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Skilling Tuesday! Fishing
« on: December 21, 2020, 17:45:40 »
[fish] Tuesday Night Skilling [fish]

Come and join the clan for the latest edition of Skill of the Week! This week is Fishing so lets get deep into it and catch some fishies!


Tuesday 22nd December at 20:00 Gametime
Wednesday 23rd December at 01:00 Gametime


World 25 at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub


68 Fishing for Minnows, Green Jellyfish & Swarm.
79 Fishing for Magical fishing (requires minnow bait).
91 Fishing for Blue Jellyfish.
94 Fishing for Frenzy activity.
97 Fishing for Sailfish.


■ Use of the Shark fishing outfit will increase your xp/h
■ Decorated fishing urns in combination with the urn enhancer (reward from sliske's endgame quest) will also increase your xp/h.
■ Use of the inspire effort relic to bosst your fishing xp by an additional 2% (requires 117 Arch)




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