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Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #45 on: September 28, 2012, 18:24:22 »
Its a bloody game stop arguing over it....


Offline Greg

Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #46 on: September 28, 2012, 18:25:29 »
This is getting a tad out of hand.

I am sure we all want Mason to stay, we all have our moments.

Lets leave it at that.



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #47 on: September 28, 2012, 20:04:48 »
People who look for attention won't find a home here. We've seen it in other threads where people don't get the recognition they want so they blame the clan. It's them not us. Masson has always been outgoing and cheerful but you can't blame anyone for not enjoying his "diva" antics which come across as really annoying and lack the entertainment that was previously a novelty. If you're in a clan for attention then go somewhere else.



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #48 on: September 28, 2012, 20:27:57 »
How long is it going to take the people who run this clan to wake up?...No offense...

Please tell me how many people have left just this week because of the SAME exact reason. I don't understand why any of you try to argue from a different standpoint on why they left? They gave you their reason. Leave it at that. Don't start some long, drawn out, petty argument/discussion about it. There is no point.
Again, tell me how many people have left because of THIS exact reason. Case closed.



PvS Mason

Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #49 on: September 28, 2012, 20:38:51 »
Drop the whole diva thing and people will also be more accepting, it's not needed every 10 minutes.

This is yet another reason for me to go.
I don't know if you know me, which obviously you don't, that's my personality.
If I can't be myself, then I don't want to be here.
If you don't like the whole Diva thing, then so be it.
I mean, I have no problem with ANYONE in this clan.
It's hard enough being accepted anywhere.
DIVA is me.
Diva is how I deal with things.
You have your way of dealing with things.
I have my way of dealing with them.
For you to tell me to drop it, is more than offensive.



Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2012, 20:46:34 »
there will be people in life who we will never see eye to eye with.
that is life mason.
im sorry you feel the friends you do have in this clan, and the ones you have yet to get to know who were just away (eg abbie <3) who are lovely, are not enough to keep u to stay. and that the smaller minority make you wish to leave
i do believe this iswhy jagex invented the ignore list, and i would implore you to stay

as it seems you are not going change ur mind as yet, i wish you the best of luck

maybe the thread should be locked soon.


PvS Mason

Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2012, 20:46:51 »
Let me clear this up,

This is not an attack on Consentus, or the people in it.
This is just me stating, this is not the right place for me.
I've read other boards of people leaving without giving any feedback, and they are asked why....
I give feedback, and it's a big deal.
I enjoyed being in Consentus, I loved the people in consentus.
Just, after last night, I finally realized it wasn't the place for me.
I was just leaving some feedback on how to be more accepting to newer members in the future.
& Yes, I will.. ALWAYS be a Diva. ;)
That's just who I am, lol.
Also, as far as seeking attention... No, that isn't me.
I cannot help that I have a personality that some people are drawn too, and some people just hate.
I'm not going to hold back because YOU don't like it, that's not fair.
There are plenty of people who do things in the CC constantly that I don't like.
I can't judge them over it, neither can you judge me.

I'm simply Masson.
I'm the Diva.
That's what I'm known as.
That's what's been me.
I mean...

I do plan on keeping in touch with all of you, I just don't feel the need to be apart of a clan at this moment.

Also, for the record, and a leaving present, I'll give everyone one thing...

*hair-flip* *z-snap* ....

I never "right eye wink'd." >_> Zon't Zo Diva If You Zon't Know How TO Diva, mate.


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Re: Letter of Resignation
« Reply #52 on: September 28, 2012, 21:04:01 »
Perfect time to lock, thanks for clearing it up. :)


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