Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Mike on March 09, 2015, 18:29:44
Hey guys, Lilly announced earlier that I have decided to step down as a Clan Owner.
Now I've been in many clans throughout my time playing RS, most of my time being in Consentus.
But lately I've been wanting something new, something to give a boost in motivation. So I think it's best for me to leave the clan,
and try something new. Nothing personal against anyone in the clan, or clan as a whole. I still have much love for the clan!
I'm not going to type a long message so I'll just leave it like this. If you are more curious you can watch my newest Youtube vid,
but I will not link it as I don't find it being the right thing to do.
Take care everyone! <3
You will be missed Mike
I wish you all the very best xxx
Good luck with the new clan Mike. I'm sure that everyone wishes you the best
We will miss you mike, best of luck in a new clan!
Best of luck Mike.
Best of luck Mike, we will miss you. ;c
You nub, keep me added and turn your private chat on more often.
Good luck Mike, keep me added. :3
Best wishes and please don't hesitate to keep in touch!
Best of luck Mike, thanks for everything :)
Best of luck Mike :)
You will come back as a guest every so often right? Pleeeease!
Damn, it won't be the same without you around.
Take care and best of luck. Stay in touch! <33
:/ that's not good to hear can't wait to watch the video wish you the best Mike.
Later, Best of luck mate.
Good luck in your ventures, I'm sure I'll see you around in game :)
Much sadness but Best wishes, Mike - I have always enjoyed you being in the clan!
Thank you all, I will try to keep in touch! :-)
Auf wiedersehen.