Team Lilly will be hosting a clan skillwar beginning Saturday 12th march event will consist of 3 skills across 3 days
Day 1 (12th march) Divination:• Anything goes
• Guthixian Cache will be allowed
Bans -Daily tokens for Cache
Day 2 (13th march) Runecrafting: • Anything Goes other than what is stated in other information
Day 3 (14th march)Fishing -• Fish Flingers will be allowed
• Urns will be allowed
-Bans:• Seren spells will not be allowed
• Buying fishing lamps with your urchins will not be allowed
Teams - there will be 2-4 Teams depending on how many skillers sign up to make it more balanced
Other information: • No dailys and distractions other than what is mentioned will be allowed
• Skilling outfits are allowed
Declare any BXP you have prior to the skillwar - Alternatively you can use the BXP before the skillwar
Post below to sign up
People who have signed up:LifePoints - 1,627,657 Runecrafting bxp
Buying Luck - 2,177,771 Runecrafting bxp
Only Lilly
Mini Nub
I AM J03
Hell naw man
Powell: 39,993 DIV BXP, 9,768 RC BXP, 0 fishing BXP
Killa908: 111,634 RC BXP, 106,240 Divination BXP
Plasma - 560,700 bxp in runecrafting