I was/am usually at school or work during the time events are hosted. It is quite frustrating.


Offline Shisha

Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2016, 06:22:53 »
:( I was just getting to know you. I wish you the best in your adventures my friend.


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2016, 08:54:22 »
1. Improve the outlook in the clan. At the moment it's an extremely pure skiller orientated clan. Three of the four owners are skillers. A lot of events have to take skillers into account and as a result it essentially limits most of the game to their style of play. In some instances where combat isn't required then this works. However there's a severe lack of PVM content in a clan of this size, without much work to improve it. And that's because the clan tries not to exclude the pure skillers of the clan. That's not fair on the rest of the clan who want to play that side of the game, and is one of the reasons why I want to find somewhere else.
I don't know if you remember, but a while back we created a PvM Team whose job it was to create 1-2 PvM Oriented events a week for PvM members of the clan. Of course it didn't work out as perfectly as it should have, but there was an effort to include PvMers.
There has also been several PvM events with very low or nobody showing up since the PvM Team was abandoned. We just simply can not do any high-PvM events such as Vorago or Raids because we either have inexperienced players who wish to go, which isn't a bad thing for me and it seems like nobody is very interested in other bosses which are somewhat easier (GWD2, GWD, KK).

2. Efforts have been made to educate staff in how to deal with the chat, which I recognise. However I don't think the efforts have done anything. Time and time again you see people getting away with being rude and offensive, even with an army of staff online. This grows tiresome.
I somewhat agree with this. I haven't been on as much as I could have been in the past few days, but I do agree that staff who do not intervene should go, regardless of their staff activity - This seems to be the most important part of being staff compared to the rest.

3. The clan or game isn't just based in the UK/Europe. There's a strong US presence, but you would be hard pressed to realise it. Events are often focused on UK times, by UK people and typically there's a lack of US staff. I know there have been efforts to improve this, and there have been some great people added as wardens and staff in the US hours, but I think it needs a clan effort to push forward in the later hours. While it's a hard process, I'd even suggest popping out feelers to small Australian or Pacific based clans for a merge to fill in those hours.
We understand that the clan isn't centered around UK players, but it is somewhat difficult for owners and many staff to monitor Clan Chat when many Americans are probably online at their peak.
But again, we did try to fix this problem as Xenophile and Phil were both asked to join Team Nub in hopes of creating events ideal for US time zones. Unfortunately with real life being a problem it didn't work out as well as I had hoped but they dost host several events.

I only bring this up because I'm fed up of people saying the same thing over and over. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate constructive feedback, but it appears that many people ignore the things that we try to fix and I don't want to create some 'mob mentality' by not replying and stating some of the things that we have done.

Of course there's a lot of room for improvement - It may not seem like it but we do try out best to improve Consentus so everyone can feel welcomed and enjoy the clan.
But I feel without the engagement of our members, events won't be a thing in the near-future of Consentus. I understand that not everybody is interested in events, but we really do struggle to get anyone to turn up. Stealing Creation for example, we may have four to five staff members attending the event and maybe three to four clan members, when there's around 40 or so people online. We're calling out the event in the CC for a good period of time for people to come.

I'd also like to stress that this does not just happen to Stealing Creation - It's almost any event we attempt to host. That being said, Portable & Gathering events do seem to be the most popular.

With all of that being said, you will truly be missed and it's a damn shame to see you go.


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Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2016, 11:47:02 »
I can only echo what Mini has said, as a body of staff we do try to improve and offer what our members want,

I send pm after pm asking for ideas and offers of help, this seems ti fall on deaf ears.

We did have a pvm vent team where members didnt not turn up.  We have had pvm and skilling events during the times you suggest and no one attended even though they were widely advertised.

Both you and Megan have been brilliant members of the clan and you have both offered support and suggestions, as Megan has said you both go inactive for extended periods of time.  This happens to a lot of people when they ask to help.  Real life always as to come 1st.

We run a clan of over 200 super active members, with a small handful of staff, the game is afk and is it fair to expect staff to be active and watching the CC all of the time.

Staff have to meet requirements monthly and be as active as they can be.   I would find it unfair to demand people to di more than they already do.

I do wish you both the very best in your new clan.


Offline Redtunnel

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Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2016, 12:50:51 »
We try to keep a variety in the events and it's not true that we only make skiller oriented events. Here's a list of the events held over the last two months (added to the website's list of official events):
Soul Wars
Peng hunting
Hide N' seek
Chaos elemental Mass
Mega Duck event
Find the Dave, Kill the Nub
Arc / Portables
Castle Wars
Great Orb Project
Stealing Creation
DXPW competition
You Pick the Boss
Castle Wars
Corp Beast

7/14 were combat/pvp/pvm events. Other than that, I'd have to agree with Mini Nub. It's really difficult to create events that people are even remotely interested in going to. I don't think anyone would come to most events if we didn't have a strong emphasis on staff attendance. We'll make another push to change things up a little and hopefully have a better turnout
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


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Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2016, 15:25:13 »
Wish you the best of luck Shef, you were always helpful to everyone in the CC

Will be missed :(


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2016, 17:50:39 »
Really sorry to see you go.  I wish you luck with wherever life takes you.  <3


Offline Charms

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Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2016, 18:46:04 »
There's nothing more i can dwell upon that hasn't been mentioned above. It's a shame to see you leave.


Offline maraderkholm

Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2016, 19:35:59 »
I am totally sad and hope you keep in touch.  Best wishes for the future Shef!


Offline Sissybear

Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2016, 23:17:20 »
I'm sorry to see you leave :(  but I wish you the best and hope you find a clan that is right for you :D


Offline Tommykillme

Re: Shef leaving after two years
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2016, 00:24:59 »
Good luck with the future.

When Consentus was formed, it was upon the basis of family and harmony. To this day it does. All clans will have conflicting ideas or individuals on this. This clan is based on the upmost, which we still hold dear.

Consentus was not formed with the ideals to appear to a specific aspect of game. But, to those who seek a home.

Regards to your belief of skiller to combat prejudice, this is not the case. Even in our early years with ALL skiller owners we made, and continue, combat related events.

Consentus is not a clan. It is a family. I'm sorry you did not see us fit, even as a veteran to us, and hope you the best in your Runescape career


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