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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2012, 00:10:25 »
As per usual drama, over a small fact of the staff deciding to demote another member of staff.  Its never easy to lose staff members, but we need to always make sure we have a close knit staff that keep this clan running as smoothly as we do.

Do most of yo appreciate the amount of work, every staff member puts into making this clan a pleasant place to me.  I am not saying we are perfect, wouldnt life be boring if we were.  We are all individuals with our own quirks and habits thats why makes us human.

Reading this has only reinforced the decision to demote Tim from CC mod, for one reason that he is too immature to handle the pressure.  Normally I would never tell reasons for for demotion, but I am feel as Tim has already shared some details with everyone he really wont mind.

I refuse to address every point in your thread, as I know they were written when you were angry.

Let me make it clear, Dec is equal owner of this clan and we make a great team, to suggest that he isnt, is a pointless comment.

I have had complaints of your language, I didnt rage I shared the whole staffs concerns with you, again, showed that you werent ready to handle comments made towards you. 

You seem to tell us what you want at at the end of your thread, and say you want to continue being part of this clan, do you really?  What a funny way of showing it.  And why would we scared if we banned you? 

Maybe Cam, would like to share the parts he doesnt agree with Tim on?

I would like to share that Tim was demoted for a number of reasons, and yes Skype calls were a part, but not the only part.  As a member of staff I do not expect any call where other clan members are involved to be inappropriate, especially when these members are under 15 years of age. 

They were other deciding factors that lead to a decision being made, and a sythe account was involved yes. 

Ypu have requested to stay part of the forums and able to use the cc, so why may I ask a"leaving thread"  a lot of this has been said in haste.

May I suggest you rapidly drop the subject or leaving, and become a regular member of the clan, where you were fantastic.

Thanks for all your support Tim.



Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2012, 00:18:41 »

You seem to tell us what you want at at the end of your thread, and say you want to continue being part of this clan, do you really?  What a funny way of showing it.  And why would we scared if we banned you?

I wanted to quit Runescape, but remain a part of the clan on the forums, and for the odd occasion that I might have popped into the clan chat, but I had the 30 day period where I had limited access to the forums and the clan chat. To me, after a year an a half of being in the clan, felt like I was just forgotten about. I couldn't even see the shoutbox to speak to every and ask how there day had been.. All I wanted to do was stop playing Runescape, but continue with the clan.

I think the Waiting period needs some re-thinking. Maybe not allowed to have a rank in the chat, but you have to let them continue to use the forums, except for the extreme cases where they blow up and start getting agressive with the clan. (D@RunarV102012837)

Just my two cents, I don't know what's gone on between everyone since I don't play, but I can agree with Tim on this bit.

I felt completely shut off from everything, and I had to even make a re-application thread when you all know fine well I met the requirements, since I was a member previous to being a 'former member'.


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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2012, 00:27:12 »
Tim, it's sad to see you go. Can't say we've talked a lot, but its always bad to see a clan lose a member. I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for.


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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2012, 00:28:34 »
The reason we introduced the leaving rule, was to stop exactly what you have just done.  Jump on a thread, and comment to criticise things.

Everyone is welcome to stay on the forums, we have no issues with that.

If that what you plan to do, then why make a "leaving" thread?  Just leave the chat, its not hard. 

It has never been compulsory to be ranked in our cc to be on the forums, however you say you are leaving, then visit and post only to criticise the clan this is why Former rank was devised.


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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2012, 00:33:00 »

You seem to tell us what you want at at the end of your thread, and say you want to continue being part of this clan, do you really?  What a funny way of showing it.  And why would we scared if we banned you?

I wanted to quit Runescape, but remain a part of the clan on the forums, and for the odd occasion that I might have popped into the clan chat, but I had the 30 day period where I had limited access to the forums and the clan chat. To me, after a year an a half of being in the clan, felt like I was just forgotten about. I couldn't even see the shoutbox to speak to every and ask how there day had been.. All I wanted to do was stop playing Runescape, but continue with the clan.

I think the Waiting period needs some re-thinking. Maybe not allowed to have a rank in the chat, but you have to let them continue to use the forums, except for the extreme cases where they blow up and start getting agressive with the clan. (D@RunarV102012837)

Just my two cents, I don't know what's gone on between everyone since I don't play, but I can agree with Tim on this bit.

I felt completely shut off from everything, and I had to even make a re-application thread when you all know fine well I met the requirements, since I was a member previous to being a 'former member'.

I agree Aaron 100%.


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2012, 00:35:09 »

You seem to tell us what you want at at the end of your thread, and say you want to continue being part of this clan, do you really?  What a funny way of showing it.  And why would we scared if we banned you?

I wanted to quit Runescape, but remain a part of the clan on the forums, and for the odd occasion that I might have popped into the clan chat, but I had the 30 day period where I had limited access to the forums and the clan chat. To me, after a year an a half of being in the clan, felt like I was just forgotten about. I couldn't even see the shoutbox to speak to every and ask how there day had been.. All I wanted to do was stop playing Runescape, but continue with the clan.

I think the Waiting period needs some re-thinking. Maybe not allowed to have a rank in the chat, but you have to let them continue to use the forums, except for the extreme cases where they blow up and start getting agressive with the clan. (D@RunarV102012837)

Just my two cents, I don't know what's gone on between everyone since I don't play, but I can agree with Tim on this bit.

I felt completely shut off from everything, and I had to even make a re-application thread when you all know fine well I met the requirements, since I was a member previous to being a 'former member'.

I agree Aaron 100%.

why?  You have left the CC for weeks and never made a leaving thread?  So explain why you agree.  This has no bearing on your situation


Offline Tim

Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2012, 00:36:12 »
Lilly, I gave the exact reason you gave me.

A scythe account was created by my old friend who was using my accounts to rwt on sythe, which I didn't have knowledge of until he pointed out an account on the f2p highscores was selling an account, which I brought to the attention of Dec and Zach.

I am not too immature to handle the pressure, I've chosen to leave because of everything I've done, WARNING PEOPLE OF IMMATURE THINGS SO NO ONE WOULD BE OFFENDED IF THEY CAME is the reason I'm demoted.

What have I done for the clan well let's see, I've tried to recruit people, I've stopped conversations before they happened, I've done my best I can.  When people come into the clan late at night and want to be invited, I'm the first to offer.  Others are like "well if you can come to me." when the only person I've ever said that to was Aydan, and that was because we've been friends since December.

I was demoted, and then when I gave a reasonable argument to you, Lilly, and you ignored me. You flat out ignored my argument, and made ME reinforce my decision to leave.  I've been talking to some people about leaving for quite a bit, because of  the problems that have happened since I got cc mod.  Was my time enjoyable? Some of it, but definitely not all of it.

Lilly, you say you and Dec are equal, but Dec hasn't made any big decisions from what I've seen, it's always you, and never him.  It's impossible to disagree with you not because you are right, but because if someone does they get ignored or banned.

If you ban me you are clearly scared, because I've done nothing wrong, so what other reason is there?

Complaints of my language? Well then everyone should be demoted or kicked, because I haven't seen one person who says less bad language besides maybe Mathi and Mike.

I don't want to be a member of the clan chat, but I do on the forums.  I made a thread to say my opinions, so people know my side of the story.  I've seen a lot of times where the second side of the story is never told.  I'm not going to play the victim, but I'm definitely not going to say I was wrong, because I wasn't the sole person that was wrong.  Was I wrong to warn people of what they'd be getting into with movie nights? Was I wrong for trying to start an event where we could have fun as a clan? No, I wasn't.

Having a tight-knit group of staff is good when they're nice to other people in the clan, but the problem is most of the staff aren't.  The newer members of the clan are being left out, and it's not fair to them.  This has become a very cliquey clan, where the staff are always ignoring the little people.  I got in trouble multiple times for trying to include myself in both cliques, and that's where I was wrong.  If you didn't want me to be friends with the members, you should have told me, instead of demoting as soon as I tried to include myself with others.

The story is over, I've left the cc but I want to be on the forums.  I said I'll guest in the cc sometimes, but not always.  This is going to go back to how I was when I was in hopefull if all goes according to plan.

If you want to say bye, say bye, if you want to argue, pm me.
You're here for a reason
Living and breathing
If you keep on trying, someday you'll find out why
If I love you, I miss you cause I probably haven't seen you in a
Long, long time

Just don't let it be the last time
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No, don't let it be the last time
You come into my life



Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2012, 00:38:37 »
I think alot of this could have been dealt with in private messages. But thats just my opinion. If youre leaving Tim, then it was nice seeing you around and reading your stuff, if youre not thats cool as well.



Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2012, 00:39:24 »
The reason we introduced the leaving rule, was to stop exactly what you have just done.  Jump on a thread, and comment to criticise things.

Everyone is welcome to stay on the forums, we have no issues with that.

If that what you plan to do, then why make a "leaving" thread?  Just leave the chat, its not hard.

I stated in my leaving thread I had only quit Runescape just incase people where wondering where I had got to, not the clan. I had intentions of being on the forums. That's just me, personally. I don't know, no one appreciates suggestions when it's within an debate like this, so I'll wait for it to cool down before I bring it up again.


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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2012, 00:42:29 »
Lilly, I gave the exact reason you gave me.

A scythe account was created by my old friend who was using my accounts to rwt on sythe, which I didn't have knowledge of until he pointed out an account on the f2p highscores was selling an account, which I brought to the attention of Dec and Zach.

I am not too immature to handle the pressure, I've chosen to leave because of everything I've done, WARNING PEOPLE OF IMMATURE THINGS SO NO ONE WOULD BE OFFENDED IF THEY CAME is the reason I'm demoted.

What have I done for the clan well let's see, I've tried to recruit people, I've stopped conversations before they happened, I've done my best I can.  When people come into the clan late at night and want to be invited, I'm the first to offer.  Others are like "well if you can come to me." when the only person I've ever said that to was Aydan, and that was because we've been friends since December.

I was demoted, and then when I gave a reasonable argument to you, Lilly, and you ignored me. You flat out ignored my argument, and made ME reinforce my decision to leave.  I've been talking to some people about leaving for quite a bit, because of  the problems that have happened since I got cc mod.  Was my time enjoyable? Some of it, but definitely not all of it.

Lilly, you say you and Dec are equal, but Dec hasn't made any big decisions from what I've seen, it's always you, and never him.  It's impossible to disagree with you not because you are right, but because if someone does they get ignored or banned.

If you ban me you are clearly scared, because I've done nothing wrong, so what other reason is there?

Complaints of my language? Well then everyone should be demoted or kicked, because I haven't seen one person who says less bad language besides maybe Mathi and Mike.

I don't want to be a member of the clan chat, but I do on the forums.  I made a thread to say my opinions, so people know my side of the story.  I've seen a lot of times where the second side of the story is never told.  I'm not going to play the victim, but I'm definitely not going to say I was wrong, because I wasn't the sole person that was wrong.  Was I wrong to warn people of what they'd be getting into with movie nights? Was I wrong for trying to start an event where we could have fun as a clan? No, I wasn't.

Having a tight-knit group of staff is good when they're nice to other people in the clan, but the problem is most of the staff aren't.  The newer members of the clan are being left out, and it's not fair to them.  This has become a very cliquey clan, where the staff are always ignoring the little people.  I got in trouble multiple times for trying to include myself in both cliques, and that's where I was wrong.  If you didn't want me to be friends with the members, you should have told me, instead of demoting as soon as I tried to include myself with others.

The story is over, I've left the cc but I want to be on the forums.  I said I'll guest in the cc sometimes, but not always.  This is going to go back to how I was when I was in hopefull if all goes according to plan.

If you want to say bye, say bye, if you want to argue, pm me.

I have made my point Tim.

You wont be getting a PM from me at all.

As I said thanks so much for all your hard work


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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2012, 01:06:58 »
Thanks for the kind words Tim. <3

I guess "Bye" but I'll still see you around so all good.

However I gotta say it's not nice to see the way this thread has turned into I've not read all of the comments maybe parts of some cause I'm tired and well just lazy, so sorry if I am contradicting what others have said. From some of the comments I have read this thread may aswell have been called "Lets argue" and not a leaving thread, some of you may have agreed with what Tim stated but I don't understand why you need to comment saying you agree and then give your opinion just keep to yourself save starting up an arguement, now I may be even contradicting myself there but I just wanted to get this thread back onto a "Leaving thread" and not just some place to cause an unwanted arguement. If you disagree with me please feel free to pm me always up for a chat well when I'm not tired. ;) (If this ramble doesn't make sense I'm tired so ignore it. :L)

Once again Adios Timothy Goodluck on your current skiller please stay with it.


Offline Tim

Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2012, 01:11:57 »
I will Liam <3
You're here for a reason
Living and breathing
If you keep on trying, someday you'll find out why
If I love you, I miss you cause I probably haven't seen you in a
Long, long time

Just don't let it be the last time
You come into my life
No, don't let it be the last time
You come into my life


Bird Table

Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2012, 01:20:15 »
"Swearing is a really important part of one's life. It would be impossible to imagine going through life without swearing and without enjoying swearing... There used to be mad, silly, prissy people who used to say swearing was a sign of a poor vocabulary -such utter nonsense. The people I know who swear the most tend to have the widest vocabularies and the kind of person who says swearing is a sign of a poor vocabulary usually have a pretty poor vocabulary themselves... The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is in any way a sign of a lack of education or a lack of verbal interest or -is just a fucking lunatic... I haven't met anybody who's truly shocked at swearing, really, they're only shocked on behalf of other people. Well, you know, that's preposterous... or they say 'it's not necessary'. As if that should stop one doing it! It's not necessary to have coloured socks, it's not necessary for this cushion to be here, but is anyone going to write in and say 'I was shocked to see that cushion there, it really wasn't necessary'? No, things not being necessary is what makes life interesting -the little extras in life." - Stephen Fry on the joys of swearing. Stephen Fry: Guilty, BBC4, September 8th 2007



Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #28 on: August 21, 2012, 01:39:24 »
Aaron I got 1200 total on my skiller. The Runar v*number* era is done. Someone else took the spot.

Tim no offence. I agree with what Lilly said. You wanted to leave with a blast and made this thread in anger. But you missed a lot of the reasons why you got demoted and seem to focus it around your idea of the skype movie nights. But Lilly doesn't make all decisions in clan. She discuss with Dec and I guess he prefer to be behind the scenes cus it's not needed with both leaders up front. Saying Dec don't do much proves you did not pay attention to the details. Didn't you get promoted when Dec was the gold key leader during Lilly's break? You should've typed this out with more thoughts and not anger to avoid drama and arguments. Take it from someone that's been in that angry zone. Hope you have fun in Hopefull and continue to visit the  clan. Avoid arguments from now on. Do what I fail to do over and over again. Respect.

Sorry for any typos. Just my two cents not trying to add sparks to this now neatly burnt-out argument fire. Typed all this on my phone while in bed.


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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #29 on: August 21, 2012, 01:43:02 »
"Swearing is a really important part of one's life. It would be impossible to imagine going through life without swearing and without enjoying swearing... There used to be mad, silly, prissy people who used to say swearing was a sign of a poor vocabulary -such utter nonsense. The people I know who swear the most tend to have the widest vocabularies and the kind of person who says swearing is a sign of a poor vocabulary usually have a pretty poor vocabulary themselves... The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is in any way a sign of a lack of education or a lack of verbal interest or -is just a fucking lunatic... I haven't met anybody who's truly shocked at swearing, really, they're only shocked on behalf of other people. Well, you know, that's preposterous... or they say 'it's not necessary'. As if that should stop one doing it! It's not necessary to have coloured socks, it's not necessary for this cushion to be here, but is anyone going to write in and say 'I was shocked to see that cushion there, it really wasn't necessary'? No, things not being necessary is what makes life interesting -the little extras in life." - Stephen Fry on the joys of swearing. Stephen Fry: Guilty, BBC4, September 8th 2007

That is quite funny :P i thought it was from your own words then.


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