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My almighty return
February 28, 2012, 23:05:57 »
Not for a second would i have ever though i'd be writing this on the Consentus forum again. The amount of trolling /abuse and upset i have given people in this clan as been truly unacceptable.
I've been banned from this Clan three times in the past, every time Lilly giving me a chance to come back and change. You dont know how much i respect her! Even when we hated each other she always sent me a text asking if i was ok. She didnt have to do that and i'm sure nobody would if there were in this situation. Yet again after speaking to each other she gave me another chance and we are friends again. I have known lilly for years and coming back to the Clan has made me realized that nobody expected the disrespect i shown them when i use to be here.
As you all know i was Co owner of Clan Hopefull. I will not lie to you now and i'll tell you exactly what happened as you all have a right to know since i'm with your community. When Yun use to run it i helped out and acted as an Admin, promoted all Staff and spent all my time on the forums. Of course now, i wanted to be an Admin. I tried and tried and it wouldn't work. One day my friend Pmed him while i was on skype and he basically told Yun i deserved Admin. In which my case i did, i just didn't want to beg it out. Then Yun started reading it and stopped when he mentioned my name. I knew what it was about as i told him to check his PMs. He then didnt tell me so i made others PM him the same.
This caused the ragequit he did from Clan Hopefull. I got friends to rage at him and make him leave. Think i'm a selfish bastard? I am. I wanted Admin and the only way i could of got it and did get it was to do that.
So Yun left, Scott got made Co owner and Erin owner. Later that week, i got an invitation from Scott offering me Admin role. I obviously took it as i wanted to run the largest level 3 skilling clan in Runescape. So i was made Co owner and i enjoyed all that i did for Clan Hopefull.
So back in december, i started to play alot less, just going on the forums. I then hardly played Runescape this was due to running the clan on basically my own made me stressed. So i lost interest. Thinking hundreds of times whether to quit Hopefull or not. This dragged for months until the other day when i told Erin my story as me had a little fight over a Staff member i demoted. She was pissed off at me and told me to resign. I didn't want to be a fake anymore and lie about my story. I felt upset i was leaving Hopefull since i had spent so long there. Although i knew it was for the good. In upset i raged and deleted all the forums. As i thought if im going to die i'm taking it with me. I felt pretty stupid and ashamed afterwards as i didnt care about my friends.
I thought it would be for good but Geo the owner manged to back it up and i lost alot of respect.
But, from now on i don't care what people think of me for what i've done. You either like me or you don't. I'm a good guy and easy to get on with. But after experiencing running a Clan i would never want to do it again. I enjoyed it but it ruined me and how i play.
So you know my story and you can give me hate, i'm not a liar and this is why i've told you. I have come here to spend time with my close friends that i've pushed out.
I don't play Runescape anymore hardly and if i do i gain no XP. I may return one day but other than that i'll lobby and chat. I'll always be on the forums as i dont want to loose contact with friends i have.
I'm Jack, Hi! I'm 18 years old and i'm soon to be a qualified Chef. I like to go out clubbing and get completely smashed ha! So if anyone wants to go out on a night out let me know!
If you want to ask anything, just ask me.
Re: My almighty return
Reply #1 on:
February 28, 2012, 23:10:15 »
Contradicting, but welcome.
Re: My almighty return
Reply #2 on:
February 28, 2012, 23:13:18 »
It's the largest low level, Consentus have higher members but the forums is large itself.
Join Date: Sep 2011
Machai Cam
Alt Rsn:
Re: My almighty return
Reply #3 on:
February 28, 2012, 23:16:35 »
I respect you for letting us know what happened with Hopefull.
Welcome back Jack
angel imy
Re: My almighty return
Reply #4 on:
February 28, 2012, 23:24:19 »
hey welcome from consentus. i use to know u ages ago when i was still a noob
(wait im still a noob)
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: My almighty return
Reply #5 on:
February 29, 2012, 00:00:49 »
I knew most of what had happened with Hpfll since Justin left and I heard nothing but negative things about you. It's great you've been honest with us though, explaining your point of view and trying hard to put the past behind you and move forward positively.
I hope you enjoy your time here with us.
Re: My almighty return
Reply #6 on:
February 29, 2012, 04:49:38 »
hi m8
Re: My almighty return
Reply #7 on:
February 29, 2012, 04:54:19 »
I like cooking too ^.^
Good to see you back
Only Lilly
Join Date: Sep 2011
Only Lilly
Re: My almighty return
Reply #8 on:
February 29, 2012, 07:25:56 »
What an introduction Jack!
It is a suprise to see you back once more. I am sure youll stay this time!
Thanks for the mention Jack, it is nearly 5 years since we have known each other and we have been through a ot together yes and as we both have said, still close friends.
When we formed Consentus 2 things were important, that we were not in direct competition with Pcfl and that we didnt have a name that was spelt incorrectly
so therefore Consentus was never limited to a combat level.
I hope to see you becoming more active again Jack, both in game and on the forums. I know the pressures you have running a clan, and I too have had breakdowns where I no longer cope. Thankfully I have Dec and Rune who both take tremendous pressures off of me.
Good Luck in cheffing Jack and as you know we pride Consentus on our real life events, so that clubbing night maybe closer than you think
Re: My almighty return
Reply #9 on:
February 29, 2012, 12:07:42 »
@Cam - Thanks man. I've missed you alot.
@Imy - You'll always be a noob.
@Abbie - Well like i said the past is the past. I gained respect and lost alot. I've come here now to meet the new Consentus community and also see my old friends. Thanks for the welcome back.
@Lie - Hi lie m8 hw r u?
@Robbbbbbb- I love you. 200m Cook xp plz?
@Lilly - Course i'll stay! Well like always i'm here to talk as you know, just as i know your here to speak to me. I'm glad that everyone, including the people i was completely disrespectful to have brushed it off and been nice. I still need an invite to the Clan chat btw.
Aww thanks, and oo sounds exciting!
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: My almighty return
Reply #10 on:
February 29, 2012, 12:09:41 »
I know you well Jack. It is still nice to see you keep going. I agree with Lilly, we need a clubbing night
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: My almighty return
Reply #11 on:
February 29, 2012, 12:16:59 »
Respect that you told this to us.
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: My almighty return
Reply #12 on:
February 29, 2012, 12:22:10 »
Welcome back man! I've never got to know you that well, although I use to seen you around a lot. Sounds like you've went through a lot. Normally, I wouldn't be as welcoming to someone with a record such against cts in the past, but seeing the other side and you pointing out your flaws is pretty mature and nice as well. Although I won't be on much for the next 9 months, Hope to get to know you this time around and that you'll sticking around with us!
Take care
Re: My almighty return
Reply #13 on:
February 29, 2012, 14:48:54 »
You Jack, have been my friend for a long time, and I've not always supported what you did, but I now realize what you did was good in the end. Now that you left Hopefull it's gonna die, and I support you, Yun treated people different based on their rank and all that, but he is still a cool guy. Don't care if the hopefull people lose respect for you. Only reason they do it is cause they want to boost their modchance, while the loyal friends there ignore it.
Welcome back and I hope you come back to playing asap.
Krazy Golf
Join Date: Sep 2011
Krazy Golf
Re: My almighty return
Reply #14 on:
February 29, 2012, 16:39:19 »
Welcome Jack, I can rank you in the clan chat.
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