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Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #150 on: August 20, 2016, 22:59:52 »
Movie/tv Quiz

Q1. What's the name of the main villian from star wars episode 7?
A. Kylo Ren

Q2. Rowan Atkinson is famous for playing which character?
A. Mr Bean

Q3. Which actress plays Harley Quinn In Suicide Squad?
A. Margot Robbie

Q4. Including Creed, how many Rocky movies are there?
A. 7

Q5. Which actor plays Captain America?
A. Chris Evans

Q6. Who voices Meg in family guy?
A. Mila Kunis

Q7. What city does batman protect?
A. Gotham City

Q8. What is the highest rated movie on IMDB?
A. The shawshank redemption

Q9. What movie holds the record for the biggest budget?
A. Pirates of the carribean - On stranger tides

Q10. What movie did Leonardo Dicaprio win his first Oscar in?
A. The Revenant

Q11. Who are the two Thunderbuddies?
A. Ted & John Bennett

Q12. Who is the villian in the Lion King?
A. Scar

Q13. What is the highest grossing animated movie of all time?
A. Frozen

Q14. Whats Riley's imaginary elephant friend called in inside out?
A. Bing Bong

Q15. Ramsay Bolton is part of which fictional Universe?
A. Game of thrones

Q16. Who was Fobes highest paid actor in 2015?
A. Robert Downey Jr.

Q17. Which famous Mmorpg recently had a movie released?
A. World of warcraft

Q18. How many Saw movies are there?
A. 7

Q19. What is the next Marvel movie due for release?
A. Dr Strange

Q20. How many seasons of Lost were there?
A. 6

Winner - R Dog65  11
Runner up - Palace  10

Mavilar - 7
Supercell - 5
Rubmybeard - 4
A Chef - 3   
Cahaya- 2 
Hisaki - 1   
kyoshi masha - 1
sissybear -1 
maraderkholm - 1   
shardofzaros - 1


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #151 on: August 27, 2016, 21:35:22 »
Star Wars Quiz
1 - What is Finn's First Order Storm troopers name?

2 - What does AT-DP stand for?
All Terrain Defence Pod

3 - Name the title of the Star Wars film that Jabba the Hutt first appears in
Return of the Jedi

4 - Complete this line. "Aren't you a little short for a  ____"

5 - What's the one sentence that has been said throughout all of the Star Wars films?
I have a bad feeling about this

6 - What is Admiral Akbar's most famous line?
It's a trap!

7 - Who is the only Star Wars character to appear in all seven Star Wars films?

8 - Who is the head of state for the First Order?
Snoke/Supreme Leader

9 - Complete this Yoda line from the Empire Strikes Back. "A Jedi used the Force for knowledge and defence, never for ____"

10 - Who is Kylo Ren's father?
Han Solo

11 - What does AT-AT stand for?
All Terrain Armoured Transport

12 - Who is the commander of the First Order's stormtroopers?
Captain Phasma

13 - What type of species is Chewbacca?

14 - What type of weapons do Jedi's tend to use?
Light sabres

15 - Roughly how old was Yoda when he died?
900 Years old

16 - What type of weapon does Chewbacca use?
A crossbow

17 - Which character said the following in Star Wars, The Phantom Menace - "Feat is the path to the dark side, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

18 - What caused Anakin Skywalker to kill younglings and eventually turn to the dark side?
A vision of seeing his wife's death.

19 - Who is Maz Katana's 'boyfriend'?

20 - The Resistance is a military force funded by whom?
Leia Organa / Princess Leia

21 - What colour is Mace Windu's lightsabre?

22 - The Battle of Geonosis featured in what episode of Star Wars?
Star Wars Episode II

23 - Who does Mace Windu kill during the Battle of Geonosis?
Jango Fett

24 - What does AT-TE stand for?
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer.

25 - What planet does Maz Katana live on?

26 - How many parsecs did it take the millennium falcon to complete the Kessel Run?

27 - What's the official name for 'The battle of the wookies' in Revenge of the Sith?
Battle of Kashyyyk

28 - During A New Hope, Darth Sidious commands Commander Cody to execute order 66, in brief, what is Order 66?
The destruction of Jedi's.

29 - Name two individuals who held the title "Dark Lord of the Sith".
Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Darth Bane,

30 - How many Star Wars films have been released (Excluding animated films)

• Nalkim -- 33
• Mavilar -- 13
• Rikurius -- 9
• Palace -- 7
• Hanzala -- 5
• Beshkima -- 3
• Ryus -- 3
• CherryCrush -- 2
• Bum -- 2
• Only Justin -- 2


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Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #152 on: September 10, 2016, 21:35:46 »

What was the name of snake boss released in OSRS? Zulrah

Whats the name of the area designed by player Runite Minor? Motherlode Mine

What was the newest mini game added to OSRS? Last Man Standing

Which animal is used as the agility skilling pet in OSRS? Squirrel

The name of the wildy bear boss is? Callisto

Which wilderness boss drops the ring of the gods? Vet’ion

Whats the name of the slayer master located in gnome stronghold? Nieve

Which mini game added to OSRS is found just outside Yanille? Nightmare Zone

Whats the name of the only new quest addition to OSRS? Monkey Madness 2

Which wilderness diary would reward you with a banner? Wester Province

Whats the new continent in OSRS called? Zeah

Whats the magic house within Zeah called? Areceuus

Whats their upcoming skilling boss called? Wintertodt

Which unique tree can be found within the woodcutting guild? Redwood

Whats the unique weapon drop from a kraken? Trident of the seas

Which item would I add to a trident to make it a toxic trident? Magic Fang

Which unique range weapon fires darts? Blowpipe

Which monster drops a dragon warhammer? Shaman lizardmen

What type of agility allows you to gain marks of grace? Rooftop agility

Where could i obtain an eternal amulet of glory from? Fountain of runes


Winner : Normalist - 8

Hatin - 6
Siggo - 1
Turdmoil - 1


Offline Billy

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Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #153 on: September 21, 2016, 21:25:05 »
1)what month and year was the evolution of combat released?
a)November 2012

2)What is the dragon claw special called?
a)Slice & Dice

3)What monster drops staff of light?
a)Ice strykewyrm

4)What minigame do you get the golden mining outfit from?
a)Lava flow mine

5)What was the most recent quest released?
a)Gower Quest

6)What year was Vorago released?

7)What was the holiday event reward for Christmas 2004?

8)What bait do you need to catch rocktail?
a)Living minerals

9)What is the last region of Player Owned Ports?
a)The Shield

10)'Flo' is the skilling pet of what skill?

11)What boss is the boss pet 'Nylessa' from?
a)Twin Furies

12)How many skills are there?

13)What skill was released in January 2005?

14)What woodcutting level do you need for elder trees?

15)How many castle wars games do you need to unlock the enthusiast cape?

16)What month and year was divination released?
a)August 2013

17)How many quests are there?

18)What minigame can you unlock the ability to get a royal cannon?
a)Artisan's Workshop

19)How much coal do you need to make an rune bar?

20)How many different Legio bosses are there?

Winner - Jack boy 0 -6

Supercell900 - 4
Monochrome - 3


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #154 on: September 30, 2016, 21:24:06 »
Quiz: General Knowledge

Q1: What is the capital of Wales?
A1: Cardiff

Q2: What is the capital of Canada?
A2: Ottawa

Q3: Who won the 1998-1999 Premier league trophy?
A3: Manchester United

Q4: Who discovered the Mobile phone?
A4: Martin Cooper

Q5: Name 3 countrys begining with C
A4: ( any 3 countrys that begin with c)

Q6: what is the largest land mammal?
A6: African Elephant

Q7: When was the walking dead released
A7: October 31, 2010

Q8: What song does this belong to? "Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste"
A8: Sympathy for the devil - The rolling stones

Q9: What is the largest building in the world *Not tallest*
A9: The Aerium near Berlin is the largest uninterrupted volume in the world

Q10: What is the names of the famous cranes built the Titanic
A10: Samson and Goliath

Q11: who played harley quinn in suicide squad
A11: Margot Robbie

Q12: Who singed for Manchester United for a record fee of £89M
A12: Paul Pogba

Q13: What year was jurrasic park released
A13: 1993

Q14: What is the 5th farthest planet from the sun
A14: Jupiter

Q15: Who created this quiz? It begins with D!
A15: David.

LonelyZombie; 7
Only Lilly; 6
Only Matt; 3
Hatin; 2
Jack Boy; 2
Ruby; 1


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Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #155 on: October 08, 2016, 20:50:49 »
Q1. How many skilling pets do you need obtain for the title "jack of trades" on rs3?
A1. 5

Q2. How many skilling pets do you need to obtain for the title "jack of all trades" on rs3?
A2. 19

Q3. Whats the # of BTS they released about the skilling pet?
A3. 205

Q4. When month did they release the skilling pets on rs3?
A4. August.

Q5. Which month they release the FIRST skilling pets on osrs?
A5. November

Q6. How is the invention pet called?
A6. Malcolm

Q7. From which skill can you get the pet rocky on osrs?
A7. Thieving.

Q8. In how many colours can you get the baby chinchompa on OSRS?
A8. 4

Q9. How many does the one-time fee cost in osrs to protect your skilling pet at death?
A9. 500k

Q10. Can you get a fishing pet during dungeoneering on rs3?
A10. No

Q11. What does the golden coloured baby chinchompa say on osrs?
A11. "Squeaka squeaka!"

Q12. Can you obtain a skilling pet from protean items on rs3?
A12. No.

Q13. In OSRS what animal is the agility pet?
A: Squirrel

Q14. Which skilling pet is based upon a place on Lunar Isles
A. Construction

Q15. Which skilling pets name is a play on a powerpuff girls character?
A. Agility

Q16. In RS3 which is the most common skill pet?
A. Bubbles - Fishing

Q17. Which skill pet shares the same name as a popular pixar film character?
A. Woodcutting - woody

Q18. How many skilling pet is there in total on OSRS?
A. 8

Q19. Which skilling pet in OSRS gets its name from a beatles song?
A. Thieving - Rocky the raccoon

Q20. Which popular movie is the RS3 slayer pet character a play on?
A. Harry Potter - crabbe and goyle

Winners: Hatin & Wobbebong - 11
magical lara - 9
oo nature - 6
Lilly  - 4
golden rock - 4
Sheepprobe - 2
Xeno - 2
Bum, Mono & Olly - 1


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #156 on: October 16, 2016, 20:38:56 »
1  How many Olympic Rings are there?   5

2  What is a group of Lions called?  Pride

3  What is the capital of Bulgaria called?  Sofia

4   Where is Angkor Wat  temple located?  Cambodia

5   What type of creature is a dugite?   Snake

6  What mythological Creature grows 2 heads when you cut off one?  Hydra

7  What is the name of Hagrids Boar hound?  Fang

8  On a QWERTY computer keyboard, which letter is between 'V' and 'N'?   B

9  Which toy company takes its name from the Danish phrase for "play well"?  Lego

10  Footballer Gareth Barry made his Premier League debut with which club?  Aston Villa

11  Robyn Fenty is better known as?  Rihanna

12  Ni is the chemical symbol for which element on the periodic table?  Nickel

13  How many bones are in an adult body?  206

14  Where does the one ring in LOTR meet its end?  The fires of Mount Doom

15  Who is the longest serving President of the USA?  Franklin D Roosevelt

16  What formula is used to calculate the circumference of a circle?  Pi D  2piR

17  Which is the hottest planet in our solar system?  Venus

18  What is the study of certain kinds of animals called?  Zoology

19  Pyrophobia is the fear of what?  Fire

20  What is the largest Spanish speaking country in terms of area?  Argentina

Ardo  6
Turdmoil 3
Cryogen 8
Connor 7
Rune 10
Golden Rock 5
Singular Pube 8
Uk Knight 2
Prime 2
Ricky 1
Sun4lyfe 4
Landyn 1


Offline Rune

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #157 on: October 17, 2016, 08:36:59 »
Can't believe I won, lol \:D/


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #158 on: October 24, 2016, 16:24:10 »
On which day is Halloween celebrated?
31st October

Before pumpkins, the Irish used what to carve the Jack o' lanterns out of?
Potatoes/Turnips/Rutabagas (3 points)

What is another name for Halloween?
All Hallows Eve

Lamb's Wool' a popular Halloween drink in the 18th Cent was made of milk and

When did the celts celebrate their new year?
1st November

What is the phobia of Halloween called?

Where do pumpkins grow?

What do guests at a Halloween party bob for?

What does the word 'Hallow' mean?

What was the sequel to Scream called?
Scream 2

On which street was there a nightmare in the 1980s' movie series?
Elm Street

In which decade was 'The Exorcist' first released?

What is a group of witches called?

Which actor in 'Ghostbusters' was also a co-writer of the film?
Dan Aykroyd

What was Dr. Frankenstein's first name?

Only Lilly -- 14
Charms -- 12
Dud - 2
Cherry - 1


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #159 on: November 13, 2016, 22:50:56 »
Song Lyric Quiz

1. "I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you"
A. Justin Bieber - Cold water

2. "Higher powers taking a hold on me, I need a one dance"
A. Drake - One Dance

3. "Say it ain't so, I will not go. Turn the lights off, carry me home"
A. Blink 182 - All the small things

4. "He was a boy. She was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious."
A. Avril Lavigne - Skater boy

5. "His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy"
A. Eminem - Lose yourself

6. "I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late"
A. Timbaland - Apologize

7. "It's been a long day without you, my friend"
A. Wiz Khalifa - See you again

8. "Dr.Dre is the new, I'm ahead of my game"
A. Dr. Dre - Still DRE

9. "It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside. I'm not one of those who can easily hide"
A. Elton John - Your Song

10. "Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his head"
A. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

11. "I won't lie to you. I know he's just not right for you"
A. Shawn Mendes - Treat you better

12. "I walk a lonely road. The only one that I have ever known"
A. Greenday - Boulevard of broken dreams

13. "By becoming this all I want to do is be more like me and be less like you"
A. Linkin Park - Numb

14. "Hello from the other side. I must have called a thousand times"
A. Adele - Hello

15. "And I'm like Baby, baby, baby, ooh"
A. Justin Bieber - Baby


1st. Tied between Chandrian64 & Xenophile
Runner Up - Only Lilly


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #160 on: November 19, 2016, 20:26:35 »
Team Nub Quiz

1 - The USA can be found on what continent?
North America

2 - How many stars are there on the American flag?

3 - How many stripes are there on the American Flag?
Thirteen stripes

4 - What is the largest US state?

5 - How many people are there in America (To the nearest tenth million)
320 Million (2014) - Google

6 - What is the smallest state in America?
Rhode Island

7 - What is the most populated state in America?
California with 38 Million people

8 - What type of bridge is the Brooklyn Bridge?
Hybrid cable-stayed / suspension bridge

9 - What river flows through the Grand Canyon?
Colorado River

10 - How many Elephants did P.T. Barnum lead over the Brooklyn bridge to prove that it was stable?
21 Elephants

11 - The Grand Canyon can be found in which state?

12 - What's the name of the biggest desert in America?
Great Basin Desert

13 - The Brooklyn Bridge connects Brooklyn with which other city?

14 - What is the tallest building in Manhattan (NYC)
One World Trade Center

15 - What is the capitol of America?
Washington, D.C

16 - Mount Rushmore is found in which US State?
South Dakota

17 - What are the four names of the heads on Mount Rushmore?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Rooselvelt and Abe Lincoln

18 - The Statue of Liberty was a gift from what country?

19 - the US purchased Alaska from what country in 1867

20 - In 1893, an amendment was proposed to rename the US into what?
The "United States of the Earth"

  • Cryogen; 20
  • Xenophile; 14
  • Wobbegong(ardo); 12
  • Boss of Nubs; 5
  • Charms; 3


Offline Rubes

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Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #161 on: November 26, 2016, 19:54:47 »
1) What is the square called in Eastenders?    Albert
2) The film in which the song The Cirlce of Life appears.   The Lion King
3) Which oceans is the Bermudas triangle in?  (North) Atlantic Ocean
4) What is Pi to 3 decimal places? 3.141 or 3.142
5) What shape is the United States Department of Defence?  Pentagon
6) What shape is associated with Valentines Day? Heart
7) How many radii are is the diameter of a circe?   2
8) What shape is a moon between the new and third quarter phase? Crescent
9) Which 3D shape is the name of a popular UK TV challenge show? The Cube
10) What shape has a name shared with a bone in our hand?   Trapezium
11) How many stars on the American flag?  50
12) What 2 shapes are used to draw benzene in Chemistry? Hexagon and Circle
13) What shape is an egg?  ovoid/oval
14) Often used on twitter and the shape of a building in Korea? Hashtag
15) What is the shape of the orbit of an asteroid? Ellipse
16) SOS in Morse code? ...---...
17) Average shape of the Earth? Sphere
18) Shape of the Pyramids? Polyhedron
19) Beginning with G which part of mathematics often uses shapes?   Geometry
20) Mary Poppins song - lets go fly a ____?? Kite

cherry - 1
liz - 3
sissy - 1
ardo - 15
punyip - 12
tokens - 18
Jack - 1
prins - 2
Nikkie - 7
Arch - 1



Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #162 on: December 21, 2016, 20:40:24 »
A farmer has 17 sheep and all but nine die. How many are left?

You're in a dark cabin, you have one match on you - Which do you light first, the newspaper, the lamp, the candle or the fire?
The Match!

Before Mt.Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
Still Mt Everest - It just wasn't discovered yet

A plane crashes on the border of the US and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors?
You don't bury survivors.

What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?
Your breath

What is full of holes but still hold water?
A sponge

If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?
A secret

How far can a rabbit run into the woods?
Halfway, after that the rabbit is running out of the woods.

A man pushes his car to a hotel and tells its owner that he is bankrupt, why?
He's playing monopoly.

What has a mouth, but cannot eat; moves, but has no legs; and has a bank, but cannot put money in it?
A river

How many of each species did Moses take on the ark with him?
None, Moses wasn't on the ark Noah was.

He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?
A priest

What invention lets you look right through a wall?
A window

Imagine you are in a dark room. How do you get out?
Stop imaging.

I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody.
Pencil lead/graphite

David; 13
Alaklondewen; 7
Charms; 6
Meow Ma Meow; 5
Gorvack; 4
Cryogen; 3
HC Ethereal; 2
Munkey; 2

Good job to those who answered correctly - Next time I do a quiz like this, I'll try to make the riddles harder!


Offline Punyip

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Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #163 on: December 24, 2016, 21:50:32 »
1. What is the name of the Reggae singing Caribbean crab in the Little Mermaid?
A: Sebastian

2. Who teaches Mowgli the bare necessities of life?
A. Baloo

3. What does Dumbo hold in his trunk to help him fly?
A. A magic feather

4. What does Woody from Toy Story have in his boot?
A. A snake

5. Which Disney character sings the song 'Be Prepared'?
A. Scar, Lion king

6. What animals portray surfer dudes in Finding Nemo?
A. Turtles

7. What are Scully and Mike collecting to power Monstropolis in Monsters, Inc.?
A. (Children's) screams

8. 'Two Worlds' is a song from which Disney film?
A. Tarzan

9: Which actor supplied the voice of Mushu in Mulan?
A: Eddie Murphy

10: What animal does Jafar turn into during his fight with Aladdin?
A: A snake (cobra)

11: Who was the first Disney princess?
A. Snow White

12: Which is the only Disney animated film with a main character that doesn’t speak?
A: Dumbo

13: On what rock do the lions live in the Lion King?
A: Pride Rock

14: Which hand is replaced by a hook on Captain Hook?
A: His left hand is missing.

15. Name the lyricist and song-writer of the Lion King songs 'Circle of Life', 'Be Prepared' and 'Can You Fell The Love Tonight'?
A: Elton John (Tim Rice also correct)

16. What is the name of the orangutan in The Jungle Book?
A. King Louie

17. What is the name of the father of the 101 Dalmatians.
A: Pongo

18. What Disney film released in 2010 retells the classic fairytale Rapunzel?
A: Tangled

19. What is the name of the father from Pinocchio.
A: Mr. Geppetto/Giuseppo

20. What can't Olaf wait for in the movie Frozen?
A: Summer

Froggie1223: 19
Archeantus: 18
Tokens: 13
Powell: 8
Lilly & Alaklondewen: 5
Vlees & Xena Vonouch: 1


Offline Archeantus

Re: Weekly Quizzes 2016 (Saturdays)
« Reply #164 on: December 24, 2016, 23:04:19 »
Damn if I had taken the first few questions seriously I would have won


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