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Offline Aso XD

Re: Boss Bingo
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2020, 17:51:53 »
I put all the drop rates together for anyone interested.
Adding typical time expected for the drops with a color code.


B1 - BERSERKER RING - dag kings 1/128 1-2 hours
B2 - ZAMORAKIAN SPEAR - kril 1/512 8-15 hours
B3 - DRYGORE WEAPON (Any)  - kalphite king 1/42.33- 2-4 hours
B4 - VERACS PIECE - barrows 1/392 15-25 hours
B5 - BLADE OF NYMORA - twin furies 1/128 4-8 hours

I1 - CREST OF ZAROS - vindicta 1/256 7-15 hours
I2 - WAND OF CYWIR - helwyr 1/128 4-8 hours
I3 - GARB OF SUBJUCATION - kril 1/512 8-15 hours
I4 - DRAGON HATCHET - daganoth kings 1/128 1-2 hours
I5 - DRAGON CHAINBODY - kalphite queen 1/128 3-4 hours

N1 - ARMADYL HELMET - kree 1/384 7-12 hours
N2 - GUTHANS PIECE - barrows 1/392 15-25 hours
N4 - SHADOW GLAIVE (off hand included) - greg 1/128 4-8 hours
N5 - ROYAL TORSION SPRING - queen black dragon 1/25.6 1-2 hours

G1 - DRAGON 2 HANDED SWORD - mole / chaos ele / kq     1/520 / 1/128 / 1/256     5-25 hours / 3-6 hours /  5-8 hours
G2 - DRAGON KITESHIELD - queen black dragon 1/128 6-12 hours
G3 - DHAROKS PIECE - barrows 1/392 15-25 hours
G4 - DRAGON RIDER LANCE - vindicta 1/256 7-15 hours
G5 - SARADOMIN HILT - zilyana 1/512 5-8 hours

O1 - SPIDER LEG (any part) - araxxor 1/40 4-8 hours (or 500 for Mog)
O2 - BANDOS CHESTPLATE - general grador 1/384 4-6 hours
O3 - CLINGY MOLE - giant mole 1/104 1-5 hours
O4 - DRAGON KITE ORNAMENTAL KIT (Any) - KBD 1/1000 25-40 hours
O5 - CORPOREAL SIGIL (spectral, divine or arcane) - corp beast 1/183 6-10 hours


3 or less - lime green
3-8 - green
8-20 - orange
20-50 - red
50-100 - purple


Offline rsruinedme

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Re: Boss Bingo
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2020, 18:00:23 »
I put all the drop rates together for anyone interested.


B1 - BERSERKER RING - dag kings 1/128
B2 - ZAMORAKIAN SPEAR - kril 1/512
B3 - DRYGORE WEAPON (Any)  - kalphite king 1/42.33-
B4 - VERACS FLAIL - barrows 1/1568
B5 - BLADE OF NYMORA - twin furies 1/128

I1 - CREST OF ZAROS - vindicta 1/256
I2 - WAND OF CYWIR - helwyr 1/128
I3 - GARB OF SUBJUCATION - kril 1/512
I4 - DRAGON HATCHET - daganoth kings 1/128
I5 - DRAGON CHAINBODY - kalphite queen 1/128

N1 - ARMADYL HELMET - kree 1/384
N2 - GUTHANS HELMET - barrows 1/1568
N4 - SHADOW GLAIVE (off hand included) - greg 1/128
N5 - ROYAL TORSION SPRING - queen black dragon 1/25.6

G1 - DRAGON 2 HANDED SWORD - mole / chaos ele / kq     1/520 / 1/128 / 1/256
G2 - DRAGON KITESHIELD - queen black dragon 1/128
G3 - DHAROKS GREATAXE - barrows 1/1568
G4 - DRAGON RIDER LANCE - vindicta 1/256
G5 - SARADOMIN HILT - zilyana 1/512

O1 - SPIDER LEG (any part) - araxxor 1/40
O2 - BANDOS CHESTPLATE - general grador 1/384
O3 - CLINGY MOLE - giant mole 1/104
O5 - CORPOREAL SIGIL (spectral, divine or arcane) - corp beast 1/183

I did well then getting both Dks drops in 19kills 😂


Offline Laurisaurus

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Re: Boss Bingo
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2020, 01:12:40 »
Updated my checklist!


Offline Danny

Re: Boss Bingo
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2020, 14:18:50 »
Congratulations to @Billy again on the second line! That's 5m you've won (so far lol)


Offline Danny

Re: Boss Bingo
« Reply #34 on: May 05, 2020, 14:21:43 »
After some consideration, i've decided to take your suggestion regarding barrows. You no longer need that specific item but instead will require an irem from that particular brother. For example, to mark off veracs flail, you can get veracs flail, helm, skirt or brassard for it to be marked off.


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Re: Boss Bingo
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2020, 04:31:42 »
My luck for this has been trash !


Offline Danny

Re: Boss Bingo
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2020, 15:33:52 »
Cards updated  ^^


Offline Danny

Re: Boss Bingo
« Reply #37 on: May 09, 2020, 01:23:53 »
I put all the drop rates together for anyone interested.
Adding typical time expected for the drops with a color code.


B1 - BERSERKER RING - dag kings 1/128 1-2 hours
B2 - ZAMORAKIAN SPEAR - kril 1/512 8-15 hours
B3 - DRYGORE WEAPON (Any)  - kalphite king 1/42.33- 2-4 hours
B4 - VERACS PIECE - barrows 1/392 15-25 hours
B5 - BLADE OF NYMORA - twin furies 1/128 4-8 hours

I1 - CREST OF ZAROS - vindicta 1/256 7-15 hours
I2 - WAND OF CYWIR - helwyr 1/128 4-8 hours
I3 - GARB OF SUBJUCATION - kril 1/512 8-15 hours
I4 - DRAGON HATCHET - daganoth kings 1/128 1-2 hours
I5 - DRAGON CHAINBODY - kalphite queen 1/128 3-4 hours

N1 - ARMADYL HELMET - kree 1/384 7-12 hours
N2 - GUTHANS PIECE - barrows 1/392 15-25 hours
N4 - SHADOW GLAIVE (off hand included) - greg 1/128 4-8 hours
N5 - ROYAL TORSION SPRING - queen black dragon 1/25.6 1-2 hours

G1 - DRAGON 2 HANDED SWORD - mole / chaos ele / kq     1/520 / 1/128 / 1/256     5-25 hours / 3-6 hours /  5-8 hours
G2 - DRAGON KITESHIELD - queen black dragon 1/128 6-12 hours
G3 - DHAROKS PIECE - barrows 1/392 15-25 hours
G4 - DRAGON RIDER LANCE - vindicta 1/256 7-15 hours
G5 - SARADOMIN HILT - zilyana 1/512 5-8 hours

O1 - SPIDER LEG (any part) - araxxor 1/40 4-8 hours (or 500 for Mog)
O2 - BANDOS CHESTPLATE - general grador 1/384 4-6 hours
O3 - CLINGY MOLE - giant mole 1/104 1-5 hours
O4 - DRAGON KITE ORNAMENTAL KIT (Any) - KBD 1/1000 25-40 hours
O5 - CORPOREAL SIGIL (spectral, divine or arcane) - corp beast 1/183 6-10 hours


3 or less - lime green
3-8 - green
8-20 - orange
20-50 - red
50-100 - purple

Love the effort that went into this :D


Offline Danny

Re: Boss Bingo
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2020, 21:02:01 »
Cards updated, leon is getting dangerously close to the finish line  :-#


Offline rsruinedme

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Re: Boss Bingo
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2020, 23:18:37 »
Cards updated, leon is getting dangerously close to the finish line  :-#


Tbf someone with just a sigil has a better chance of finishing than Leon with his record at corp 😂😂


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