Aloha,Attached below is an image of a wordsearch that I have created - It contains a
total of twenty Runescape related names of items, locations and NPCs. However, there is a twist, I will only reveal TWO words every day -- This will begin on July 3
rdIf you manage to
find all of the correct hidden words before I begin to post daily hints, which will begin on July 3
rd, you can win yourself a total of 10M RSGP.
Please submit your answers to me via PM -- You do not need to complete the image and send it to me if you don't want to, as long as you find the words and tell me them you're in!Every time a word is released, 300K will be taken from the overall prize. Good luck!
There will be prizes for second and third.
Hopefully I've explained this post fairly well - If you're confused or have any questions, please ask.Hints- Names of locations: 12
- Names of NPC's:
5 4 - Names of Skills: 1
- Other: 2
Unfortunately I spelled Drakan wrong, I spelled it as Draken, there are now only 4 NPC's to find.
Revealed Words;Seren