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Id say give it a couple days to learn the patterns of world popularity
Somebody has created "w25 warband" fc already. Good for our world I suppose. Join it.
Post 1: My opinion, agreements, and disagreements with this change.Post 2: Possible fixes, ideas, questions and suggestions.NOTE: These are first impressions.You, once again, are killing the wilderness. Before this update, warbands were thriving and one of the most used pieces of content in the game (yes, I am daring to say that). In our chats alone, we estimated 7-11k unique users per day.First off, I do like that you can't hop with supplies anymore. Fine with me. I also like the 1k supplies/camp. I like the reasoning behind the other (and all of these) updates, but not the implementation.With the recent updates, you're killing off all of those wanting to loot for XP. My question is, who's going to loot now? If I was pking I surely wouldn't loot as I'd have no food/pots in my inventory. I couldn't teleport or hop out of there. And I wouldn't even dare to loot the tents, as I'd only be only able to carry a few pieces of food on me. So that leaves an increase in pkers and barely anyone to pk. Nice one.While I understand why you had to benefit the pkers more and I support that, I think it might've been too drastic. And to be honest, that's fine with me, except people will be bored and this'll be deader content. Why would people pk looters for money if you have to run it back to quercus?Everything stated above is not what concerns me most. The final big change is the 7 hour synchronization. This makes it so all 90~ members worlds go off at once. How does this benefit anyone? You're putting people on different worlds, meaning there will be even less people to kill per world, which doesn't benefit the pkers. I can't be on for the 14 hours to wait to loot/pk. And what if those intervals aren't for my timezone? What if a world is 6 hours away when I log on, and I can't be on for that long?This'll kill warbands the most, the waiting period. Not the other things, but being forced to change your schedule, or to skip this D and D. Ways to change this update for the better.These are several peoples' ideas, not just mine.• Add BENEFITS to those looting besides the wand, which is falling (but will probably rise now). Why would I loot? I won't be able to have food on me, so I'd be pked quickly, even if there's only 1 pker per world.• Remove the 7 hour sync. This makes the wilderness dead for those inactive times, is unfair to those on certain timezones or with jobs/school, and will be the major deathblow to this D and D. Making it every 1-4 hours would be much better.• Rollback this update and nerf the xp. A lot more people would be much happier with this. This allows people to still participate in the D and D, but it'd be much less rewarding. Hell, even keep some/all the benefits for the pkers.• Make the supplies stackable.* Extend the time active on warband camps. This would allow more people to loot while the camps are active, instead of only staying up for 5-10 minutes. If it were maybe 2-5x longer, people would be able to loot/pk their three camps without having to wait that 7 hour period.You have killed the wilderness as far as I'm concerned. You added too many benefits for those pking to the point where almost no one would loot. You destroyed the sense of groups as only 40 people can successfully loot 25 supplies per camp.Please fix this somehow.Questions I have• Can you loot more than 3 camps now, but still only turn in 75 per day?• Why should I loot my tents and not pk for me 75 supplies?* What was the reasoning behind the 7 hour sync?• Are you concerned that people will be offering to be paid to be killed?• What about those on different timezones that are not on your schedule?• I already see threads popping up for warband chats that are world specific. Is this what was intended? To have 90+ chats that are world specific, clogging up the forums?
I should loot then sell it to a player. Like i let them kill me for a price.