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Offline Hydrogy

Runescape Full Raid event
« on: May 05, 2019, 16:17:02 »

We have been doing Beastmaster Durzag events for a while now, and i was wondering if we could step it up a notch.
On Friday 10/05/19 20:30 Game Time
i would like to host a Full Raid.
This means we do Beastmaster Durzag, then the Puzzle, and to finish it off Yakamaru.
This event will be deciding if we could change the Beastmaster Durzag weekly events into Full Raid events.
This may go horribly wrong soldiers... But it will be fun :)

Beastmaster Durzag:
BT: @Hydrogy
BUSC: @Kunai
PT1-3: @Lauv
PT2: @Aquanoise
NC: @ShaneGoesArd

DPS: M o g
DPS: termezet
DPS: @naplex
DPS: @Orvix

NT: @naplex
PT: @Kunai
SH10: M o g
CPR: @Hydrogy
ST5 (2): @Kunai @Hydrogy
MS: @ShaneGoesArd
BUS: @Hydrogy
JW: @Orvix
Debuffer (2): @Kunai
DBL: @ShaneGoesArd
DPS: termezet

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Re: Runescape Full Raid event
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2019, 16:49:36 »
NC and dps


Offline Aqua

Re: Runescape Full Raid event
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2019, 18:30:45 »
I have no idea what those yaka roles mean lol


Offline Nikkie

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Re: Runescape Full Raid event
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2019, 18:58:54 »
I have no idea what those yaka roles mean lol

Same. Is there anything that explains these?


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Runescape Full Raid event
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2019, 19:26:59 »
I'll pass on this one as I'm not up for Yaka yet. But it's good to see you hosting this.

And yes it would be helpful for people if you could give the non abbreviated roles for most of us that don't speak pvm language  :)


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Runescape Full Raid event
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2019, 19:29:28 »
I have no idea what those yaka roles mean lol

Same. Is there anything that explains these?
    Base tank (BT) (North Tank is often backup if the base dies or is preoccupied) - Player should be focusing Yakamaru in a direction away from the rest of the team to prevent the rest of team from getting enrage stacks. The base tank can either tank at melee distance with any combat style and pray against magic or tank at a distance with ranged or magic and pray against ranged. Cycle between Resonance, Debilitate, Reflect, Devotion, Barricade, and Immortality while using Freedom as often as possible to reduce enrage stacks to minimise damage received. Wearing at least three pieces of Tempest, Primeval, or Teralith armour is suggested due to the armours' passive effect - a chance to reset defensive abilities' cooldowns, making tanking much easier. Divine, arcane, or elysian spirit shields further reduce damage received over malevolent, vengeful, or merciless shields. While using spirit shields, either use the Penance aura or bring more prayer-restoring potions to accommodate the additional prayer drain rate.

        "Md" (melee distance) base tanking requires more attention because of having to switch from praying against magic to praying against range when switching pools (Although they can Barge) and they need to run further away from exploding sharks at shark pool - recommended for experienced base tanks.
        A major benefit for md tanking is that base tanks gain a combat triangle advantage if they wear high level ranged tank armour such as Tempest armour. Although Yakamaru has a mechanic that effectively gives it 100% accuracy, any hits that would have missed will instead deal half as much damage as if they had not missed.
        A benefit from tanking in melee combat style is that if using melee gear, the base tank can use Balanced strike to heal and deal high damage. The damage done is based on the difference in percentage of current life points over maximum life points between Yakamaru and the base tank, not based on who has higher life points. The heal amount is half of this difference. For example, if Yakamauru has 100,000 health out of 1,000,000 while the base tank has 2,000 health out of 10,000 and the base tank uses balance strike, Yakamaru will heal for 500 health and the base tank will take 1,000 damage instead because Yamakaru has 10% health left while the base tank has 20% left. Thus, it is best to use this ability when the base tank is low on health at the start of a non-centre pool when it is near maximum.
        Another benefit from melee tanking is that they can use Superior Scrimshaw of Vampyrism or Scrimshaw of Vampyrism in addition to the Vampyrism aura to recover more lost life points.
        Should the poison spawn near the base tank, he should take it while the backup tank readies to voke Yakamaru after the phase ends.

    North tank (NT) - During the mirage phase, one player in magic or ranged gear will get the aggression of the sand and stun pools to prevent them from flinging projectiles at the team. It is recommended to have them using magic gear and Entangle to bind the summoned jellyfish for 24 seconds, or Ice Barrage, Binding shot, Tight bindings or bolas for 10 seconds. Wearing at least three pieces of Tempest or Primeval armour is strongly recommended because they have a chance to reset defensive abilities' cooldowns, making tanking much easier. Divine, arcane, or elysian spirit shields further reduce damage received over malevolent, vengeful, or merciless shields. While using spirit shields, either use the Penance aura or bring more prayer-restoring potions to accommodate the additional prayer drain rate. If the team is sending three to DPS the stun mirage, only one north tank is needed. The north tank should tank both stun and sand pool, in which they first tag sand pool, then provoke stun pool, followed by the Devotion ability. Following this, the north tank should provoke or stun any jellyfish attacking the DPS at stun pool. This north tank can also help the stun mirage DPS attack the stun mirage while using defensive abilities to reduce damage.

    Poison tank (PT) - At 100,000 life points, Yakamaru will unleash a dangerous poison. The player performing this role will enter the spot where the poison will land and then go within melee distance of Yakamaru in order to complete the phase, which is easily done using Barge with a melee weapon switch.

        A Backup poisoner can assist as "double poison tank" during sand phase if the stun phase has not yet been completed. Due to the speed that 100,000 life points can be dealt after a stun, it's more efficient for the double poison to receive a poison debuff with the poison tank during sand phase, endure the damage, and go to melee distance from the stun pool just before the stun poison is triggered. This allows DPSers to continue dealing damage without waiting for the tank.
        The Poison Tank can click on the jellyfish that spawns near tendril pool to ensure they do not receive the blue attack while being resuscitated, as they will be flagged as out of combat with Yakamaru.

    Resuscitator (cpr) - Same role as DPS but with one more task: After every Yakamaru pool change from poison, run to the beach and save the poison tank from the insta-kill effect. This is done by filling the blue bar over their head through multiple animations. Under 20,000 life points, you should start drifting towards the beach.
    At the sand pool, the CPR is capable of surging diagonally over the middle pool to reach the poisoner without risking their death. This provides an opportunity to deal more damage during the sand phase.

        The CPR can click on the jellyfish that spawns near tendril pool to ensure they do not receive the blue attack while resuscitating, as they will be flagged as out of combat with Yakamaru. If you do get the blue attack, activate Barricade.

    Shark tag (SH10/Stag10) - The shark tank grabs 10 planks before mirage and keeps the shark mirage's aggression away from DPS while the base tank provides the "tag" role for the tendril pool. The tagger should be ready to plank the pool when needed.

    Main Stun (MS) - The Main Stun is responsible for stunning Yakamaru on the stun pool when its defence gets too high. Stunning Yakamaru periodically will hit the whole team for 1,000 damage but will drastically lower Yakamaru's defence, making the pool much faster.

    Backup Stun (BUS) - The Backup Stun is only needed if the Main Stun splashes all of their stuns. If the Main Stun splashes, the Backup Stun will stun Yakamaru so that the team doesn't need to wait for the Main Stun's stunning abilities to go off cooldown.

    (ST5) - Two players grab 5 planks each and quickly chip down the health of the mirage in the stun pool and plank the pool quickly. They then serve as normal DPS for the remainder of the fight.

    Debuffer - One magic DPS should cast the debuff spells Vulnerability and Enfeeble to increase damage dealt to Yakamaru by 10% and decrease damage received from Yakamaru by 10%, respectively. These spells only last for one minute so they need to be recast every minute. Debuff spells can miss and needs to be recast again if they do. The debuffer can also use Claws of Guthix special attack every minute.

    Jellyfish wrangler - One DPS should tag all the jellyfish during mirage utilising incite and provoke to aggravate the jellyfish onto them away from DPSers and tanks. This allows the other roles to focus their efforts on completing the pools without other threats. Jellyfish wrangler should not use stuns such as ice barrage to hold the jellyfish in place until they are close to the wrangler as they can re-aggravate onto DPSers and tanks. They should allow the jellyfish to freely attack them before running around mid pool keeping distance between them and jellies. They may now be entangled/barraged as they won't become aggressive onto someone as they are closest to the jellyfish wrangler.

    Double Poison (DBL) - As the name implies this role is an additional poison tank for the stun pool only. During the sand pool, when Yakamaru expels the poison, two players (the main poison tanker and the DBL) will take the poison. The double is expected to tank the poison until the next phase (stun pool). As the poison deals continous damage, the double should ensure their health is kept high and use anything in their capability in order to survive and give the pool to Yakamaru. Due to how the stun pool works, teams can quickly whittle down Yakamaru's health, which can make poison timing troublesome if a double was not assigned. Assigning a double shaves kill times by 30 seconds to 1 minute. This role is obsolete if Yakamaru starts the fight at the stun pool.

    DPS - Once all other roles are filled, any remaining slots should be range DPS in power armour because magic has lower DPS at Yakamaru as Asphyxiate must not be used at stun pool or stun mirage. If possible, they should be using Vengeance Group or Intercept while under the effects of Devotion. Be aware that Sand pool and Tentacle pool specs cancel and reset defensive timers, so be careful on timing or you will injure yourself. Make sure the players you cast Intercept on are receiving the same combat style of damage you are praying against or else you will take damage while Devotion is still active. A summoned jellyfish can easily kill a player Intercepting their teammates if it attacks a bunch of them at one time with its AoE melee attack. Players should bind the jellyfish immediately and Resonance the geysers or tag it and prayer switch to reduce the geyser damage. The DPS should also cast Ice Asylum if needed so a slower team does not run out of food.

does this answer your question?


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Runescape Full Raid event
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2019, 21:06:57 »


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Runescape Full Raid event
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2019, 23:25:54 »
NT and JW to go!


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Runescape Full Raid event
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2019, 00:56:11 »
Seems we are filled (if everyone attends)
see you guys tomorrow!



Re: Runescape Full Raid event
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2019, 23:12:55 »
Good effort, but we just couldnt finish YAKA off! So our aim is too kill this, this year!! :P


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