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Offline Kunai

PVM Event with Kunai! Vote now! 2 Votes each.
« on: August 11, 2018, 04:49:52 »
Welcome to my PVM event!
Time: 20:00 Game time on Tuesday 14th

Please vote on which bosses you would like to slaughter as a group!
For voice chat, we will be in the 'Clan Event' chat channel
and for ingame, we will be in my friends chat.

There are NO GEAR REQUIREMENTS. However, there are recommendations.

For GWD2, (Helwyr, Greggy, Twins and NOT Vindicta):

Weapon: Tier 80+
Armour: Tier 80+
Familiar: BoB
Aura: Any dps ones really. Or vampyrism.
Scrimshaw: Not really needed in a group. this is up to you.
Potions: Overload/Prayer renewal and a prayer flask or two.
Prayer: Protection prayers or Soulsplit.
Useful items: Excalibur and a shield if you want to resonance helwyr's cleave.

For GWD1 (Graardor, Zilyana, Kree and K'ril):

Weapon: Tier 70+
Armour: Tier 70+
Familiar: Beash of burden.
Aura: Any accuracy ones really. Or vampyrism.
Scrimshaw: Not needed.
Potions: Overload/Prayer renewal and a praywer flask or two.
Prayer: Protection depends on the boss or soulsplit. DO NOT PRAY AGAINST K'RIL.
Useful items: Excalibur.

For Corporeal Beast:

Weapon: Tier 70+ SPEAR
Armour: Tier 70+
Familiar: None.
Aura: Any accuracy ones really. Or vampyrism.
Scrimshaw: Not needed.
Potions: Overload/Prayer renewal and a prayer flask or two.
Prayer: Protect from magic or Soulsplit.
Useful items: Excalibur.

For King Black dragon or Giant Mole:

Weapon: Tier 40+
Armour: Tier 40+
Familiar: BoB if you really want to
Aura: Any accuracy ones really. Or vampyrism.
Scrimshaw: Not needed.
Potions: Overload/prayer renewal and a prayer flask. ANTIFIRE.
Prayer: Protection prayers or Soulsplit.
Useful items: Excalibur.


Offline Kunai

Re: PVM Event with Kunai! Vote now! 2 Votes each.
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2018, 20:10:37 »
Chosen boss is Corporeal Beast.

Please make sure you have a spear and don't use a familiar!


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