As some of you may know i recently came back from a break, and i noticed a lot of new members have joined so i thought i should re-introduce myself.
Real Name: Marco
Age:16 (Junior in High School)
I play f2p aswell
Some of my nicknames you can call me are Jelb and Mak (What my parents call me). I prefer them over my real name actually!

I started playing runescape when i was 9 i think. I remember going on mini clip and seeing the advertisement for it and i was like OH EM GEE I MUST PLAYYYY. My fondest memory of that time period is that i went to Karamja and i would trade Cooked lobsters for raw ones. So getting 99 cooking is actually a really big deal for me unlike other people because it brings back really good memories. LOL ok sorry about that back to the intro.
I live in upstate new york and i go to school at i think one of the most prestigious prep school in the US. Don't quote me on that but i'm pretty sure that's correct. Hmm what else am i missing here... I'm a super friendly person and fun to be around / talk to. Uhmm if you have a twitter follow @MarcoMinuto

. Oh wait one more thing, sometimes i may not be on during the weekends because i like to go to parties or football games. OMG and another thing i wrestle at the 120 pound weight class and am in the middle of losing 8 pounds (KILL ME) so yea. Ok, I think that's it, thanks for reading this. Cya!