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Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
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Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
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Alt Rsn:
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #90 on:
June 20, 2015, 22:44:52 »
A-Z of Science and nature
A: The first category of the natural world – Animal
B: A yellow curvy fruit - Banana
C: I have a hairy husk, a firm white flesh and lots of milk inside - Coconut
D: You can blow the seeds of this plant head to tell the time - Dandelion
E: The place where a river meets the sea - Estuary
F: A small amphibian - Frog
G: A jeweller’s material of choice - Gold
H: Bushes clipped to line a path - Hedge
I: You can extract this substance from some mushrooms - Ink
J: A see through aquatic animal - Jellyfish
K: A vitamin found in abundance in leafy greens - K
L: Concerning the moon - Lunar
M: The second category of the natural world – Mineral
N: One of the world’s longest rivers - Nile
O: The place where mammals store their eggs - Ovary
P: Some of the largest whales feed on this very small organism - Plankton
Q: Protection for a porcupine - Quill
R: A small visitor to our winter gardens – Robin Redbreast (accept Robin)
S: Fructose, Glucose, Dextrose are all types of what? - Sugar
T: The art of styling bushes - Topiary
U: A lifeline between mother and baby – Umbilical cord
V: The final category of the natural world - Vegetable
W: A large percentage of the earth’s surface is covered in this - Water
X: A colourless gas - Xenon
Y: Marsupials carry their ………………… in a pouch - Young
Z: A description of the top = Zenith
Lilly - 6
Alty - 8
Meg - 5
Nick - 5
Mini - 7
Lairs - 2
Robert - 12
4 - 3
Rhys - 11
Dons - 2
stashe - 17
Ferrics - 4
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #91 on:
June 27, 2015, 21:36:40 »
Dictionary Definitions
A. A person from whom one is descended; forebear; progenitor. - Ancestor
B. A block of clay hardened by drying in the sun or burning in a kiln, and used for building. - Brick
C. Feeling an uncomfortable lack of warmth; chilled. - Cold
D. To move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps. - Dance
E. To run off secretly to be married, usually without the consent of one's parents. - Elope
F. A dormant volcano in central Japan, on Honshu island: highest mountain in Japan. - Fuji
G. A microorganism, especially when disease-producing; microbe. - Germ
H. A state of the US in the central Pacific, consisting of over 20 volcanic islands. - Hawaii
I. A large island in the N Atlantic between Greenland and Scandinavia. - Iceland
J. A period of the Mesozoic Epoch, occurring from 190 to 140 million years ago. - Jurassic
K. A kick that puts a stationary ball into play from the center line of the field. - Kickoff
L. A seaport in and the capital of Portugal, in the SW part, on the Tagus estuary. - Lisbon
M. A purplish red. - Magenta
N. A small arctic whale, the male of which has a long, spirally twisted tusk. - Narwhal
O. A colorless, odorless, gaseous element with the atomic number 8. - Oxygen
P. Ancient city in SW Jordan: ruined structures carved out of varicolored rock. - Petra
Q. One fourth of a U.S. or Canadian dollar, equivalent to 25 cents. - Quarter
R. The process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. - Radiation
S. An informal photograph, especially one taken quickly by a hand-held camera. - Snapshot
T. An edifice or place dedicated to the service or worship of a deity or deities. - Temple
U. Clothing worn next to the skin under outer clothes. - Underwear
V. A success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war. - Victory
W. A rubber or water-repellent leather boot extending to the knee or somewhat below it. - Wellington Boots
X. The color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum. - Xanthous
Y. Any of various small, single-celled fungi of the phylum Ascomycota. - Yeast
Z. The supreme deity of the ancient Greeks, a son of Cronus and Rhea. - Zeus
Meg 31
Josh 20
Jane 18
Azzuri 15
Mini 4
Grats Meg.
Join Date: Sep 2012
Ex Skiller
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #92 on:
July 05, 2015, 21:52:17 »
Mixed trivia
1. What country does Portugal border?
Answer: Spain
2. Who played the role of Dr. Malcom Crowe in the film "The Sixth Sense"?
Answer: Bruce Willis
3. What was the first animal to be sent into space?
Answer: A dog
4. What do humans have 52 of in a lifetime, 20 of which are deciduous?
Answer: Teeth
5. Which famous inventor patented the telephone?
Answer: Alexander Graham Bell
6. "To be or not to be, that is the question", is from which Shakespeare play?
Answer: Hamlet
7. After how many years of marriage is a gold wedding anniversary celebrated?
Answer: 50
8. On the football field, how was Edson Arantes do Nascimento better known?
Answer: Pele
9. In which American city are Madison Square Gardens?
Answer: New York
10. What does a kleptomaniac compulsively do?
Answer: Steal things
11. What is a group of geese called?
Answer: A gaggle
12. How many wheels are on a tricycle?
Answer: 3
13. In ballet, a "pas de deux" is a dance for how many persons?
Answer: Two
14. Which of the following colours is on the flag of Italy? Green, Blue or Yellow?
Answer: Green
15. Which country is sometimes known as the Emerald Isle?
Answer: Ireland
16. What is ornithology the study of?
Answer: Birds
17. What is the only continent which does not have any reptiles or snakes?
Answer: Antarctica
18. A Sphinx has the body of which animal?
Answer: Lion
19. How many inches are in a yard?
Answer: 36
20. Which country was once ruled by Tsars?
Answer: Russia (acceptable answers as well: Bulgaria and Serbia)
Jane 30
Redaire 19
faladorn 14
Masj3 11
xylunn 4
mini nub 3
hothead1118 2
minijonsnow 2
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Slowly, we go too far.
Miss Teree
Join Date: Mar 2014
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #93 on:
July 05, 2015, 21:53:44 »
Thanks for the quiz Cris
Join Date: Apr 2014
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #94 on:
July 12, 2015, 22:51:39 »
1. How many Artistan skills does Runescape have ?
A. 8
2. How many different Cittadel Skilling Plots are there ?
A. 7
3. What type of boots shows as high heels on Female players ?
A. Vyrewatch Boots
4. In what year was the Godwars Dungeon released ?
A. 2007
5. What animal is planning to take over Runescape ?
A. Penguins
6. What level would a skill be with 200m experience ?
A. 126
7. How many different mining recourses are there in the Clan Cittadel ?
A. 3
8. How many emotes do you get from the Stronghold of Security ?
A. 4
9. How many Sirenic Scales do you need for a full armor set ?
A. 84
10. What is the maximum amount of recourses someone can cap in the Clan Cittadel ?
A. 2700
11, What is the username of the player who tried
to kill KBD during the quest "A tail of Two Cats"?
A, R4ng3rnob889
12, Bob the cat is the reincarnation of which RS ancient hero?
A, Robert the Strong
13, Brassica Prime is the God of what?
A, Cabbages
14, What monster drops 'Shears'?
A, Imps
15, When was RS2 released?
A, 29 March 2004
Nubchoo: 8
Miss Teree: 4
Skill Orion: 4
Pegassi: 3
Gnome Child: 3
Kecleon: 1
Thanks to Mini Nub for hosting and making questions 11 - 15 when I was too lazy too do so. And Gratz to Meg for winning (as per usual)
Join Date: Oct 2011
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #95 on:
July 25, 2015, 22:31:11 »
A. A person engaged in or trained for spaceflight. - Astronaut
B. Not functioning properly; out of working order. - Broken
C. A person who has defeated all opponents in a competition or series of competitions. - Champion
D. A succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. - Dream
E. To remove from a dangerous place or disaster area, for reasons of safety or protection. - Evacuate
F. Any product of plant growth useful to humans or animals. - Fruit
G. A tall, long-necked, spotted ruminant: the tallest living quadruped animal. - Giraffe
H. An individual in which reproductive organs of both sexes are present. - Hermaphrodite
I. A republic in SW Asia. Capital: Teheran. - Iran
J. To keep several objects in continuous motion in the air simultaneously by tossing and catching. - Juggle
K. An optical instrument in which bits of glass are held loosely at the end of a rotating tube. - Kaleidoscope
L. A combination of paths in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit. - Labyrinth
M. Technique of portraying a character, mood, idea, or narration by gestures. - Mime
N. To utter the cry of a horse; whinny. - Neigh
O. A chamber or compartment, as in a stove, for baking, roasting, heating, drying, etc. - Oven
P. To convert into stone or a stony substance. - Petrify
Q. To put down or suppress completely; quell; subdue. - Quash
R. An eraser of this material, for erasing pencil marks, ink marks, etc. - Rubber
S. An agricultural implement consisting of a long, curving blade fastened at an angle. - Scythe
T. A hollow wooden horse, left by the Greeks at the siege of Troy. - Trojan Horse
U. Very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty. - Ugly
V. A plastic horn that makes a loud, monotone sound, typically blown by South African fans. - Vuvuzela
W. To become limp and drooping, as a fading flower; wither. - Wilt
X. An aluminum coin and monetary unit of Vietnam, the 100th part of a dong. - Xu
Y. A large, stocky, shaggy-haired wild ox of the Tibetan highlands. - Yak
Z. The sixth letter of the Greek alphabet. - Zeta
4lv 25
josh 5
silver 32
bepo 17
xyl 2
thanks for making the quiz, rob
Join Date: Sep 2012
Ex Skiller
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #96 on:
August 02, 2015, 21:53:49 »
Mixed trivia
1. What substance is glass mainly made from?
Answer: Sand
2. What is another name for a baby goat?
Answer: Kid
3. Found in both Irish and Indian flag: what is the most sacred colour of Hinduism?
Answer: Orange
4. How many squares are on a chess board?
Answer: 64
5. What is an ice hockey puck made from?
Answer: Rubber
6. Which state is the biggest (by area) in the united states?
Answer: Alaska
7. Who has won more Oscars than anybody else?
Answer: Walt Disney
8. When it's midnight in Boston, what time is it in New York?
Answer: Midnight (12 am)
9. From which country does the company Sony originate?
Answer: Japan
10. Which is the computer named after a fruit?
Answer: Apple
11. What are Emmental, Gouda and Camembert examples of?
Answer: Cheese
12. What is the currency of Germany?
Answer: Euro
13. Who is famous for The Theory of Relativity?
Answer: Albert Einstein
14. Which American President was an actor?
Answer: Ronald Reagan
15. Who is the founder of Facebook?
Answer: Mark Zuckerberg
16. In which state is the Grand Canyon?
Answer: Arizona
17. What kind of animal is Garfield?
Answer: Cat
18. What number does the roman numeral C represent?
Answer: 100
19. What colours make purple?
Answer: Red and blue
20. How much does a litre of water weigh?
Answer: 1 kg (or 2.2 pounds)
aghast 30
seb x 9
audio system 6
i has 10hp 3
ruby 3
mini mog 2
amyzing 2
mini gnome 1
Thanks Redtunnel for making the quiz.
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Slowly, we go too far.
Join Date: Dec 2014
Mini Nub
Alt Rsn:
Lady Olenna
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #97 on:
August 12, 2015, 22:02:18 »
1 - What is the Lumbridge Sage's real name?
2 - What is the name of Kerapac's second dragon ever created?
King Black Dragon
3 - What is the King Black Dragon's real name?
4 - What level is Elvarg?
63 (points for saying 83).
5 - I am an Island, ruled over by three kings. What's my name?
Waterbirth (3 Dagannoth Kings)
6 - What is level of the strongest quest boss monster?
699 (Nomad)
7 - What was the first boss pet to be released?
Jad Pet
8 - If you were to combine 'Vorago, Kalhpite Queen and KBD' together, what would their combat level be?
9 - What's the name of Runescape's 1000th song?
A book of a thousand songs.
10 - What race is Guthix?
11 - What are the names of the five elder gods?
Jas, Ful, Wen, Bik, Mah
12 - What is the rarest reward from an Elite clue scroll?
Third-age druidic (1 in 37,128)
13 - What's the name of the last remaining white dragon?
14 - Which year was the Construction skill released in?
15 - Guthix was killed by which NPC?
16 - How many colour chat codes are there? (Excluding Flash/glow)
6 (Red, Purple, Green, Cyan, Yellow, White)
17 - What was the 50th Quens released on Runescape?
Legend's Quest
18 - How many quests are there in the Dorgeshuun quest series?
7 (Goblin Diplomacy, The lost Tribe, Death to Dorgeshuun, Another slice of HAM, Land of the Goblins, Chosen commander, The mighty fall)
19 - How many achievement diary tasks are there in game?
Answer: 12
20 - During RSC, what was the two names given for the magic skill?
GoodMagic and EvilMagic.
21 - During RSC, how did you get rid of your fatigue?
By sleeping in a sleeping bag/bed.
Congratulations hothead for winning!
Hothead1118 - 9
X Jamie - 8
Teknolla: 5
XzX Amazing - 5
Solid Silver - 4
Ask Jonny - 4
Miss Teree - 2
iHas 10hp - 2
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Alt Rsn:
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #98 on:
August 15, 2015, 21:27:45 »
1. Christopher Cockerill invented what in 1955? Hovercraft
2. How many years did the Hundred Years War last? 115 Years (1337-1453)
3. Who is the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated? Spencer Percival
4. The first section of railway track in Britain ran between which 2 places? Stockton to Darlington
5. What colour is the the Northern Line on the London underground? Black
6. Who was the oldest man in the bible? Methuselah
7. Who was the longest reigning Prime Minister of Britain in the 20th Century? Margaret Thatcher
8. Which is the largest species of Tiger? Siberian Tiger
9. The Patella is commonly known as what? Kneecap
10. In computing what is Ram short for? Random Access Memory
11. Which organ secretes insulin? Pancreas
12. Who was the first actor to refuse an oscar? George C. Scott
13. Who was the youngest ever American President? Theodore Roosevelt
14. What do the dots on a pair of dice add up to? 42
15. What is the motto of the SAS? Who Dares Wins
16. Who might make use of a maulstick? Artist
17. Which star is the nearest to Earth? The Sun
18. What is Agoraphobia the fear of? Open Spaces
19. Which country has the longest coastline? Canada
20. What term describes a male swan? Cob
Meg - 11
Lilly - 8
Ruby - 5
Turd - 3
Physh - 3
Mr Ben - 2
Tek - 1
663 - 1
Condaverous - 1
Xzx Amazing - 1
Well done Meg.
(You all love my hard quizzes really....)
Join Date: May 2015
Saggy Moobs
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #99 on:
August 22, 2015, 22:09:44 »
A-Z General Knowledge
A. What is the capital of Greece? - Athens
B. What is Beauty's name from Beauty and the Beast? - Belle
C. What is the name of the second Harry Potter movie? - Chamber of Secrets
D. Anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill created by Disney. - Donald Duck
E. What is the national animal of the United States of America? - Eagle (bald)
F. Serial killer who uses a glove with razors to kill his victims in their dreams. - Freddy Krueger
G. A fruiting berry that can be eaten raw, made into wine, jam etc. - Grapes
H. Health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized staff. - Hospital
I. Who fell into the sea and died after he flew too close to the sun? - Icarus
J. English fairy tale involving magic beans. - Jack and the Beanstalk
K. The little gem of the citrus family - Kumquat
L. The key to a delicious pie - Lime
M. Monkey, weasel bush - Mulberry
N. Bald peach - Nectarine
O. Its name describes the fruit - Orange
P. Bottom-heavy person - Pear
Q. Turkey is the top producer - Quince
R. A rude gesture made with the lips and tongue - Raspberry
S. Goes in a pie with rhubarb - Strawberry
T. Hammer-wielding god associated with thunder. - Thor
U. Name of the famous manatee in the game league of legends. - Urf
V. Branching vessels or tubes conveying blood from parts of the body to the heart. - Vein
W. Large and dangerous wasteland where pvp is enabled in runescape. - Wilderness/Wild
X. Colorless, dense, odorless noble gas, used for filling radio, television, and luminescent tubes. - Xenon
Y. The basic unit of money in Japan. - Yen
Z. A place where many kinds of animals are kept so that people can see them. - Zoo
The Results!
1st - Cubchoo 17
2nd - Miss Teree 12 & Jerrol 12
3rd - Physh 10
Only Lilly 9
Mini Nub 8
Xylun 5
Gli Azzurri 3
Rubes 2
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2015 (Saturdays)
Reply #100 on:
August 30, 2015, 21:27:40 »
Lyric Quiz - 29th August
1) Loving you is easy cause you're _______ (Minnie Riperton)
A: Beautiful
2) I'll take you to the Candy Shop, I'll let you lick the _____ (50 Cent)
A: Lollipop
3) God knows, God knows, I've _____ in love (Queen)
A: Fallen
4) First born ______, hard core soft porn (Red Hot Chilli Peppers)
A: Unicorn
5) I never meant to make you cry but ____, i'm cleaning out my closet (Eminem)
A: Tonight
6) Hot and fresh out the ____, mama rolling that body (R Kelly)
A: Kitchen
7) I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my _____ (Gnarls Barkley)
A: Mind
Honey came in and she caught me red-______ (Shaggy)
A: Handed
9) Kiss me under the ____ of a thousand stars (Ed Sheeran)
A: Light
10) My shadows the only one that ____ beside me (Green Day)
A: Walks
11) To know that I am ____ with some other guy, I can see him ____ (Rihanna)
A: Happy , Dying
12) To the w_____, to the w_____ (Lil Jon) (both begin with w)
A Window, Wall
13) I push my ___ into my eyes, its the only thing that slowly stops the ____ (Slipknot)
A: Fingers, Ache
14) All the small things, true ___, truth ____ (Blink-182)
A: Care, Brings
15) Met a girl ___ for me. Met a boy ____ as can be (Grease)
A: Crazy, Cute
16) We try to take it ____, but we're still losing _____ (Black Eyes Peas)
A: Slow, Control
17) I'm gonna make it ___ and ____, say a prayer but let the good times roll (Fall Out Boy)
A: Bend, Break
18) You see it started at the ____, used to chill after _____ (Sean Kingston)
A: Park, Dark
19) On a cold winter _____ in the time before the _____ (Dragon Force)
A: Morning, Light
20) Tell your ____, your_____ and your _____ too, we're about to go down (Cameo Korn)
A: Brother, Sister, Moma
Alex: 15
Cam: 12
James : 8
Jane : 3
Lilly : 7
Nub : 6
Mog : 3
Tinder : 4
Lex : 2
Physh: 1
Well done Alex
Join Date: Dec 2014
Mini Nub
Alt Rsn:
Lady Olenna
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #101 on:
September 05, 2015, 22:40:52 »
1 ) How many "Free" quests are there? 24
2 ) What was the last released quest called? Light Within
3 ) What quest do you need to begin penguin hunting? "Cold War"
4 ) How many buckets of sand do you receive daily after you have completed "Hand in the Sand"? 84
5 ) What quest is started when you talk to Chuck the Polar Bear? Some like it cold.
6 ) Which quest requires you to have completed all the fremennik Province trials? Blood runs deep.
7 ) What is the quest cape called? A cape of accomplishment.
8 ) How much is a quest cape? 99,000 gp
9 ) Where do you start the Legends Quest? Legends Guild
10 ) What animal is required for recipe for disaster? a cat
11 ) One of a kind was updated in what year? 2014
12 ) How much summoning xp do you receive when you compete Wold Whistle? 276xp
13 ) Where would you find Xenia? Lumbridge Cemetry.
14 ) Back to my roots requires what level of woodcutting? 72
15 ) "The peacefull contemplation of all the Monks of Harmony Island" is the description of which quest? The great brain robbery
16 ) How many giant eagle feather do you need for eagles peak? 10
17 ) How many quest points do you receive after you complete Aid of Myreque?
18 ) Who do you go to help run his ship in Cabin Fever? Bill teach
19 ) Who do you talk to to start "Wanted"? Sir Tiffy Cashien
20 ) Who goes missing at the start of "Tail of 2 cats"? Bob
Kevin 20
Luke 17
Gli Azzuri 12
Netball 10
Phillip 4
Jane 4
Thanks for creating the quiz Lilly, congratz to Kevin!
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #102 on:
September 19, 2015, 22:31:45 »
Game of Thrones;
1. Who's that actor who plays Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones? A - Peter Dinklage
2. "I am the sword in the darkness" what's the next line in the night's watch vow? A - I am the watcher on the walls
3. What is the birth name of the Mother of Dragons? A - Daenerys Targaryen
4. What is the name of the "spider" in King's Landing? A - Varys
5. What is the name of Jon Snow's Direwolf? A - Ghost
Sons of Anarchy;
6. The Sons of Anarchy are what kind of club? A - Motorcycle Club
7. How many SOA seasons are there? A - 7
8. What's the name of the character played by Charlie Hunnam? A - Jackson Teller
9. In which town are the SOA based? A - Charming
10. Who are SOA's main source and supply of weapons? A - IRA
The Walking Dead;
11. Who did Rick handcuff to the roof in season 1? A - Merle
12. Where was Rick when the walking dead started? A - The hospital/in a coma (either can be accepted)
13. How was the governors wife killed? A - Car accident
14. Which actor plays the role of Rick Grimes? A - Andrew Lincoln
15. How many episodes were there in season 3? A - 16
Big Bang Theory
16. What is Sheldon's middle name? A - Lee
17. Where does Penny work? A - The cheesecake factory
18. How many seasons are there of big bang theory? A - 8
19. Which actor plays Sheldon? A - Jim Parsons
20. What is Raj' second name? A - Koothrappali
Netball 9
Cam 8
Lego 5
Altys 10
IronNubz 1
Mason 3
Orion 7
Grats Alty.
Join Date: Dec 2014
Mini Nub
Alt Rsn:
Lady Olenna
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #103 on:
October 09, 2015, 21:25:06 »
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Mauna Kea
Who was the youngest ever American President?
Theodore Roosevelt
In computing, what is RAM short for?
Random Access Memory
What is the capitol of Australia?
"To be or not to be" is from what famous book/play?
A group of kangaroos is call a what?
What is the largest desert in the world?
What does a numismatist study or collect?
Coins (And/or medals)
What is the worlds largest mammal?
The blue whale
What was the #1 best-selling game in 2014 (UK)?
Fifa 15
What does the 'Diamond Jubilee' celebrate?
60 Anniversary of a king/queen.
What is the worlds largest volcano?
Mauna Loa
Which game earned $800M on its day of release and $1M in just 72 hours?
Grand theft auto V
What is the 'Bubonic plague' also known as?
The black death#
Where did the Great Fire of London start?
Pudding Lane
How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?
154 Sonnets
Where is world's tallest building located?
Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
How long was the 100 year war?
116 Years
How many countries are there in the World?
What is the worlds largest continent?
Cubchoo; 18
Martijn C; 3
Triply; 5
Hothead1118; 2
Only Lilly; 7
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Re: Weekly Quizzes 2014 (Saturdays)
Reply #104 on:
October 10, 2015, 14:44:24 »
Thanks for hosting this :]
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