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Offline Joe

Team Lilly - PvM Event - Helwyr Mass
« on: August 16, 2019, 22:36:44 »

Join us as we storm The Heart of Gielinior to face Seren's general; Helwyr!

This is going to be a US/Canada timezone event.

Where: The Heart of Gielinor (GWD2), World 22

When: Wednesday, 21st of August @ Reset
20:00 Eastern
19:00 Central
18:00 Mountain
17:00 Pacific

Friends Chat: Doc Joe - Turn Lootshare ON

Discord: Please feel free join in on Discord as well!  It makes talking MUCH easier.

Requirements: Level 80 Magic and 40 Seren follower kills.  Please try to have these done prior to event.

Guide: The RuneScape Wiki

Masses are a great way to jump in and learn the ins and outs of a particular boss fight.  Helwyr, in particular, can be a trick due to his bleeding effects and the gas around him that causes stunning and constant damage.  Once you get the timing down, some are able to fight him with no food at all!  He's a boss that is probably more easily fought solo believe it or not.


Offline Runeseeker79

Re: Team Lilly - PvM Event - Helwyr Mass
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2019, 16:28:28 »
So ready for this!


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