Hey guys, i just felt like i wanted to tell you all what i am doing, and what i will be doing on this account,
Cooking Hood,
I am cooking at the moment to try and get to hood, all my other stats are at 1, after i have got cooking to 99, i will be getting another skill 99, but i will only train 1 skill at once, seems like a challenge, but i will take it, weather its hard or not, i will get through it, (hopfully)
I'm hoping that i can get 99 cooking in the 2 weeks holidays, and after that i will be happy that i have got cooking again, do another 99 to make money, and cook even more, i really want 200m cooking as a long term goal,
My next 99 would probs be like fising so i can make money off them sharkies :gj:
i rekon 80 - 99 fishing sharks would be like 40m profit?
So this is what im planning to do on my account, and hopfully will get loads of support from you guys and i get 99 cooking as a level 3 skiller, SUPARFASTMODEARHHHHHH!