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Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #75 on: April 04, 2014, 02:21:21 »

Dreekz, you've been in Consentus for how long? In that time I don't think you've ever done something positive for the clan, in any way. Even when you join the CC rarely, it's almost always to troll someone or other, regardless of that, I always find people trying to troll with their friends highly amusing especially when it's done so badly.

If you want to continue this discussion, please, don't.

How can I join the Clan Chat if I am banned?
Yes I was in Consentus for a little and I may have not done anything "Positive" for the clan, I barley spoke at all. But, that doesn't mean that everyone else in the clan was soo "Positive" towards me and others.



Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #76 on: April 04, 2014, 02:29:26 »
Just going to delete posts, as you say they will be removed anyway. Hope you do same to not have Lilly chase us up on this as she will worry about her members having a petty argument :)


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Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #77 on: April 04, 2014, 02:34:25 »

Dreekz, you've been in Consentus for how long? In that time I don't think you've ever done something positive for the clan, in any way. Even when you join the CC rarely, it's almost always to troll someone or other, regardless of that, I always find people trying to troll with their friends highly amusing especially when it's done so badly.

If you want to continue this discussion, please, don't.

How can I join the Clan Chat if I am banned?
Yes I was in Consentus for a little and I may have not done anything "Positive" for the clan, I barley spoke at all. But, that doesn't mean that everyone else in the clan was soo "Positive" towards me and others.

Perhaps you're banned for a reason.

You've never given anyone a reason to be positive towards you in the CC, see my post;
Even when you join the CC rarely, it's almost always to troll someone or other,

I never said you denied it, thanks.

I think you are missing the point here, I don't think you understand that I was a actual member of the Clan Chat, and your right, I am probably banned for a reason, wouldn't make sense just to ban someone without a reason.

This just amuses me to be honest, this all started over a skill war that unrealistic rules and regulations. I wish you all good luck with skill war :D


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Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #78 on: April 04, 2014, 02:36:17 »
I think you are missing the point here, I don't think you understand that I was a actual member of the Clan Chat, and your right, I am probably banned for a reason, wouldn't make sense just to ban someone without a reason.

This just amuses me to be honest, this all started over a skill war that unrealistic rules and regulations. I wish you all good luck with skill war :D

Hooray, no more arguing.

Out of curiousity what are your thoughts on WB's in terms of skillwars?


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Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #79 on: April 04, 2014, 02:40:22 »
Hooray, no more arguing.

Out of curiousity what are your thoughts on WB's in terms of skillwars?

It seems almost unrealistic for someone who has the ability to do them to not do them, and for that matter the effort to make sure people are not doing warbands in a skill war is just unnecessary and hard to track.



Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #80 on: April 04, 2014, 02:41:25 »
I think you are missing the point here, I don't think you understand that I was a actual member of the Clan Chat, and your right, I am probably banned for a reason, wouldn't make sense just to ban someone without a reason.

This just amuses me to be honest, this all started over a skill war that unrealistic rules and regulations. I wish you all good luck with skill war :D

Hooray, no more arguing.

Out of curiousity what are your thoughts on WB's in terms of skillwars?

I say just allow them tbh.


Offline Matty

Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #81 on: April 05, 2014, 01:00:40 »
I'm out of this war due to to Irl Events/and such

Goodluck and I know you will all do us proud


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Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #82 on: April 05, 2014, 09:56:59 »
Wow, that was a lot of debate over just a skill war.
Personally, if I actually did warbands, I wouldn't want to miss out on the 300K exp.
Only one skill can be used for wbs anyways, honestly I don't see it as a huge deal.
The only reason why I could see it as a problem is if the two teams intentionally went after each other during them to stop them from gaining mining exp. Otherwise I'd say its fair game.

I don't know if its too late or not, but I'll join for Thieving. No second skill. If it is already selected and what not I will not participate :P

Note: I will be using my Alt 'Vectored'. Will bring it in the clan if there is any issues, however right now it is just sitting outside of any.


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Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #83 on: April 05, 2014, 10:43:26 »
Hi Jordy,

Thanks for your application the host of this skill war will add you to the list. I will add you to the group mail about this event and send you some info how to train your skills the best way during the event.



Offline Emma

Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #84 on: April 05, 2014, 12:34:59 »
Okay, first thing's first, The first post is again up to date with everyone's requests so... BOOKMARK.

When will the teams be finalised? - Tuesday or Wednesday of the coming week. I assume you have nothing to really prepare as it's non-buyable.

Warbands- ARE allowed in this war. Initial thoughts were not to allow it and if this was only a mining war I really wouldn't want to see it as it does make such a difference. As players have other options this time, they can choose to do another skill if they feel warbands makes it unfair. To my knowledge, there are technically no requirements for taking part in the D&D beyond having good connections in the warbands friend chats so on this occasion, it stays.

I look forward to this debate again for our next skill war. If anyone would like to withdraw their name from mining, that's fine, just leave a wee note in here and it'll be done.

The discussion on this thread was initially very interesting and it's good to get feedback about the rules of a skillwar. Fuck it, it's nice to see you all getting fired up about it! However, I notice the chat became personal and there's just no need for that. I'm not going to be speaking to anyone about this because you're all mature enough to see the difference between healthy debate and personal digs. Just keep it civil as I don't want to see this thread locked again! :(

Remember, if you have any questions or comments that you'd rather not post on the public forum, you can PM me (even if it's just for a bitch) and we'll chat. :)


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Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #85 on: April 05, 2014, 20:27:21 »
Hi i know i've chosen woodcutting from the start but i'd like to change to Divination. Im sure i can get more xp with that compared to wc, its so boring :C



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Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #86 on: April 06, 2014, 22:04:10 »
Sorry for the late notice Emma, gotta change thieving to mining as my #2 choice :p


Offline Emma

Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #87 on: April 08, 2014, 21:40:20 »
my apologies for being late on, we were hoping to have the team posted today. Entrance is now closed and we'll look at the teams tonight and post tomorrow. I hope that seems fair to everyone. :)


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Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #88 on: April 08, 2014, 22:27:47 »
Kid Stephen (no secondary selected)

Can't remember if I already posted this or not, but I'm going to assume that as he's now doing an OSAAT Fm account he won't be Mining.


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Re: Skill War with Halos
« Reply #89 on: April 08, 2014, 22:33:15 »
Thanks for the update, cant wait for the teams. Only a few days to go!


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