My name is Kamil and im from Ice pla... Poland.
I have started playing runescape i dont even remember when, but i had no internet at this time and had go to internet cafee to actually play it xd. Miracle happend and i get my own internet and started playing it a lot, till jagex start making questionable updates so i quit.
When i heard about OSRS i was like meh it will be ruined or dead soon. I gave it a try 2 years ago and get hooked again...
About me i guess: I living in house that was build by my grandgrandpa before WWII (im serious) this house is a ruin, but that what was left after me and my family get kicked from our home. Wanted to study psychology, but have schoolfobia (such irony) - was to honest there? Well in internet u can post anything actually if u belive or not its up to u ppls
Just want to play a game, relax and meet some ppls, it makes me forget about all live problems

If i dont log in for weeks or months that doesnt mean i have quit, i might have no internet.
I hope i didnt scared anyone of u while u all read it, i just laughting at my life xd