Day 1
1. The more of me there is, the less you see. What could I be? | Darkness (also accepted fog)
2. Hit me hard and I will crack! But you won't stop me from staring back! What am I? | Mirror
3. I have a face but no eyes, hands but no arms. What am I? | A clock
Day 2
1. What gets wetter as it dries? | A towel
2. It can be sweet on the tongue, or vile as a curse. To hear it is evil. To believe it is worse. | Lie
3. The more you take, the more you leave behind. | Footsteps
Day 3
1. What has a tongue but cannot talk. Gets around but cannot walk? | A shoe
2. A man is 24 years old but has only had 6 birthdays. How is that possible? | He was born on February 29th. A leap year.
3. What has many keys, but can't even open a single door? | A piano (also accepted keyboard)
Day 4
1. I have a bed, but cannot sleep. I run, but cannot walk. I have a mouth, but cannot talk. What am I? | A river
2. There are two sons and two fathers in a boat. But there are only three people. How is this possible? | There is a grandfather, his son, and his grandson. One is a father, one is a father and a son, and one is a son.
3. I jump when I run. I sit when I stand. What am I? | A kangaroo
Day 5
1. What has a ring, but no finger? | A phone
2. What do you break every time you name it? | Silence
3. Sometimes I am liked. Sometimes I am hated. Usually I am old. Usually I am dated | History
Final Day
1. What has to be broken for it can be used? | An egg
2. What gets hard to catch the fast you run? | Your breath
3. What can you catch but not throw? | A cold (also would have accepted most illnesses