Hey Ladies & Gentlemen, I'm Curtis known to you guys as Chop Em. Some of you may remember me from way back when i used the name Aw0ke. Well yeah, been playing for almost 9 years & have gained alot of knowledge throughout runescape. i've seen the good, the bad, the just plain ugly but i'm a loyal scaper;) haha.
Feel free to add me for a chat or speak to me in the clan chat, i don't bite
Also, i'm going to be making progress videos for my pure and maybe some guides in the future so if you like You can subscribe to me on youtube
youtube.com/iamchopem and follow me on twitter :
twitter.com/iamchopem follow the twitter for updates on my account and you should see a progress video on your front page of youtube if you sub me very very soon

Thanks guys!
peace out x