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Offline Merzost

« on: August 21, 2014, 23:43:14 »
Hello there, I am William from Canada and I am 21 years old. -- I live in a small oilfield town with my fiancee (Not an RS player, she is more of a Steam and WoW gal).

I do work long hours, but I do 14 days on and 14 days off. Currently though, I am on a long summer break. But I get back to building pipeline in the middle of September.

I was a first day release player, didn't play for long at that point, but I did start back up a lot in 2005, then left again about one week after Smoking Kills was the newest addition to the questing side of Runescape. I returned just over a month ago, and I have really been getting back into the game. I was working A LOT, and going to school/paying for my fiancees schooling. But she has herself a very nice trade now, and we are finally quite frikken comfortable when it comes to finances.

I am more than just a Runescape gamer though! IF you check my profile, my Steam is listed on there, and If you play and Blizzard games; I am happy to give you my battletag!
--- I am huge on art, although not much of a drawer, art just makes me happy. Below I will list some of my favorite activities, t.v shows and such.

TV Shows

-Orange Is the New Black
-Hell on Wheels
-Marvel's Avengers Assemble
-Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

And just so many more.... I would list my favorite anime's, but the list is endless.


-Benjamin Francis Leftwich
-Baby Alpaca
-Of Monsters And Men
-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
-The Cranberries
-Wolf Larsen
-Sea Oleena
-Ane Brun
-Blackbird Blackbird
-Ingrid Michaelson
-Fleet Foxes
-The Killers
-Milky Chance
-Johnny Cash
-Yeah Yeah Yeahs
-Matt and Kim
-Regina Spektor
-Florence+The MAchine
-Noah and the Whale
-Angus & Julia Stone

And again, just so many more, its too hard to list.


I am really big on camping, I love to hike down the side of the river, or along the lake and just tent out somewhere for the night, or weekend. I also do lots of week long camping trips.
-Biking, nothing special, just to keep weight off; I was once 350 pounds.. Currently under 200.

-I love to make cloth jewelry

-I have a passion for animals, and I try to walk dogs at the SPCA at least a few times a week, despite my busy schedule

-Charity work: I do some work at a local soup kitchen with my fiancee, as well as the Salvation Army

But, that is all, I wouldn't want to bore any of you! ^____^


Offline Happi

Re: Introduction
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2014, 23:51:31 »
Very nice intro, you're well set for a 21 years old well done!
What is your job if i may ask? 14 days on/off means during the 14 days you work you don't even have weekends? o:
Hope you enjoy the clan, nice to meet you!

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Offline Merzost

Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2014, 23:54:34 »
Hello there, Happi, and thank you! --

I am a welder by trade, (Arc welding, more commonly known as stick welding) in the Oil and Gas industry. I build pipelines.  My fiance runs her own crew truck (Pipefitting specific) So we are both in the Oil and Gas industry :P


Offline Merzost

Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2014, 23:59:40 »
I forgot to add in this. -- Yes, the 14 days on and 14 off = 14 days of pure working, 12-16hour shifts, then 14 days completely off, unless I choose to work. (Which sometimes I do)


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2014, 00:04:39 »
You will fit in so well here, you have a lot in common with a lot of our members.

What a fantastic range in music.

We have real life clan events and are all off camping in a few days, youll have to watch out for the pictures 


Offline Thunderite

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2014, 00:06:34 »
Welcome William!

The only thing I can see we have in common is Orange is the New Black, assuming you've seen season 2 already. I would like to know what your favorites animes are though as I've seen a couple. Have you seen Attack on Titan or Sword Art Online? Those were my favorites any way.

From 350 pounds to under 200 is quite some drop! What was your method if you don't mind me asking?


Offline Merzost

Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2014, 00:22:12 »
Thanks, Lilly! I take pride in my musical preferences :P -- Oh gosh, I wish I was located in the same area, camping with fellow RS'ers would be brilliant.

Thank you, Crater! I am caught up with Orange is the New Black, yes. --- Hmmm, for anime, it is REALLY hard to say my favorites.. I would go with anything by Hayao Miyazaki, Berserk, Soul Eater, Hellsing, Code Geass, Evangelion, Dragon Ball/z, Fullmetal Alchemist, Katekyō Hitman Reborn!, InuYasha, Elfen Lied, Sword Art Online(although, it sort of pisses me off how they didn't do more with it) and again, just soooo many more. I have been watching anime since the early 90's :P

Also, yes I do like AoT.. It is actually what I am currently watching, have been most of the day. ----  To the topic of my weight loss, I did mostly cardio honestly, got down to about 275 from fast walking, stairs and eventually slow jogging. Then progressed from there, and started my own weight training.


Offline Merzost

Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2014, 00:34:49 »
I guess I should also add in, for my weight loss I dramatically changed my diet xD


Offline Andrew

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2014, 00:51:20 »
Welcome sir!!!!!!!!! Another Canadian on the team :>


Offline Teknolla G

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2014, 06:34:55 »
Nice to meet you and a great introduction! I'm assuming you live in Alberta? I am also 21 years old and currently drive truck, however, I have a couple connections willing to get me a pipeline pigging gig and and heavily considering that. You intrigue me as despite being used to the rig life, you don't seem to have fallen prey to the contagious mentality of a "typical" rigger. I hope to get to know you further! :D

P.S. Nice work picking Archer, it's a top notch show.


Offline Merzost

Re: Introduction
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2014, 08:43:22 »
Hello, Teknolla G, I am actually located in British Columbia (FSJ)

I have been around enough asshole oilpatch guys in my life to know better. I will never let the money or people in this industry corrupt my mind :P
And yes! Archer <3


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