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Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« on: January 29, 2017, 18:57:48 »
Q1. What is the capital city of Russia?
A1. Moscow

Q2. What is the capital city of Finland?
A2. Helsinki

Q3. What is the capital city of Iran?
A3. Tehran

Q4. Which country has the longest spelt capital city name?
Q5. Sri Lanka (   Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte )

Q5. What is the capital city of Uganda?
A5. Kampala

Q6. What country has 3 capital cities?
Q6. South Africa

Q7. What is the capital city of Moroco?
A7. Rabat

Q8. How many countries begin with the letter A?
Q8. 11

Q9. Bern is the capital city of which country?
Q9. Switzerland

Q10. Male is the capital city of which country?
Q10. Maldives

Q11. There is only 1 capital city beginning with Z, Which country is it from?
A11. Croatia

Q12. Kolkata was the capital of which country up until 1911?
A12. India

Q13. Which country does not have an official capital?
A13. Nauru

Q14. What is the capital city of Australia?
A14. Canberra

Q15.Cusco is described as the historical capital of what country?
A15. Peru

Q16. Suva is the capital city of which country?
A16. Fiji

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Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2017, 19:33:41 »
Q1: How many Metal dragons exist in runescape 3?
A1: 6. Bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril, Adamant, Rune

Q2: How many Monsters reside in Fremenik Slayer Dungeon?
A2: 9

Q3: What is the oldest, non quest related, boss in rs3 currently?
A3: King Black Dragon

Q4: What is Nomad's minimum Hunter level?
A4: 71, he caught Zimberfizz in a Magic box.

Q5: What is currently the highest level Quest boss?
A5: Gregorovic in Sliske's Endgame

Q6: Which Elf related quest is notoriously hated?
A6: Mourning's End part II

Q7: How many tradeable partyhat colours are there?
A7: 6

Q8: Name the man in purple robes often found whilst doing Clue Scrolls?
A8: Uri

Q9: What lives under Falador Park?
A9: Giant Mole

Q10: What is the "toughest" F2P Quest currently?
A10: Dragon Slayer

Q11: Where can i find a free Steel Platebody?
A11: Lava Maze

Q12: What item weakens Vampyres when worn?
A12: Holy Symbol

Q13: What xp is required to reach level 99 in a skill rounded to the next 10k?
A13: 13,040,000

Q14: How many bosses reside in Godwars Dungeon 1?
A14: 5

Q15: How many normal skills are in runescape 3?
A15: 26

Q16: What fish can you catch with an Oily Fishing Rod?
A16: Lava Eel

Q17: What is the current max quest points?
A17: 389

Q18: Name the monsters that protect the LRC?
A18: 3, Protector, striker, patriarch

Q19: How many binds can you have in dungeoneering at level 50 if not using dual wield?
A19: 3

Q20: Name the quest that has a bridge which requires 0kg or lower to cross?
A20: Temple of Ikov


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Offline cahaya

Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2017, 20:38:05 »
Q1. What colour does wild carrots have?
A1. Purple.

Q2. What kind of plant is a melon's plant?
A2. Twiner.

Q3. Potatoes, tomatoes and aubergines all belong to the same, poisening family. How is this family called?
A3. Family of the nightshade.

Q4. Why are carrots orange?
A4. The carrots were grown orange by Dutch farmers in the 17th centyru in honor of William of Orange.

Q5. What does an advocado contain a lot?
A5. Fat.

Q6. What does bell pepper contain a lot from?
A6. Vitamine C.

Q7. Where are strawberries good for?
A7. The heart and vessels, blood pressure and it support the stomach function.

Q8. Where are rasphberries good for?
A8. They contricute to a healthy sking and they can relieve asthma, hay fever and eczema.

Q9. What do champions contain a lot from?
A9. Proteins.

Q10. Where are the bodies of mushrooms made of?
A10. Fungi.

Q11. What does ethylene do?
A11. It accelerates the ripenings process.

Q12. What does the juice of appels contain a lot of?
A12. Acid.

Q13. What does the name avocado mean?
A13. Testicle.

Q14. Why do we boil rhubarb?
A14. Because of the oxalic acid it contains.

Q15. Why are bees so important for gardening?
A15. For the pollination of plants.

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Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2017, 21:27:47 »
Monday 1st of May

1) Name the 3 paths to Araxxor.  Minions, Acid and Darkness
2) Where is the Heroes Guild?   Taverley
3) In what year were Sinkholes released? 2013
4) Which monster gives you the most Crimson Charms?   Waterfiends
5) How many Crystal Tree patches are there? (Not including Prif)   8
6) Where would you find a soul obelisk?   Soul Wars
7) Who do you talk to to start "Fur n Seek"?  Odd Old Man
8)  How many Lodestones are there? 24
9) What bow is level 92?   Seren
10) What dragons are found under Shilo Village Mining Site?   Gemstone
11) How many Court Cases are there?   16
12) Who sells you, your Comp Cape (T)? Museum Guard
13) What are the 2 teams in Castle Wars?   zamorak and Saradomin.
14) Where would the Code  B.J.Q take you?   Ancient Caverns
15) What monster drops sigils and a spirit shield?   Corp Beast
16) What is the secondary item needed to make a Bunyip?   Raw Shark
17) How many Life Points does a chicken have?    50
18) How many Kudos can you get in the Varrock Museum?   198
19) What is the door killed in a dungeon, where you have to kill all hostile monsters?   Guardian
20) Name the 4 owners of Consentus?   Red, Mini, Charms and Lilly

Brew Time  9
Azlin   4
Sean   7
Ephesia  21
Liz   5
Jerrol 4
Marius 5
PoolMilk 2
Ukknight 1
Neo 1

Thanks everyone xxx


Offline Only Emilia

Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2017, 21:34:10 »
Woop woop! :D


Offline cahaya

Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2017, 22:12:47 »
Such a nerd ;) @Ephesia  heuheu joking, *drains your knowledge*


Offline Only Emilia

Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2017, 06:54:24 »
Such a nerd ;) @Ephesia  heuheu joking, *drains your knowledge*

But but... :(

5 minutes later...

...Who am I?


Offline Rcing

Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2017, 07:06:40 »
How does one get 21 points on 20 questions :o teach me ur ways eph


Offline Only Emilia

Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2017, 07:27:12 »
How does one get 21 points on 20 questions :o teach me ur ways eph

I guess it might be because I answered first on many of the questions ;)


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2017, 07:28:16 »
I do 3 points for 1st and 1 point for 2nd and 3rd


Offline cahaya

Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2017, 09:51:59 »
@Ephesia you are Liz, you know, that noob :)


Offline Only Emilia

Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2017, 10:33:16 »
@Ephesia you are Liz, you know, that noob :)

Ooooh, is that right? :P


Offline cahaya

Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2017, 10:59:29 »
@Ephesia I am 100% sure I am right :)


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2017, 23:42:05 »
1. Who was the queen of the underworld and wife of Hades?
A: Persephone.

2.  Who were Arges, Brontes and Steropes?
A: Cyclopes.

3. What legendary fire-breathing female monster had a lion's head, a goat's body and a dragon's tail?
A: The Chimera.

4.  What is the name of the winged horse in Greek mythology?
A: Pegasus.

5.  Which mountain in Thessaly did the ancient Greeks believe to be home of the gods?
A: Olympus.

6.  Who were the heroes who accompanied Jason in his search for the Golden Fleece?
A: The Argonauts.

7.  What was the Greek hero Achilles' only vulnerable part?
A: His heel.

8.  Who was the mythical Greek hunter after whom a constellation is named?
A: Orion.

9.  What is the collective name for the three goddesses who controlled human destiny according to the ancient Greeks?
A: The Fates.

10.  What was the name of the 'river of hate' that flowed round the Underworld?
A: River Styx.

11.  What did Daedalus construct for King Minos so that he could keep the Minotaur there?
A: Labyrinth.

12.  What was the name of Zeus's shield?
A: Aegis.

13.  Who was the Greek Goddess of Wisdom?
A: Athena

14.  Who was the king of Troy during the Trojan War?
A: Priam

15.  Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
A: Homer

16.  Who gave Pandora her infamous box?
A:  Zeus

17.  How was Athena born?
A: Out of Zeus's head.

18.  Which god was the twin brother of Artemis?
A: Apollo.

19.  What did Icarus do wrong?
A: He flew too close to the sun.

20.  The guardian spirits of nature in Greek mythology were called what?
A: Nymphs.

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Re: Weekly Quizzes (2017)
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2017, 21:43:38 »
Scores :

Billy - 25
Eph - 21
Marius - 15
Death - 6
Uny - 1


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