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Offline Emma

Skill War with Halos
« on: March 25, 2014, 20:19:40 »
    Countdown to end:

    A what? Generally a skill war involves a bunch of RS players trying to earn the most skilling XP within a period of time. For this one we'll have teams of 2 members(subject to change) from each clan trying to earn the most XP in their selected skill over a 2 day period.

    When is this? 00:00 12/04 -> 23:59 13/04 GMT (so reset to reset).

    Which skills are we doing?
    you can choose from:
    • Woodcutting
    • Fishing
    • Mining
    • Divination
    • Runecrafting
    • Thieving
    • Hunter

    The Rules:

    Allowed: clan avatar, skilling outfits, zamorak's favour, urns, daily/earned keys, familiars, warbands, previously stored div energies

    Disallowed: previously earned bonus xp***,  buying energies for div, pengs.
    *** don't worry about bxp, every person who wished to compete will have to post a screenshot of their bxp so we can subtract from the end. YOU CAN STILL COMPETE IF YOU HAVE BXP***

    How can I be disqualified? break any of these rules or fail to log on and gain any xp that weekend. Remember, we're a team and if you're not going to be on, all you have to do if tell us in advance. Please be advised, any member disqualified from this skill war will also be banned from the next war.

    How do we know who's won? P2P members will be tracked through runetrack while F2P members will need to post screenshots on the forum. The XP gain for each team will be the average gain from both team members. Any disqualified members will not be counted. The winning clan will have won the most skills at the end of the weekend.

    Sounds great! How do I get involved? Sign-ups are now closed but keep an eye out for the next war!

    ***Please be aware that you will need to post a screenshot of your bonus XP in your chosen skill at the start of the war to allow us to discount it.***

    Any questions or comments, leave them in the thread or PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


    (click to show/hide)

    The Final Team (thanks Adam for making trackers):

    Consentus Woodcutting vs. Halo Woodcutting
    RF Camrino- 0 bxp
    Crap_88- 27098 bxp

    Consentus Fishing vs. Halo Fishing
    SuperAshh- 0 bxp
    Angels Fly- 0bxp

    Consentus Mining vs. Halo Mining
    Monochrome- 0 bxp
    Exaltar- 55026 bxp

    Consentus Divination vs. Halo Divination
    Homescape- 2557673 bxp (so... that's a lot...)
    Only Lilly- 0 bxp

    Consentus Runecrafting vs. Halo Runecrafting
    jarofhearts- 116617
    Douzy- 77555 bxp

    Consentus Thieving vs. Halo Thieving
    Will Max- 13138 bxp
    Vectored- 0 bxp

    Consentus Hunter vs. Halo Hunter
    Alizadeh- 2932896 bxp
    Asthentix- Confirmed- awaiting bxp screenie

    Skill war starts at reset, so 1am BTS. This is an hour after we originally planned.
    Apologies from both myself and Maahes for the mistake. Hopefully it wont impede you guys too much. Any complaints, send them my way. If it helps, my penance is to alter all the trackers! please make sure you relog just before the start of the war to make things fair.

    To those of you lucky to have been selected, well done! We're expecting a lot from you so please make sure you have some free time at the weekend. If you need some advice about the most efficient way to skill, there are LOADS of people in this clan who would love to help you, just say the word (not me though... I am the anti-efficiency expert).

    Please make sure your account is live on runetrack. Remember, you need to post a screenshot of your BXP (whether you have any or not) in the skill you are competing in before the start of the competition (preferably just before).



    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #1 on: March 25, 2014, 20:28:03 »
    RSN: Stee

    1st Chosen skill: Divination

    2nd Chosen skill: Runecrafting


    Offline Emma

    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #2 on: March 25, 2014, 20:32:18 »
    sorry stee, can't use your pre-saved energies. I have confirmed with Halos and amended the rules.

    are you sticking with your choices?


    Offline Only Lilly

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    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #3 on: March 25, 2014, 20:37:04 »
    I think we need a discussion xp bonus, how are we intending on monitoring it?


    Offline Redtunnel

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    • Rsn: Redtunnel
    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #4 on: March 25, 2014, 20:42:36 »
    RSN: Redtunnel
    First skill: thieving
    Second skill: fishing
    "The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"



    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #5 on: March 25, 2014, 20:44:15 »
    Mm, don't want to do div if can't use energies >.< How is it going to be determined if people do or do not use things such as energies, warbands etc etc? It's quite hard to know :s


    Offline Only Lilly

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    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #6 on: March 25, 2014, 20:47:42 »
    Mm, don't want to do div if can't use energies >.< How is it going to be determined if people do or do not use things such as energies, warbands etc etc? It's quite hard to know :s

    Surely we can use energies and Warbands.  Everyone has access to warbands and energies do not make that much surely


    Offline Emma

    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #7 on: March 25, 2014, 20:49:45 »
    I think we need a discussion xp bonus, how are we intending on monitoring it?

    I amended the post, sorry about that. Does it make sense now? If people are grossly unhappy with anything, please do say so, I can go back and chat with Maahes and see if we can't make all of the people happy, even just for a wee while. :P

    Warbands is something that can be changed, I'll chat to Halos just now. Energies are fine but the ones you earn at the time otherwise the xp gain can become a buyable. Still, I'll go back and chat to them about it.



    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #8 on: March 25, 2014, 20:52:01 »
    I think we need a discussion xp bonus, how are we intending on monitoring it?

    I amended the post, sorry about that. Does it make sense now? If people are grossly unhappy with anything, please do say so, I can go back and chat with Maahes and see if we can't make all of the people happy, even just for a wee while. :P

    Warbands is something that can be changed, I'll chat to Halos just now. Energies are fine but the ones you earn at the time otherwise the xp gain can become a buyable. Still, I'll go back and chat to them about it.

    Not allowing both makes it so a certain few could cheat by using energies and using warbands, they is no way to determine if people are unless they are seen looting a mining tent at warbands etc. Which is very unlikely


    Offline Emma

    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #9 on: March 25, 2014, 20:54:23 »
    As I said, I spoke to them. Warbands and stored energies allowed. Rules changed.

    With regard to rule breaking. Much of this comes down to trust and winning for the right reasons.


    Offline Only Lilly

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    • Rsn: Only Lilly
    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #10 on: March 25, 2014, 20:56:54 »
    RSN: Only Lilly

    First choice skill: Divination

    Second Choice skill: Woodcutting



    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #11 on: March 25, 2014, 20:57:41 »
    Fair enough ^^ but as you do say is all down to trust for the bonus XP and such ;o All depends on how much pride people have to come on top ;)


    Offline Emma

    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #12 on: March 25, 2014, 21:02:03 »
    Fair enough ^^ but as you do say is all down to trust for the bonus XP and such ;o All depends on how much pride people have to come on top ;)

    and how not worth it it would be to be known as a cheater if caught...


    Offline SuperAshh

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    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #13 on: March 25, 2014, 21:02:55 »
    6 skills with 2 people doing each. What if more than 12 people wish to take part?


    Offline Emma

    Re: Skill War with Halos
    « Reply #14 on: March 25, 2014, 21:05:53 »
    If that happens we'll see what it's like on the other side. The number's based on what Halos thought they would have coming forward.

    Doing this with average xp gain mains we can have a team of 6 versus a team of 2 and while not ideal, it's a bit fairer than the alternative.

    For now, anyone wishing to take part will be added and we'll jump that hurdle later down the line.


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