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I did my first session today for 78k. Also got 99 mining in the process.Is warbands allowed in this?
We have been scouring through our code (or rather Mod Maz has) to find what XP rewards would not be included in the skilling competition if their skill was included. I am aware that some of them are highly irrelevant for the Cup but felt that including them would show what kind of rewards would or would not count. All the below DO NOT count- All quests (various)- Tortoise shell buyer in Dorgesh Kaan (crafting)- Herblore Eco System rewards (herblore)- Jade Roots shortcut (Woodcutting)- Lunar farm potion from Papa Mambo (farming)- Combat Academy reward books (any)- Slayer Challenge to kill Jad (slayer)- Reward from killing Tarn Razorlor (slayer)- Completing natural history content in the varrock museum (slayer & hunter)- Getting kudos rewards in the varrock museum (various)- Wildy Warbands (various)- XP from right clicking clan cloak (various)- Any standard reward lamp (any)- Agility Arena rewards (agility)- Agility Pit rewards (agility)- Big Chinchompa rewards (hunter)- Blast furnace smelting (smithing)- Trouble brewing (various)- Champions challenge rewards (various)- Circus rewards (various)- Conquest Rewards (various)- Dominion tower reward book (various)- Fish flingers rewards (fishing)- God Statues rewards (various)- Lava Flow Mining (mining)- Magic Training Arena Rewards (magic)- Sorceress’ Garden rewards (thieving)- Penguin spotting (various)- Pest Control rewards (various)- Vinesweeper rewards (farming)- RuneCrafting Guild (runecrafting)- Flash Powder Factory (any)- Achievement diary lamps (any)- Shooting Star rewards (mining)- Soul Wars rewards (any)- Shattered heart (various)- Tears of Guthix (any)- Temple Treckong rewards (various)- Troll Invasion rewards (various)- Trading ore with Ivar (various)- All Treasure Hunter lamps (any)- Trading in black diamonds (smithing)- Wise Old Man tasks (prayer, constitution)- Effigies (any)- Jack of trades aura rewards (many)- Ports reward tomes (any)- Crafting urn rewards (various)- Slayer Contract rewards (various)- Tuska mask rewards (any)- Slayer Master challenge rewards (slayer)- Producing perfect items in Artisans’ workshop (smithing)
So i suppose 77k isnt too bad then