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1. Improve the outlook in the clan. At the moment it's an extremely pure skiller orientated clan. Three of the four owners are skillers. A lot of events have to take skillers into account and as a result it essentially limits most of the game to their style of play. In some instances where combat isn't required then this works. However there's a severe lack of PVM content in a clan of this size, without much work to improve it. And that's because the clan tries not to exclude the pure skillers of the clan. That's not fair on the rest of the clan who want to play that side of the game, and is one of the reasons why I want to find somewhere else.
2. Efforts have been made to educate staff in how to deal with the chat, which I recognise. However I don't think the efforts have done anything. Time and time again you see people getting away with being rude and offensive, even with an army of staff online. This grows tiresome.
3. The clan or game isn't just based in the UK/Europe. There's a strong US presence, but you would be hard pressed to realise it. Events are often focused on UK times, by UK people and typically there's a lack of US staff. I know there have been efforts to improve this, and there have been some great people added as wardens and staff in the US hours, but I think it needs a clan effort to push forward in the later hours. While it's a hard process, I'd even suggest popping out feelers to small Australian or Pacific based clans for a merge to fill in those hours.