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Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2017, 18:00:16 »
Day 1:

I felt it was time to work on my ridiculously pale skin tone, and as such I visited Al-kharid to work on my tan. Who else decided to enjoy the sun together with me?

A) Airmen Sailor
B) Lama Frier The
C) Maze Liar I Rim


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2017, 19:35:10 »
As people seem to be having problems with this, here are some hints that you might help you on your way:

One of these persons is a salesperson, one has a position with a lot of responsibility attached to it and the last one is experienced in a skill

Remember, all of these people are located within Al-kharid


Offline cahaya

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2017, 22:57:19 »
Oh my, idk all those names


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2017, 17:59:13 »
Correct answers for day 1:

A) Airmen Sailor -  Ali Morrisane
B) Lama Frier The - Ali the Farmer
C) Maze Liar I Rim - Emir Ali Mirza

Gratz to all who figured it out :) \:D/


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2017, 18:00:43 »
Day 2:

After a long day at work, it is always nice with a relaxing bath and as such I've visited the spa resort of Oo'glog. Who have I been talking to while visiting?

A) Edge Us
B) Secs He Fit
C) A Catnap Mingle


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2017, 17:36:19 »
Day 2 Answers:

A) Edge Us - Seegud
B) Secs He Fit - Chief Tess
C) A Catnap Mingle - Teplin Macagan


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2017, 17:38:37 »
Day 3:

It was time to get back to the city for some skilling. Who have I wasted my xp on by chatting?

A) Rap Pet Yet
B) Stagnate Tee
C) Chieftain Fry Sis

This time I've been talking to someone who is in desperate need of a haircut, a knight and a person many new members talk to to begin a certain skill


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2017, 17:59:21 »
Day 3 Answers:

A) Rap Pet Yet – Party Pete
B) Stagnate Tee – Estate agent
C) Chieftain Fry Sis - Sir Tiffy Cashien

P.s. Bit disappointed that I got only one single answer for this day's questions


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2017, 18:02:00 »
Day 4:

Today I've visited the city of Ardougne, and I promise I did not go there to pick a pocket or fifty. Who have I been pick- erm... talking to?

A) Cure Trier
B) Praetor Type
C) Redcap Ritzy Worm

I'm looking for someone who is NOT admired in West Ardougne, someone who seems to like certain animals and a man who is very good at inventing strange machines and devices.


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2017, 18:24:34 »
Day 4 answers:

A) Cure Trier - Recruiter
B) Praetor Type - Parroty Pete
C) Redcap Ritzy Worm - Wizard Cromperty


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2017, 18:26:02 »
Day 5:

On my way to the Barrows to do my Reaper task, I must have clicked the wrong teleport option and ended up in Darkmeyer instead :( What bloodsucking vampyres have I been running from?

A) Valiant Teak Sun
B) Caravan Sale Dunk
C) Saunas Vising Run


Offline Flukey asf

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2017, 19:57:29 »
Day 5:

On my way to the Barrows to do my Reaper task, I must have clicked the wrong teleport option and ended up in Darkmeyer instead :( What bloodsucking vampyres have I been running from?

A) Valiant Teak Sun
B) Caravan Sale Dunk
C) Saunas Vising Run

B) Caravan Sale Dunk? a wild guess never not done that questline lol


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2017, 20:40:25 »
Day 5:

On my way to the Barrows to do my Reaper task, I must have clicked the wrong teleport option and ended up in Darkmeyer instead :( What bloodsucking vampyres have I been running from?

A) Valiant Teak Sun
B) Caravan Sale Dunk
C) Saunas Vising Run

Anyway we could have a hint on this one?  I have one but am struggling finding the other 2.  *bats eyelashes*


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2017, 21:12:03 »
Day 5:

On my way to the Barrows to do my Reaper task, I must have clicked the wrong teleport option and ended up in Darkmeyer instead :( What bloodsucking vampyres have I been running from?

A) Valiant Teak Sun
B) Caravan Sale Dunk
C) Saunas Vising Run

Anyway we could have a hint on this one?  I have one but am struggling finding the other 2.  *bats eyelashes*

Okay :P How can I resist those eyelashes? :P @alaklondewen
Hints: One of these have helped the player on multiple occasions to further her own ambitions. One forces the player to drink blood during a certain quest and one is a big fan of graffiti.


Offline Only Emilia

Re: You have been talking to who - competition!
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2017, 19:18:25 »
Day 5 answers:

A) Valiant Teak Sun - Valentina Kaust
B) Caravan Sale Dunk - Vanescula Drakan
C) Saunas Vising Run - Sanguinus Varnis


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