Hello, I'm Kira.
I haven't been on RuneScape since probably November or so. I haven't actively posted since possibly October. It has been a while.
I was gone due to IRL issues that I'd rather not discuss in this thread.
So um, I'll just reintroduce myself.
My IRL name is Sam. I live in Virginia, USA.
I speak French and English. (One more fluent than the other.)
I eventually want to be a comedian when I stop lazily playing video games. I currently do improv and acting. I'm also a blogger and a writer.
I have been playing RuneScape for over 10 years and I just love the game so much. (I have really bad stats for a veteran as well.

I was born a guy, but I'm honestly happy being both genders and I don't even know if I am a girl/guy. I'm a confused young person. I have identified as a girl so much and a guy so much that I just identify as both. I just do whatever I wish/makes me happy because that's what everyone should do.
I love musicals, Doctor Who, Disney, and making people laugh. I also loooove Drag Queens. I hope to be one someday. The concept of Philanthropy also tickles my fancy.
I'm sorry this is so lengthy, but yeah, I am most likely back for good, unless something bad happens IRL again and I am no longer able to commit to playing RuneScape.
Thank you so much!