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Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2012, 02:34:49 »
Lilly said a combatter-skiller event, eg skilling, wildy event, monster event.
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Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2012, 07:59:38 »
For a combatter skiller wildy event for a point:  Combatter and Skiller are together, Combatter has to protect skiller as long as they can, and the last skiller surviving's team wins.
How would that work?



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2012, 10:40:13 »
we have to kill them before they kill our meat shield?:P



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2012, 10:40:46 »
oh god dont put lilly and me together, itll be fatal :P

I actually think we would be great together

coz we'd scare away all the competition?:p



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2012, 10:44:50 »
sorry, just a quick thought, on the duo skiller-killer teams
the points to be calc'd
to make it fair, as i can forsee anomalies = i will illustrate my point
to make it fair...er...ish... would it be more prudent to take the combined total xp of the 2 in the team, eg for agil...and divide by two,
and do the point score system by averages
- as i can think of 1 person doing far more than the other eg 1mxp vs 1k xp (i know its just an extreme), and lets say they win... with 1m 1k
= how fair would it be on the 2 people who did 500k a piece (lets call them team 2)
team 1 would win on cumulative alone, but its all from 1 person, person 2's limited contribution is not taken into account
team 2 would win on the averages as it is both of them taken into account, as both had to help equally and taken into account equally.

just my thoughts, random i know ^^



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2012, 10:48:37 »
It may as well be individual then? Or I misunderstood xD



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #36 on: March 31, 2012, 10:59:48 »
if it was individual thatd b option 3
averaging takes into account averaged time of both persons, rather than 1 person doin all the work as highlighted in team 1



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2012, 11:56:41 »
we have to kill them before they kill our meat shield?:P
I am surprised that as a lvl138 you missed my point. Even if we are in deepest wild, a 130+ cannot attack a player, who is low enough to attack lvl3.



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #38 on: March 31, 2012, 11:57:40 »
we have to kill them before they kill our meat shield?:P
I am surprised that as lvl138 you missed my point. Even if we are in deepest wild, a 130+ cannot attack a player, who is low enough to attack lvl3.

im 136 :P and i dont go in wildy


angel imy

Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2012, 11:57:47 »
sounds confusing ;o :s



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2012, 08:06:28 »
Runecrafting should deffinately be one of the skills =]
I would love to go up against Mike, or any of the other great runecrafters here ^_^

But there should be a list of skills for the war, for skillers and combaters.
and we should have 2-4 people sign up for each skilll.

That's my idea(s) =]



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2012, 09:32:24 »
runecraft ewwwww
minigames and skills combined wud b good :)
castle wars, soul wars, maybe not fist of guthix wud b fun :33

we could to that fishing trawler minigame (all those who need the task of manta ray for any way might appreciate it) - non cb. some monies ;)
the other fishing minigame, fish flingers maybe too. its hell of a laf when u dont know what ya doin ^^
^both of these gives not half bad fish xp

if we do skill war i vote agil and rc! coz theyre 2 of the skillz i hate and need incentive ^^ haha



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #42 on: April 16, 2012, 15:52:01 »
Like a like button on facebook?
yes mam =D



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - April 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #43 on: April 16, 2012, 15:55:15 »
runecraft ewwwww
minigames and skills combined wud b good :)
castle wars, soul wars, maybe not fist of guthix wud b fun :33

we could to that fishing trawler minigame (all those who need the task of manta ray for any way might appreciate it) - non cb. some monies ;)
the other fishing minigame, fish flingers maybe too. its hell of a laf when u dont know what ya doin ^^
^both of these gives not half bad fish xp

if we do skill war i vote agil and rc! coz theyre 2 of the skillz i hate and need incentive ^^ haha

well hell maybe you and i can set up some kind of shindig i hate both of those too and need to get em up eventually lol



Re: Intra-Clan Skill War - May 2012 (Need ideas)
« Reply #44 on: April 16, 2012, 17:18:54 »
well after may is up hun im doin agil straight to 99, will need ba horn also, if u wish to duo team up n get together, and maybe the party too ?:)

rc well, i will be rcing after 99 slayer, as im hoping i get a lot of effigys in all that xp


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