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I'm not going to write you a whole story or anything because I'm not one for that kind of thing so I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

You guys really were great but recently I have felt extremely unwelcome in the clan that I had grown to know and love so well, I don't feel like a part of the clan anymore where any events I try to start are just brushed to the side and things I say in the chat are either ignored or slated, some of you may have seen I haven't been in the chat channel much recently, a few of you know about some of the dark corners of my mind that recently have been harder to keep as just corners, it could just be me over thinking but at this stage I think for my own health I am going to have to (reluctantly) leave consentus.
I really hope that I can still be welcomed in as a guest and will still be invited to any real life events as they really are the only highlights of the past year for me.
My pm is always turned on in-game so if by all means feel free to drop me a message for a chat!

So thank you guys for the past year, I will miss you all very much and good luck with all of your future adventures either in game or in real life.


Offline Altys

Re: One of the hardest subjects I have ever had to write.
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2015, 16:13:05 »
real shame to see such a good member leave :( wish you all the best though!


Offline Noxarion

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Re: One of the hardest subjects I have ever had to write.
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2015, 16:21:34 »
It's a real shame martin :\.. But I do know what you mean since i've started paying attention to people in the cc that most don't reply at all and we're trying to change things currently behind the scenes but do keep in mind that's it May what means Exam time and alot of people are not paying attention to runescape and are just doing afk stuff. But you are welcome in the clan some people are just some lazy or selfish but tbh that currently is the runescape mentality. Some people do try to help whenever it's needed and are mostly positive people so maybe you should talk to those people more. I really don't want to see you leave since you're one of the nicest people in the cc currently but I can't stop you. So good luck with whatever you decide to do now :\


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Re: One of the hardest subjects I have ever had to write.
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2015, 16:30:01 »
Whaaat, no :( I think there's a pretty good explanation as to why no one responds in the CC, but I can really only speak for myself, and that is because of AFKing all the time. More often than not I don't read the CC and RS is practically designed to be that way. It sucks to put effort into things like events when very few actually care and I'm not sure how that situation can be improved, as most don't commit to RS in the same way they used to (myself included). I do think part of the solution lies in hyping them up in a positive spirit, but I understand it's hard to muster the energy for it when you get the notion that no one cares anyway.
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


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Re: One of the hardest subjects I have ever had to write.
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2015, 18:31:52 »
Please take some time to re-think sir, even if it's a month i know you'll be back. :3

It is a quiet time, people revising for exams or just generally being AFK i myself find myself AFK 3/4 the time of recent.

Summer break is coming and i'm sure it will be back booming, as always.


Offline Rune

Re: One of the hardest subjects I have ever had to write.
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2015, 18:49:22 »
Just start to talk about random stuff like I do most of the time, then maybe some will but in with a conversation, also what Josh said, a lot of people are having exams atm.

Also, the last few days people can't even load the game..


Offline Noxarion

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Re: One of the hardest subjects I have ever had to write.
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2015, 18:50:13 »
Just start to talk about random stuff like I do most of the time, then maybe some will but in with a conversation, also what Josh said, a lot of people are having exams atm.

Also, the last few days people can't even load the game..

That's mostly in osrs not rs3


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Re: One of the hardest subjects I have ever had to write.
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2015, 19:05:21 »
Always comes as a shock to see people leave that have been with us a time and made a difference to the Clan.

I have to echo that this is a very quiet time, a lot of members are either playing OSRS or studying for exams.

It can get frustrating when you ask for help in the CC  and no one responds, but yet again people are afk, this doesnt make it right and its nothing I can change.

I hope you decide to give the CC at least a month to rethink. 


Offline Shisha

Re: One of the hardest subjects I have ever had to write.
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2015, 06:38:49 »
In my past experience with clans, friendships, and bonds that i've made with people through rs i can say this. I know that sometimes it can get upsetting to feel like no one wants to hear what you have to say and most of the time those thoughts are correct. BUT also remember that there are those people, whom you have connected with, that will always respond. You can't let that get you down buddy. It's like that in every clan, i've searched for a more communicative cc but they truely don't exist. If they do then they are speaking within a 'click' of which you are not in. So instead of just dipping out i challenge you sir. Make the cc your own click. Get groups of things started, make it a goal to pin point a clan member whom you've never spoken to directly and make friends with them. AND it can be done, remember how quickly i got you at white port fighting with me and my buddies <3 Though this may not effect your decision i really would like you to take it into consideration. Much love buddy <3 - Mr Shisha


Offline Powell

Re: One of the hardest subjects I have ever had to write.
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2015, 07:40:05 »
Kind of shocking to see this, since I see you talking all the time in clan chat, so I'm very confused. We need our ranged god, don't leave.


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Re: One of the hardest subjects I have ever had to write.
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2015, 11:53:10 »
I have spoken to Martin in depth over the last few days and he will be staying with us.

I think at times do you feel irritated when you feel ignored at times.

Can we all try and consider others when in the cc, and not ignore people.


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