Name : James / Layer
From: Grimsby, UK
Age: 23
OSRS Name: Layer
About me: Played RuneScape on-and-off since about 2003 or so, and recently returned after a long quit. I was looking at the RS forums' clan recruitment page, saw "Consentus" and immediately recognised the name from
years ago, and here I am! I've always played restricted accounts, like Level 3 skillers, for example, so with my return I've started fresh on OSRS as a 10hp-restricted UIM. You know, for fun!
I'm 23 years old and currently living in Lincoln (UK) doing my PhD in Comp Sci focusing on Machine Learning, so that takes up a good chunk of my week. Spoke to a few people already (shout out to Rowls and Hell Naw Man) and I'm looking forward to chit-chatting to everyone (RS3 or 07, who cares) and to any meetups I can attend!
See you in game or on Discord!
