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Offline Tim

It's been fun.
« on: August 20, 2012, 22:59:41 »
I have to say, it sucks to be writing this.  I thought I'd never have to leave Consentus do to something as trivial as skype calls.

Everyone in the clan except a select few have been raging at me for pointless reasons, and getting demoted is the last straw.

Consentus was supposed to be a clan with harmony, harmony doesn't mean you can't have a skype call where it gets slightly inappropriate, and it also doesn't mean you can't be friends with the members that aren't staff like some seem to think.

Bird Table was right when he said the staff are a tight-knit group, and unfortunately I'm tired of it.  If I can't have friends without getting complained against, then why should I be there?  The staff I thought were supposed to be there to be helpful and friendly, but I guess it's only friendly to people who have no strikes against them and no complaints.

Don't become a clan where everyone whines about everything, because that's not what a clan should be.  A clan should be a place where we're like a family, not like enemies.

There are a few people I'd like to say some words to:

Lilly, you said I'm not mature enough to be a cc mod, but have you thought maybe it's not me? You seem to be annoyed at every little inappropriate thing I say, when others can get away with much worse stuff.

Dec, you thought you knew what happened with sythe, so when I told you what really did happen you tried to prove me wrong.  I still think you're a good person, but you need to have equal control of this clan with Lilly to be a true leader.

Cambrim, I love you man, let's keep in touch, and we'll keep our movie nights going with or without the consent of some people.

Scarr, same to you, but not man.

Liam, good luck with consentus, I've always liked you and please don't become an overbearing person in this clan.  You were one of the best in hopefull, and will be one of the best here if you stay the way you are.

Robb, I know we've had our disagreements, but overall you're a pretty cool guy, and good luck with Abbie, you two are great together.

Runar, I'm sorry for all the shit I've put you through, but you've put me through some tough times too, so I think we're even.

Mathi, you're just too damn happy all the time, but still, good luck managing the citadel, I'll miss you.

Now that that's over, let's hear what I want.

I still want to be a member on the forums, and I still want guest access to the chat.  I don't feel there's been a reason to ban me, because I've done nothing wrong.  If you do ban me it's not because I've done something wrong, it's because you're scared I will.

Final statements, don't let this become a George Orwell book, think for yourself, and don't think "hey, everything has to be perfect here" because it can't and it won't be.

It's been fun while it lasted,

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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 23:03:39 »
I agree with pretty much every point you made.

Love you buddy. Best of luck.



Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2012, 23:05:15 »
You shouldn't leave because of a demotion, kinda a sign you only cared about your position in the clan, no need to have it like that.

Yep sorry for putting you through things, but for god's sake, stop calling me a hamster and I'll stop calling you anything mexicanish



Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 23:09:42 »
Im sorry you arent happy anymore, Stay happy and enjoy the game =). Runescape is meant for fun, and clans are meant to keep you company and with family. Hope it all works out and you find that clan for you out there if you search for another.


Offline Amy

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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 23:10:48 »
Sad to see you go, we never spoke much but good luck in the future :)
Its a shame about some individuals, i too feel the clan isnt friendly all the time
but not everything can be perfect, and its a shame not everyone can like one another. :(
Have fun scaping!!! I hope you reach all of your goals :)


Offline Tim

Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2012, 23:10:59 »
You shouldn't leave because of a demotion, kinda a sign you only cared about your position in the clan, no need to have it like that.

Yep sorry for putting you through things, but for god's sake, stop calling me a hamster and I'll stop calling you anything mexicanish

I'm not leaving because I got demoted, I'm leaving because I got demoted for the most idiotic reason there could be.  I was demoted for hosting a movie night where I warned for the sake of those who cared that it could be slightly inappropriate.  If that's a reason to be demoted then I must be crazy.
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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2012, 23:11:34 »
You shouldn't leave because of a demotion, kinda a sign you only cared about your position in the clan, no need to have it like that.

Yep sorry for putting you through things, but for god's sake, stop calling me a hamster and I'll stop calling you anything mexicanish

I'm not leaving because I got demoted, I'm leaving because I got demoted for the most idiotic reason there could be.  I was demoted for hosting a movie night where I warned for the sake of those who cared that it could be slightly inappropriate.  If that's a reason to be demoted then I must be crazy.

I doubt they would demote for only that.


Offline Amy

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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2012, 23:14:05 »

If thats the case though, its pretty stupid. ;s


Offline Greg

Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2012, 23:22:26 »
Keep in touch Tim.

Regardless of what the demotion reason was, hold your head high.

Good luck with the next step :)


Offline Tommykillme

Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2012, 23:22:54 »
The Staff of Consentus are implementing a probation period of 30 days for those whom decide to formally leave the clan. Examples of this consist of leaving threads.

When a leaving thread has been created, thus the person giving up their rank, it is from this date that the 30 day period will begin.

For example:
Mister A leaves on 4th April 2012. Mister A will not be able to re-join Consentus as a full clan member until the 3rd May 2012.

If anyone has any questions or needs clarification on this, please do not hesitate to contact any staff member.

As you are fully aware of the way this works Tim, you will have a couple of days to make a decision. Since you've posted a "leaving thread" as such we will see if you have fully left after this period. You need to decide and contact me with your decision once you've made it.

I want to clarify the gossip on this thread that an event is not the only reason behind all of this, and I am appalled by the drama that has been portrayed because of it. This decision was made by Owners and should be kept in conversation between them and Tim himself. Not for open discussion.

It is a shame to see you go Tim. Would have been better to see this decision low key. Take care.


Offline Tim

Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2012, 23:23:58 »
Tommy, there are members who are on forums and not the clan, I would like to be one of those.  2 examples are Ardo and Ashy.
You're here for a reason
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If I love you, I miss you cause I probably haven't seen you in a
Long, long time

Just don't let it be the last time
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Offline Tommykillme

Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2012, 23:25:48 »
Tommy, there are members who are on forums and not the clan, I would like to be one of those.  2 examples are Ardo and Ashy.

Whom have not made departure threads. That is why I am asking for clarification from you.


Offline Tim

Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2012, 23:27:49 »
I've left the chat, I'd like to remain on the forums as a member because I still want to contact people here.
You're here for a reason
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If you keep on trying, someday you'll find out why
If I love you, I miss you cause I probably haven't seen you in a
Long, long time

Just don't let it be the last time
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No, don't let it be the last time
You come into my life


Offline Thunderite

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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2012, 23:31:07 »


Offline Winter

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Re: It's been fun.
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2012, 23:44:05 »
Thanks for wishing Robb luck with our relationship. :)

Take care, it's been nice knowing you and you've always given me a compliment which makes me smile.


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