Not sure how to start an introduction thread as I'm sure most of you will have met me before and if you haven't here is a brief introduction to me:
My name is
My account was created on the 20th April 2008, I have been level 3 ever since.
I enjoy skilling and don't ever plan on gaining combat, if I do I will create another level 3.

I'm 19 years old and from the North-East of England.
Apart from playing Runescape & CoD, I also enjoy fiddling around with cars

I currently own 2.
I work as part of Tesco Phoneshop, I do enjoy my job. Which is odd >.<
For those of you that do remember me, this time around things will be different. I was very quiet and not very social last time I was a part of Cts. I hope to change this and get to know a few of you again

. I will make the effort this time, I'm not as lazy and more involved with Rs than I was.
My pm will now be [on] - off.
Anyone feel free to add me if you want to ask anything else!