Hey guys, i thought i might aswell make a new introduction since i see there is alot of new people and i have been out of the clan for a while but i'm back! So let's get started with my introduction
Well i am 18 years old and have been playing Runescape since early 2006 and since that time i have been in many of clans, i always love skillers but i end up ruining them so much and regret it and then make a new account, this time i am sticking with this account, I work in a sauce factory but it isn't as bad as some people will think, It pays enough for what i need so i'm not to bothered aha

I do 4 on 4 off shifts and they are 12 hour shifts so when i am at work i will only be on for a couple of hours if that. On my day's off i like to relax after the 4 days on and get them gains, i have recently come back to the game and thought i would check on the clan, was a guest for a couple of days and then i thought i might aswell join back since i missed you all

The previous name some of you might know me from is "Cheeky Feeds" that account is long gone now and the new account you all know is "Jord Skills" hopefully i will talk to alot of you in game and keep in touch with everyone and i will also be spending alot of my time on my days off + the couple of hours i pop on during work days in the teamspeak so if you would like to talk i will be in there alot. I am from a little town called Scunthorpe in the United Kingdom, If you want to know any more feel free to ask me in game or pm me on forums, I will also try stay active on forums but can't xp waste to much :')
Well it is nice to be a part of Clan Consentus once again! This time the stay is real!!