Daniel, you can't imagine how much i'm going to miss you around on runescape.
Especially after all the fun times we've had.
I do remember how it all started with you trolling me a bit and i was thinking, what a dick, but when you stopped trolling you became such a nice person. You've always been so nice to me and you do feel like a 2nd brother to me. At the times when I was close to quitting runescape because 'I felt like i wasn't good enough for the game' you were there to tell me that all this whining wasn't going to help, that i should just keep on going and that you had faith in me.
Then after being hacked and losing my santa hat etc, with all those debts, you were the one telling me to not stop believing.
You told me that you'd help me getting it all back, and indeed, you did!
I will remember all those funny moments we had, in skype calls and while you were staking etc
I'll keep them as memories and you'll be my motivation to get max cape!
Thanks for everything you've done to me Daniel, thanks alot mate

I do hope we'll stay in contact 'cause you do know how to make my day