if it got hacked by email pass, u shud try a lock down of the acc.
theres many phone numbers to call to i.t. peeps (calling microsoft fyi does nothing) for them to manually do it for u and then send to a seperate email reopening stuff etc. thats what i did.
if ur email was nicked, and nothing on comp, it is likely from a viral email that hijacked it
- i had that and it locked my acc down due to when hijacked it can send emails and spam
when it was locked down, u have to remember lots of prev password, emails u sent lately to, from, contacts u have etc to recover it
-if they only changing password, u will have more info than them
---note to all best not to link rs to fb to email. worst thing jagex did for security.
-keep em seperate (take a look into that too kyph)
hope this helps