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Offline Tyr Odinnson

Descended from Asgard.
« on: August 02, 2020, 13:56:12 »
Hello all, I'm Tyr Odinnson of The Aesir.
You probably know my younger brother, Thor.

Haha jokes aside, I'm Nick and I'm pretty new to Runescape.
I'm from New Zealand.
I played briefly in 2007, then sorta left the game where it was while I did other stuff.
I often play FFXIV, and a bunch of other games.
I'm not too sure what to include here, hmmm.
Oh! I study game development, and I am teaching myself to bake nice treats and other things to become a better host at home.

I guess you wanna see what I get up to in RS?
I'm cheap as hell. I prefer to go WAAAY out of my way to gather and craft what I want to get, because even 5k off the market is steep haha.
I enjoy the quests, they unlock stuff and give nice rewards, but I enjoy crafting and gathering more than killing.
Except PvP (at least in FFXIV), I wanna be good at PvP aspects of this game.

Above all that, I'd like to make some awesome friends on here :D


Offline Danny

Re: Descended from Asgard.
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2020, 14:29:45 »
Welcome to the family nick!  <3

Great to see another quester. I was always more of a skiller myself but recently coming back to the game after quitting pre-eoc, the new bosses are a lot of fun now so i find myself doing a lot more pvm these days  ^^


Offline Tyr Odinnson

Re: Descended from Asgard.
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2020, 14:39:07 »
Awesome! I'm really looking forward to facing these later boss battles.

I'll probably stop making comparisons to FFXIV soon, but I hope the boss mechanics on RS is as technical and demanding as that. :)

I think there's a weird sense of achievement to completing certain things in games.
I remember games in the early 90s having that small sense of achievement with completion.


Offline Kesky

Re: Descended from Asgard.
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2020, 17:25:02 »
Hi Nick.  Welcome to the clan.  Quest cape and Master Quest cape are on my medium and long term lists.  The lore of Runescape is so extensive it is great and a lit of it is found out through quests.
"You say that we can’t win, that we can’t fight. Well, perhaps you’re half right; perhaps we can’t win. But we can fight."


Offline Only Lilly

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  • Rsn: Only Lilly
Re: Descended from Asgard.
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2020, 12:39:06 »
Good to see you with us, I look forward to seeing the goals you set yourself.


Offline BegMore

Re: Descended from Asgard.
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2020, 20:53:54 »
Welcome to the family Nick! Hopefully you can make us jealous and share some of your baking on the forums :)


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