Hello, all as you can tell I am Panda(rsn ClutchAPanda), but if you would prefer to call me my real name, my name is Thomas(Tom for short), i have been meaning to locate this part of our forum for a while to be honest but since i have located it it is time!

I was happily recruited into this clan late last year from memory (I can have a terrible memory at times) whilst doing nat runs via the abys and a Velluxium just happened to be in Edgeville bank and also a member of the clan too and i took the time out and divulged into a conversation with this person I realised my future is at this clan.

Having taken time out in the past from RuneScape (personal and family problems) I am back and looking forward to welcoming new and old players into our clan with welcome arms, but yes enough about this section.
A Rough Background:
As stated earlier my name is Thomas and I was born and raised in Leicester, I am a keen football spectator and also player being once scouted for Leicesters Youth Team at a young age but as my footballing career had started to take off, I had my trial for Leicester and turned them down as leaving my current club wouldn't suit me at the time, shortly before I had received some tragic news of my grandfathers death a few short days before as I played a Interteam-Competition (multiple teams from our club) and we came 2nd since that time I took a lack of interest as he sadly passed away (from fighting cancer for over a year) during my final game of the competition for 1st place, so I stayed put with moving on to mourn over this loss and with general stress building up over the following months I had lost my true passion and quit Football after my Leicester Trial but I have started to get back into it and managed to land myself at the helm of a few clubs in the past 2-3 clubs mounting my last club towards the title of league 2 finishing 3rd only on goal difference and our Club having points deducted over a alleged incident regarding our other squad (case of mistaken identity) and also braking my collarbone in a game of after school football missing a considerable amount of games and also valuable playing time, I hated watching from the sidelines.
I am currently attending College to become a Painter & Decorator, which is currently going well in my opinion.
As you can tell there is not much more to my life but Football, College and also Girls

I would like to thank you guys for taking the time out to read a slice about ;Introduction, how I became a Consentus member, a little bit of my life(story) and also for being an amazing bunch of guys and girls.
I am hoping for the many days, weeks, months and possibly years to become a better known member of the clan.
Many Thanks,