Hey everyone, I go by a few different names - Soft Shock, Chvrches, and Purity Ring. Calling me by any of them or abbreviations of them is fine :p
Soft Shock is my HCIM, and Chvrches/Purity Ring (name changes back and forth) is my main, though I put more hours into my HCIM these days. I really only play OSRS now, though I've played a ton of RS3 in the past as well. I had my completionist cape on Chvrches/Purity Ring on RS3, up to around the release of Solak, and have pretty much come over to OSRS full-time now. I might go back and re-comp again at some point, but for now I'm just enjoying OSRS too much! The PvM was my favorite content over on RS3, so I'm really looking forward to doing more end-game PvM challenges like raids in the future. Ultimately though, my main goals on my accounts are to keep grinding out levels and quests efficiently to get to a "completionist" kind of state on the accounts. And to not die on my HCIM, of course, haha. If I'm not too busy afking (which I do a lot), feel free to ask for help or advice, I'm pretty knowledgeable and friendly on most efficiency-related things, and I've been playing on and off since around late 2005. HC Oof is a long-time IRL friend who recommended me to this clan, so if you see him, go easy on him for his bottomless bucket for me.

Looking forward to getting to know you all.
Soft Shock/Chvrches/Purity Ring