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Offline Cryogen

Cryo's introduction
« on: March 29, 2016, 13:10:15 »
Hey everyone!

I've been in the clan for a while but never posted an introduction so I thought it was about time I did.

My name's Pauli and I'm a 21-year old guy from Finland. I first started RuneScape in around 2005/2006, and have had a few accounts since. I'm working slowly towards maxing on my current account Cryogen. I wouldn't mind going for the Master Quest Cape too at some point since I've always loved quests (well ever since I learnt enough English to get anything out of them :D still remember the struggles when I couldn't get them done even with guides because I couldn't understand English well enough haha). The 117 dungeoneering requirement for the Master Quest Cape is a little off-putting though. :/
In real life, I'm a third-year university student, majoring in math and planning to become a teacher.
When I'm not busy with uni, I love playing video games. I'm not quite as active on RuneScape as I was some years ago but I still play a fair bit. I enjoy both RS3 and 07. I'm a fairly shy person but I usually get on with everyone, and try to be helpful whenever I can. That's all I have to say for now I think. Glad to be a part of this great clan!


Offline Teknolla G

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Re: Cryo's introduction
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2016, 18:10:41 »
Welcome to our little corner of the internet, Cryogen. The Master Quest cape would be a pretty nice achievement. That's something I should look into eventually being that the quest cape was my first cape of achievement in Runescape (back when I swore up and down I'd never get a single 99). Also, your English sure has improved tremendously if you had trouble understanding quests and guides back in the day!


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Cryo's introduction
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2016, 18:14:09 »
Yours is one of the names I see in the cc a lot, and now I know a little more about  you xxx


Offline Redtunnel

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Re: Cryo's introduction
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2016, 18:33:47 »
What ages will you be teaching? :)
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


Offline Cryogen

Re: Cryo's introduction
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2016, 18:36:13 »
What ages will you be teaching? :)

I will be qualified to teach at lower and upper secondary schools when I graduate, so 13-18 year-olds.


Offline Biana

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Re: Cryo's introduction
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2016, 20:52:23 »
Hey man, seen you at Falador Ivy's a few days ago. It's good to see you make an intro! We haven't met yet but I'm Jackson. :D


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