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Offline Emma

Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2012, 16:42:38 »
Good-bye.  Just curious how long it will take for you too realize it probable isn't CTS, it's you.

That's a bit out of line mate. You might not agree with what has been written but show a little decorum.

Not really.  I did this exact same thing last year and blamed everything on everyone else.  Few months later realized i was childish for doing so, the problems posted are easily avoidable..

what you said there was what you should have said in the first place :P



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2012, 17:05:08 »
I hope you think this over Masson. You shouldn't leave over one mishap that happened in the clan chat. Like Cam said, it's hard to tell if someone is sarcastic on the internet. You can't blame him for thinking that you were being for real. Can't lose my diva gurl<3


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Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2012, 17:11:18 »
Judging by the PM he sent Lilly a couple hours before the thread, he seem to post this out of frustration after a argument, which cause people to not think straight.

Completely agree with this.

I find it insulting that you have worded it in a way which makes it seem like all of Consentus is like that when most people certainly aren't. I've recently been very inactive ingame due to Laptop issues but I know that I always make an effort to greet everyone in the clan chat and start/join conversations. I say hello everytime I log in and due to me being a well known member who has been with Consentus for a while I get hellos back which make me smile every single time but even for me there is the odd occasion where I'm ignored but I don't let it get to me. Instead of expecting people to persuade you to join in, make yourself join in because you most certainly won't become known or respected by staying quiet, hoping to get noticed and then getting pissed off when it doesn't happen. Have something to say? Say it. I love talking to people in the clan chat and have made many friends over the year I've been with Consentus.

Btw I really liked that you made that DOTW and if you do reconsider and decide to stay with us I hope you continue with that too.



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #33 on: September 28, 2012, 17:18:35 »
Not even gonna give you the satisfaction of me wasting effort on you.

Regards, Alex


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Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #34 on: September 28, 2012, 17:21:25 »
Honestly, I am not that happy in Consentus.
I am still here because I do enjoy some of the people.I don't feel involved at all.
I feel the same way



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #35 on: September 28, 2012, 17:42:59 »
"Maybe it's not CTS, it's you"

How may members left this week? I believe there has been about 3 members now that have made a post and left.
I no longer think it's the member themselves but the people in the clan that PUSHES others away.
We're suppose to WELCOME people and at least TRY to get to know them and that's obviously not happening.
If someone says hai in the clan chat, say it back. Regardless of their rank or if you know them. It's not gunna hurt, now is it?
Stuck up people... (wasn't a serious comment)

I understand that CTS is growing and it's hard to remember every name and name changes. I get that.
But, people should learn not to take things so seriously and make an argument in clan chat.

I'm a fucking lazy person and I give up typing, but you get what I'm saying, right?

Anyways Mason, last night was the first time I've ever talked to you and it was very brief, but you seem like a nice lad.
I hope you find a clan that you enjoy!



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #36 on: September 28, 2012, 17:46:36 »

How may members left this week? I believe there has been about 3 members now that have made a post and left.
I no longer think it's the member themselves but the people in the clan that PUSHES others away.
We're suppose to WELCOME people and at least TRY to get to know them and that's obviously not happening.
If someone says hai in the clan chat, say it back. Regardless of their rank or if you know them. It's not gunna hurt, now is it?
Stuck up people... (wasn't a serious comment)

Not to sound cheesy or anything, but the people that left, left because they expect everyone to pay full attention all the time. People are busy doing their thing, and it's quite sad that people leave because they don't get a hello when they join. No one really say hello to me I don't give a crap, I try to say hi to everyone and that's how it should be, you should make an effort and stop being so focused on people saying hi, at the end of the day we're all different individuals and maybe he wasn't fit for the clan since it seem he only really leave because he didn't get attention.

Just my opinion not trying to hate on you, or anyone else, Mason.



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #37 on: September 28, 2012, 17:55:35 »
"Maybe it's not CTS, it's you"

I understand that CTS is growing and it's hard to remember every name and name changes. I get that.
But, people should learn not to take things so seriously

Unfortunately, that's exactly what has happened..

Oh, and
I no longer think it's the member themselves but the people in the clan that PUSHES others away

What?  Are you saying it's the guest's that are making everyone leave?


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Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #38 on: September 28, 2012, 18:01:25 »

How may members left this week? I believe there has been about 3 members now that have made a post and left.
I no longer think it's the member themselves but the people in the clan that PUSHES others away.
We're suppose to WELCOME people and at least TRY to get to know them and that's obviously not happening.
If someone says hai in the clan chat, say it back. Regardless of their rank or if you know them. It's not gunna hurt, now is it?
Stuck up people... (wasn't a serious comment)

Not to sound cheesy or anything, but the people that left, left because they expect everyone to pay full attention all the time. People are busy doing their thing, and it's quite sad that people leave because they don't get a hello when they join. No one really say hello to me I don't give a crap, I try to say hi to everyone and that's how it should be, you should make an effort and stop being so focused on people saying hi, at the end of the day we're all different individuals and maybe he wasn't fit for the clan since it seem he only really leave because he didn't get attention.

Just my opinion not trying to hate on you, or anyone else, Mason.

Most people just log on to play the game. And runar thats slightly harsh, it may come across that he wants the attention but you have to consider where he might be coming from. He probably doesn't feel welcomed in the clan, as this is supposed to be like a family, he might feel that he just doesnt fit in anymore. I know sometimes i dont feel welcomed myself but it shouldn't bother you mason, most people are busy doing there own stuff on rs :) if you want to get really involved take time to try and speak to someone individually, or join skype nights :).

It annoys me how you said everyone in cts is this, does that. Because you're wrong. And saying things like that well,, people wont be warm or welcoming towards you. ://



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #39 on: September 28, 2012, 18:07:16 »

How may members left this week? I believe there has been about 3 members now that have made a post and left.
I no longer think it's the member themselves but the people in the clan that PUSHES others away.
We're suppose to WELCOME people and at least TRY to get to know them and that's obviously not happening.
If someone says hai in the clan chat, say it back. Regardless of their rank or if you know them. It's not gunna hurt, now is it?
Stuck up people... (wasn't a serious comment)

Not to sound cheesy or anything, but the people that left, left because they expect everyone to pay full attention all the time. People are busy doing their thing, and it's quite sad that people leave because they don't get a hello when they join. No one really say hello to me I don't give a crap, I try to say hi to everyone and that's how it should be, you should make an effort and stop being so focused on people saying hi, at the end of the day we're all different individuals and maybe he wasn't fit for the clan since it seem he only really leave because he didn't get attention.

Just my opinion not trying to hate on you, or anyone else, Mason.

Everyone one wants some type of attention. It sucks that a large group of people in the clan already know each other because they've been in the clan for quiet some time. It only makes it harder for newer people to join that group simplely because their new. It's hard to make an effort if you know you'll only be ignored. People in the clan should make an effort to allow the newcomers feel conformable and at home,which I believe should be a family, correct? For example: When my cousin came to live with me, he was quiet and awkward as hell, but everyone tried to make him feel at home and now I literally consider him an annoying brother. See, I  had to make an effort to make him feel conformable.
I know people are busy doing their own little on RS, but when anyone see a person they don't really know, they should at least make an attempt. It really does make a person happy.



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #40 on: September 28, 2012, 18:10:46 »
"Maybe it's not CTS, it's you"

I understand that CTS is growing and it's hard to remember every name and name changes. I get that.
But, people should learn not to take things so seriously

Unfortunately, that's exactly what has happened..

Oh, and
I no longer think it's the member themselves but the people in the clan that PUSHES others away

What?  Are you saying it's the guest's that are making everyone leave?

No, when I said the members themselves as in the 3 members that left.
and people in the clan as in everyone in the clan. I probably worded it all weird like, sorry. I wanted to finish typing cause im lazy.


Offline Jmap

Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #41 on: September 28, 2012, 18:15:02 »
I don't think newer members are targeted as such, but i do believe for the introverts who join it is very hard to feel welcome.

I wish you luck in finding a new clan



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #42 on: September 28, 2012, 18:16:18 »

How may members left this week? I believe there has been about 3 members now that have made a post and left.
I no longer think it's the member themselves but the people in the clan that PUSHES others away.
We're suppose to WELCOME people and at least TRY to get to know them and that's obviously not happening.
If someone says hai in the clan chat, say it back. Regardless of their rank or if you know them. It's not gunna hurt, now is it?
Stuck up people... (wasn't a serious comment)

Not to sound cheesy or anything, but the people that left, left because they expect everyone to pay full attention all the time. People are busy doing their thing, and it's quite sad that people leave because they don't get a hello when they join. No one really say hello to me I don't give a crap, I try to say hi to everyone and that's how it should be, you should make an effort and stop being so focused on people saying hi, at the end of the day we're all different individuals and maybe he wasn't fit for the clan since it seem he only really leave because he didn't get attention.

Just my opinion not trying to hate on you, or anyone else, Mason.

Everyone one wants some type of attention. It sucks that a large group of people in the clan already know each other because they've been in the clan for quiet some time. It only makes it harder for newer people to join that group simplely because their new. It's hard to make an effort if you know you'll only be ignored. People in the clan should make an effort to allow the newcomers feel conformable and at home,which I believe should be a family, correct? For example: When my cousin came to live with me, he was quiet and awkward as hell, but everyone tried to make him feel at home and now I literally consider him an annoying brother. See, I  had to make an effort to make him feel conformable.
I know people are busy doing their own little on RS, but when anyone see a person they don't really know, they should at least make an attempt. It really does make a person happy.

I'll agree on that, but honestly, most of the people in the group got ignored at first. They just sucked it up and kept trying instead of demanding attention 24/7.



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #43 on: September 28, 2012, 18:16:38 »
"Maybe it's not CTS, it's you"

I understand that CTS is growing and it's hard to remember every name and name changes. I get that.
But, people should learn not to take things so seriously

Unfortunately, that's exactly what has happened..

Oh, and
I no longer think it's the member themselves but the people in the clan that PUSHES others away

What?  Are you saying it's the guest's that are making everyone leave?

No, when I said the members themselves as in the 3 members that left.
and people in the clan as in everyone in the clan. I probably worded it all weird like, sorry. I wanted to finish typing cause im lazy.

Lol you just had me a bit confused, but that makes sense.  and not every member that has left has necessarily left on bad terms, and we even gained one back.  with the clan growing people are going to leave, i just find that this persons reasoning for leaving isn't deep enough.  it's solvable, workable, far from permanent.  it's an over reaction, that's it


Offline Jmap

Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #44 on: September 28, 2012, 18:17:54 »

How may members left this week? I believe there has been about 3 members now that have made a post and left.
I no longer think it's the member themselves but the people in the clan that PUSHES others away.
We're suppose to WELCOME people and at least TRY to get to know them and that's obviously not happening.
If someone says hai in the clan chat, say it back. Regardless of their rank or if you know them. It's not gunna hurt, now is it?
Stuck up people... (wasn't a serious comment)

Not to sound cheesy or anything, but the people that left, left because they expect everyone to pay full attention all the time. People are busy doing their thing, and it's quite sad that people leave because they don't get a hello when they join. No one really say hello to me I don't give a crap, I try to say hi to everyone and that's how it should be, you should make an effort and stop being so focused on people saying hi, at the end of the day we're all different individuals and maybe he wasn't fit for the clan since it seem he only really leave because he didn't get attention.

Just my opinion not trying to hate on you, or anyone else, Mason.

Everyone one wants some type of attention. It sucks that a large group of people in the clan already know each other because they've been in the clan for quiet some time. It only makes it harder for newer people to join that group simplely because their new. It's hard to make an effort if you know you'll only be ignored. People in the clan should make an effort to allow the newcomers feel conformable and at home,which I believe should be a family, correct? For example: When my cousin came to live with me, he was quiet and awkward as hell, but everyone tried to make him feel at home and now I literally consider him an annoying brother. See, I  had to make an effort to make him feel conformable.
I know people are busy doing their own little on RS, but when anyone see a person they don't really know, they should at least make an attempt. It really does make a person happy.

I'll agree on that, but honestly, most of the people in the group got ignored at first. They just sucked it up and kept trying instead of demanding attention 24/7.

Took me a couple of months to get to know even a few people, many still don't know me now if i'm honest, and i sure as hell don't know 95% of the clan...it's hard to keep track of some people, and for me it's not just the new people, I don't know many of the high ranks if i'm honest


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