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Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #165 on: January 07, 2017, 22:16:06 »
1, Heres looking at you kid - Casablanca
2, Youre gonna need a bigger boat - Jaws
3, May the force be with you - Star Wars
4, I'll be back - Terminator
5, Yippie- ki- yay - Die Hard
6, To infinity and beyond - Toy Story
7, Houston, we have a problem - Appollo 13
8, Mama says stupid is as stupid does - Forrest Gump
9, Just keep swimming - finding nemo
10 My precious - Lord of the rings
11, Wax on, Wax off - Karate Kid
12, I had no idea you could milk a cat - Meet the parents
13, Im a juggernaught bitch - x men
14 Why is the rum always gone? - Pirates of the caribean
15, I dont know who you are, I dont know what you want - Taken
16, you get hurt, hurt em back, you get killed, walk it off - Avengers
17, You went and made a new dinosaur - Jurassic World
18, My name is Max, my world is fire and blood
19, How do we tell the good guys from the bad guys?If they are shoting at us they are bad guys - Captain America
20, Dead or alive you are coming with me - Robo Cop

CoffinMum 7 points
Charms 5 points
Ethereal 15 points
Gorilla Glu 4 points
Meow Ma Meow 14 points
Tinderboxes 15 points
Mini Mog 2 points


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #166 on: January 14, 2017, 20:42:55 »
1. Buffy killed what kind of monsters? -Vampires
2. What alien race says, "resistance is futile"? - Borg
3. What is the name of the famous Vulcan who served as 1st office of the Enterprise? - Spock
4. You're about to enter another dimension, not only of sight and sound, but of mind.  Your next stop is? - The Twilight Zone
5. What does the Doctor's TARDIS look like? - a telephone booth or police box
6. How many people have played the Doctor on Doctor Who? - 13
7. In Battlestar Galactica, what is the name of the human's enemies? - The Cylons
8. In Battlestar Galactica, the last citizens of the human race were in search of what? - Earth
9. Alfred Hitchcock was known as "The Master of" what? - Suspense
10. US Marshall Jack Carter becomes sheriff of this small town of super geniuses. - Eureka
11. Who was Agent Mulder's partner in the X-Files? - Agent Scully
12. In this show, John Chriton is hurled lightyears from Earth and befriends aliens. - Farscape
13. In Farscape, what is special about the spaceship Moya? - She's alive
14. Who is the creator of the cult classics Firefly and Buffy? - Joss Whedon
15. In Firefly, Malcolm Reynolds is the captain of what ship? - The Serenity
16. Finish the name of this famous episode: "The Trouble with..." - Tribbles
17. Magical & powerful artefacts are collected and stores in this special warehouse.  - Warehouse 13
18. Who is the captain of the Star Trek Voyager? - Janeway
19. The hero of Canton was a man called... - Jane
20. The Winchester brothers hunt demons & other evil creatures in what series? - Supernatural

Frosty Lady - 24
en el ef - 21
Lilly - 10
Ethereal - 10
Ardo - 8
Sissy - 6
Damien - 4
6W - 3
Ahhhhhhh Bistro - 2


Offline Frosty_Lady

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #167 on: January 14, 2017, 21:50:32 »
It was fun =) go me !


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