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Offline Sunshine Kid

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #60 on: April 05, 2013, 21:30:02 »
Why not familiars/pendants? :(

familiars are not available to skillers

But then why is the clan avatar allowed, most of the people applied won't be able to access the avatar and have to rely on whoever does

Normally clan avatars are allowed. To save people actually having to avoid the avatar will we make it so you cant hold it but you can be in the same world as it? That way everyone has the same ability to be near it and nobody is at advantage?

Doesn't guarantee that people won't try and work their way around this, i.e. their friend with the avatar wants to mine coal ore at the living rock caverns out of range of the gold ore miners


Offline Cubchoo

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Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #61 on: April 05, 2013, 21:30:42 »
If I can live without Avatar, FF, Warbands and everything else surely skillers can live without familiars?


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #62 on: April 05, 2013, 21:31:07 »
I think we need to remember this is an inter clan war, its all for fun


Offline Sunshine Kid

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #63 on: April 05, 2013, 21:37:00 »
That's all settled then, familiars are allowed


Offline Emma

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #64 on: April 05, 2013, 21:37:31 »
I'm happy to say no avatar then if it's going to be a problem but i think it's more of a problem to avoid it if you have already given it your orts. I imagine most people will end up being in the same world anyway.

If someone mined coal with the avatar out of reach of the gold then even if they are the only ones who get the benefit of the avatar then they will still earn less xp.

no. familiars are not allowed.

Meg, if you would rather we banned everything then I'd understand, you are f2p and others are 07.  that's fine if you want to take things back to basics but we might have a fight on our hands there. :P


Offline Sunshine Kid

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #65 on: April 05, 2013, 21:40:20 »
Then what about someone mining gold ore out of the coal ore range, or those who are in ftp or '07 which have slower methods for xp?


Offline Emma

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #66 on: April 05, 2013, 21:42:58 »
Then what about someone mining gold ore out of the coal ore range, or those who are in ftp or '07 which have slower methods for xp?

that's really unlikely but okay, if you think this is going to make a difference then no avatar. I will ask the wardens to keep it out of the main mining/fishing worlds.

I have tried to split the ftp/07 players evenly between the teams to negate any disadvantage they are at.


Offline Cubchoo

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Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #67 on: April 05, 2013, 21:44:18 »
Meg, if you would rather we banned everything then I'd understand, you are f2p and others are 07.  that's fine if you want to take things back to basics but we might have a fight on our hands there. :P

No.  :P

I was just saying, I have a disadvantage when everything is allowed, that disadvantage is a percentage of xp/hour that I gain less than a P2Per. It's a certain amount when compared to P2Pers whether they have combat or not. If I'm fine with that disadvantage I just don't see what the big deal is of a much much smaller disadvantage/advantage that's given by familiars is all.

It doesn't really matter either way however.


Offline Emma

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #68 on: April 05, 2013, 21:47:25 »
Meg, if you would rather we banned everything then I'd understand, you are f2p and others are 07.  that's fine if you want to take things back to basics but we might have a fight on our hands there. :P

No.  :P

I was just saying, I have a disadvantage when everything is allowed, that disadvantage is a percentage of xp/hour that I gain less than a P2Per. It's a certain amount when compared to P2Pers whether they have combat or not. If I'm fine with that disadvantage I just don't see what the big deal is of a much much smaller disadvantage/advantage that's given by familiars is all.

It doesn't really matter either way however.

To be honest, it's a pretty big chunk between using familiars and not. If I had been able to balance the teams taking into account skiller and non skiller or using summoning levels as well then i'd be happier with it but naaaaaaaaaah, not this time I'm afraid.

I'm sure you and your f2p character will beat half the p2p anyway meg, I dunno how you do it!


Offline Emma

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #69 on: April 05, 2013, 21:59:28 »
- It will be a 2 day skill war (Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 of April)

Day one is MINING
Day Two is FISHING

- If you sign up and don't gain ANY, even if it's 1 out of 2 days, will be disqualified from the next skillwar.

Urns allowed
Experience boosting sets allowed
Warbands/Fish Flingers allowed
standard free spins allowed

Familiars not allowed
Pedants not allowed
Clan avatars not allowed
Penance master horn not allowed
Buying spins not allowed

Members that have signed up so far
(click to show/hide)

Yewskills (I can't make it track your 07... sorry. Screenshots please)
Only Lilly
Misses Watts/Kayleee-x
Angel of Sin
Toy Yacht

Day 1 Mining: Mining Tracker!
Day 2 Fishing: Fishing Tracker!

Greggy Baby (I can't make it track your 07... sorry. Screenshots please)
Mister Watts
Sailor Beeee (please screenshot your xp)
Vene Piraat

Day 1 Mining: Mining Tracker!
Day 2 Fishing: Fishing Tracker!

All lov3 me (please screenshot)
Dan Derps
Only Dom (please screenshot your mining xp)
A Timmy

Day 1 Mining: Mining Tracker!
Day 2 Fishing: Fishing Tracker!


Offline Greg

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #70 on: April 05, 2013, 22:31:10 »
- If you sign up and don't gain ANY, even if it's 1 out of 2 days, will be disqualified from the next skillwar.


I am only doing this for day 2.


Offline Emma

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #71 on: April 05, 2013, 22:36:11 »
uuuuh, that line's been there from the start. :( can you at least gain some xp even if on your eoc account? your eoc is ont he tracker your 07 needs to be screenshots.


Offline silmarilen

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #72 on: April 05, 2013, 23:08:07 »
got 1 last question
are daily tasks allowed?


Offline Emma

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #73 on: April 05, 2013, 23:16:15 »
good questions. hmmmm. well how about it's allowed but only if it's that days? we don't know who will get those.


Misses Watts

Re: ~Team Guthix vs Team Saradomin vs Team Zamorak ~ Sign up now!
« Reply #74 on: April 05, 2013, 23:20:29 »
Just realised that my mains name is down as Misses Watts. I changed my name and it's now MrsWatts :)


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