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I am Leaving - davedays
« on: March 31, 2013, 13:42:45 »
After many intense battles between Lilly (a very strong fighter, be proud of your leader), some higher powers did not want me here no more, Lilly expected us to bow down to her but my knee hurts so I couldn't do it at the time and she had a go at me, so now I have no choice but to leave all you'se, if any of you's still love me just post on this thread and I'll keep ya'll added.

I thought Consentus was my family but then I found the adoption papers, I was deeply saddened, as the knife of trust sunk into my my back.

Goodbye ya'll, cya around.


Brad also says goodbye, have a G-rated day m8

And Cam stepped down so I am deeply saddened.



Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2013, 13:47:39 »
bye Kevin good luck, I am deeply saddened that I still get to talk to you even though you're leaving -

I mean, at least we're still mates right?


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Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2013, 13:51:09 »
To be honest Kevin I am disappointed with your recent behaviour in the clan. Quite saddening for me to see somebody I consider a close friend act so immaturely.

I would like to keep in contact with you though and I hope you'll be the Kevin I know and love. <3


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Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2013, 13:59:53 »
au revoir mr. lonely :D


Offline Rune

Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2013, 14:05:39 »
Er, I haven't really been on EoC much so I haven't seen what has happened in the cc, but this saddens me.
Keep me added man.


Offline Jmap

Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2013, 14:07:27 »
Didn't know you but knew you was well liked. Good luck!


Offline Majinvegito3

Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2013, 14:31:10 »
Thanks for all the great floors we ran together and helping me to feel more comfortable around everyone. We don't really talk too much but I do think of you as a friend and always have from the first times we ever ran floors together.

Sad as always to see someone leaving but as always, best of luck in the future! Keep in touch if you wish. :)


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Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2013, 14:46:50 »
All I read in your post is sarcasm and they way you acted last night was kind of pathetic. Bye.



Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2013, 14:51:41 »
Grow up.



Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2013, 14:55:44 »
Dunno whats been happening in clan but ill miss you!
keep in touch, good friend:D <3


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Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2013, 15:33:35 »
Goodbye, Kevin. I've already spoken to you ingame about keeping me added :) :) :)

This entire thing is so pointless. However, everyone seems to be overreacting so much over something so minor. By everyone I mean literally everyone.

I know I wasn't online for all of this but I was there when Brad was kicked so I partially know what has happened, but I feel like there should be another topic or poll where people can discuss this in more detail and such.

I don't actually know whether this is over other things now, past G so this may be an inaccurate bit.

Sorry, Lilly, I agree with you on a lot of things but I disagree with you on this partially. I can see why you don't like G; because it is informal and contains no real meaning behind it, but what's the difference between G and Gz? It's just an extra letter.
I feel like this thing has happened because people don't know when to stop. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing over something, but when you take it too far this happens.

This is a leaving thread, so it's plausible that Kevin won't post here again. So why the absurdly negative replies? So Kevin's post could have been worded a lot better, but if you think that so much, why drop below that and reply as you have. Makes you look like the ones who need to grow up and stop being pathetic.

Also, how many of you were actually there when this happened? And how many of you have spoken to Kevin since this happened?

Cam said in his thread
people who you thought were friends start to act like spoilt brats when they get punished and set up their own personal vendetta against the clan, when they were in the wrong in the first place
You also weren't ingame at the time, so that's a nice statement.

But the point is you were friends. Is this really so bad that you cannot be friends? This entire thing has escalated to the point where it's frustrating to look at. Overreactions on both sides of the argument over something so insignificant it's stupid.

If people do not like "G" or any other phrases say something to the person saying it, or ignore it and move on, then people can try and understand the problem, rather than building up a list of complaints which results in this stupidity.

But oh well, as I previously said, I hope we'll stay in contact and friends, Kevin.  Even if you are a noob it's OK I can move on and live with that.
I'll definitely miss your moments where you say something stupid and the funny things that you say in the CC, but again atleast I'll sometimes get that in PM   :]

G On a thread well made.  8)

People really do need to just move on and grow up, though. If you don't it creates more and more stupid arguments, threads and posts.


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Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2013, 15:36:46 »
Goodbye Kevin.


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Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2013, 16:06:28 »
Honestly, all i see is a mediocre troll post. You brought this on yourself. Goodbye, and good luck.


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Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2013, 16:41:27 »
I agree things do get blown out of all proportion, however it is not the letter "G" or M8, it is the clicky group that begins to set themselves apart by saying it.  Marco has always said it and I have no issues with the use of the letter.  I stick by what I said, members of the clan were getting bored with s small group that was setting themselves apart from the rest of us by seemingly having their own language.  I am a strict clan leader and I have high expectations of staffs behaviour and attitude towards not only myself but towards the entire CC. I will not apologise for this as I am committed into continuing to keep Consentus a clan where people feel part of a family, where they are welcomed.  Yes I do come down hard on small groups that set themselves apart from the cc and act differently.

Kevin you was a great member and staff member of Consentus, however over these past few weeks our relationship has turned into quite a negative end.

I wish you good luck in your new clan and your future goals.


Offline Hey Im Jamie

Re: I am Leaving - davedays
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2013, 16:50:20 »
Goodbye, Kevin. I've already spoken to you ingame about keeping me added :) :) :)

This entire thing is so pointless. However, everyone seems to be overreacting so much over something so minor. By everyone I mean literally everyone.

I know I wasn't online for all of this but I was there when Brad was kicked so I partially know what has happened, but I feel like there should be another topic or poll where people can discuss this in more detail and such.

I don't actually know whether this is over other things now, past G so this may be an inaccurate bit.

Sorry, Lilly, I agree with you on a lot of things but I disagree with you on this partially. I can see why you don't like G; because it is informal and contains no real meaning behind it, but what's the difference between G and Gz? It's just an extra letter.
I feel like this thing has happened because people don't know when to stop. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing over something, but when you take it too far this happens.

This is a leaving thread, so it's plausible that Kevin won't post here again. So why the absurdly negative replies? So Kevin's post could have been worded a lot better, but if you think that so much, why drop below that and reply as you have. Makes you look like the ones who need to grow up and stop being pathetic.

Also, how many of you were actually there when this happened? And how many of you have spoken to Kevin since this happened?

Cam said in his thread
people who you thought were friends start to act like spoilt brats when they get punished and set up their own personal vendetta against the clan, when they were in the wrong in the first place
You also weren't ingame at the time, so that's a nice statement.

But the point is you were friends. Is this really so bad that you cannot be friends? This entire thing has escalated to the point where it's frustrating to look at. Overreactions on both sides of the argument over something so insignificant it's stupid.

If people do not like "G" or any other phrases say something to the person saying it, or ignore it and move on, then people can try and understand the problem, rather than building up a list of complaints which results in this stupidity.

But oh well, as I previously said, I hope we'll stay in contact and friends, Kevin.  Even if you are a noob it's OK I can move on and live with that.
I'll definitely miss your moments where you say something stupid and the funny things that you say in the CC, but again atleast I'll sometimes get that in PM   :]

G On a thread well made.  8)

People really do need to just move on and grow up, though. If you don't it creates more and more stupid arguments, threads and posts.

You say don't go down to their level and then do.. #fucklogic


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