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id say screw him and hold ur head high we > that "friend" ofc hehetbh its only a game and if people go funny just over a game, they aint real friends. all my proper friends know i play rs irl and coz theyre good friends they dont give a flying rats bananaif u need help rebuilding ur acc, i wud happily help u hun.but gl if u start a new acc!
Re: Bye....« Reply #5 on: Today at 10:02:41 AM » QuoteSorry if I'm missing something but if he's going to ruin your highschool social life I'm guessing you mean by telling everyone you play rs? However if he keylogged you, doesn't he play rs as well? So I'm not sure how he could ruin yours without ruining his to.Also friends who don't want to be friends with you because you play a game aren't real friends imo