Once upon a time..Let's get serious.. haha,
Hey guys my name is Marc! I'm 21 years old and i'm from the Netherlands/Holland
I guess i can start off with sharing some of my runescape history:o
Skillers..Yes i've had many many skillers.. some of them i can't even remember the name of.. i either got combat or i just quit the accounts *don't know why i made new ones*
But yes, i've been a skiller on several accounts, I'd say around atleast 5 accounts.
The account that i'm currently playing on "S ev" is so far the best skiller i ever had, and i'm really proud of the things i've done so far! but i am far from being done:)
Goals?My goal is to of course max this skiller! But i'm far away from maxing but i'm still doing the things i wanna do in the game:D Currently i'm getting my Divination & Dungeoneering up and i'm enjoying the P2p world a lot more:D.
Reason why i joined this clan?Well the reason i joined this clan is because a good friend of mine "stee" recommended me to join this clan, Basically for the same reason as i heard of other people but i always was like 'yeah whatever' But hearing it from him kinda made me think about it in another way

so i guested a couple of times, and i really started to enjoy the environment in this clan! So i applied:)
Any personal information you wanna share?Erm if you wanna know anything about me in person i guess you just have to talk with me xD
If anyone has any further question towards anything, feel free to ask:)