Hey guys. Some of you may know me from the past in other clans such as Peaceful.
My name is Cody, I'm 18, and I'm a professional gamer. I play mainly the Halo series on Xbox competitively. My gamertag is Kyphitz, and I do many tournaments from MLG to NGL. I'm currently studying Business in college, because for the most part I'll get a decent job anywhere.
In-game my last skiller was known as Fear Paladin. He's currently a member with level 63 combat. My main is level 137. One of my closest friends Zach, (MeLvl138) which you all know, has gotten me back into Runescape after a year break. I'm now a F2P skiller by the name of Wisp.
I'm currently Mining and Smithing my may to that 10m clan requirement. Some of you I already know, as for the rest, I look forward to meeting you all. If you have any questions and want to know more about me, ask!