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Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: ~ Anniversary Skillwar ~
« Reply #75 on: September 20, 2015, 14:53:14 »
Day 6 - Mining
Team Lilly; 897,329
Team Josh; 146,488
Team Red; 1,001,225
Team Rob; 380,233


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: ~ Anniversary Skillwar ~
« Reply #76 on: September 21, 2015, 00:58:00 »
Team Lilly: 515,111
Team Josh; 193,302
Team Red; 320,985
Team Rob; 77,649

Team Lilly; 405,537
Team Josh; 881,854
Team Red; 479,628
Team Rob; 32,951

Team Lilly; 434,487
Team Josh; 75,938
Team Red; 388,659
Team Rob; 132,950

Day 4 - Woodcutting
Team Lilly; 175,517
Team Josh; 42,742
Team Red; 292,098
Team Rob; 93,726

Day 5 - Slayer
Team Lilly; 1,071,438
Team Josh; 142,399
Team Red; 24,262
Team Rob; 1,679,293

Day 6 - Mining
Team Lilly; 897,329
Team Josh; 146,488
Team Red; 1,001,225
Team Rob; 380,233

Day 7 - All Skills
Team Lilly; 2,591,556
Team Josh; 1,859,728
Team Red; 1,364,546
Team Rob; 1,108,876

First - Team Lilly; 6,090,975 FIRST
Second - Team Red; 3,871,403
Third - Team Rob; 3,505,678
Fourth - Team Josh; 3,342,451 FOURTH

Top EXP Gainers!

Day 1 - Divination - Redtunnel - 1,335,117
Day 2 - Magic - Xylun Xur 2,353,866
Day 3 - Fishing Mini Nub - 890,259
Day 4 - Woodcutting - Powell - 572,144
Day 5 - Slayer - Bisou - 3,029,247
Day 6 - Mining - Mini Nub - 1,752,940
Day 7 - All Skills - Gli Azzurri - 6,076,400

Note; Scores may appear lower compared to the trackers due to BXP being declared and used


Thanks to everybody who participated and a huge congratulations to everyone on Team Lilly for coming first! There skillwar was a huge success and we had some huge achievements/progress through out the days.

However, with that being said, there was a huge flaw with the Runeclan tracking system. There was an incident where someone had logged out after mining just after the mining skillwar had started. In result, this gave them a huge advantage EXP wise. As well as this, there were also scores that were not counted and had to be added manually as I was training with them at the same time.

I have asked Redtunnel if it is possible for him to create a form of tracker for future skillwars, and I do believe that he is developing it. So hopefully we will have something far more reliable when it comes to our next Skillwar.

Also, I would like to see more staff members attending future skillwars.

Thank you for reading and thanks to everyone who contributed!  \:D/


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