i was really bored today so decided to make this about me. winner of this quiz will get 1m from me. message me the answers so no one else can see them. will post the answers here and the results after. tried to make the questions not so hard so everyone has a chance to win (i hope, thats the plan atleast) made 10 questions about me and 10 random general questions.
About me
1.What is my full name? (1point)
2.What A levels am i currently studying (3points 1 for each)
3.What are my 2 favorite colours? (2 points 1 for each)
4.What religion am i? (1point)
5.What mini game related clan did i belong to? (1point)
6.What is my favorite TV program? (1point)
7.Who do i believe to be my twin sister because we born at the same time ;o? (1point)
8.What was my 1st RSN? (1point)
A. Angel Imy
B. x-squadie-x
C. Imyy
9.What is my favorite skill on RS? (1point)
10.What was my frist skill to 99? (1point)
General questions
1.If a blue house is made of blue bricks, a red house red bricks, whats a greenhouse made of? (1point)
2.If there are 3 bananas and i take 2, how many do i have? (1point)
3.If i have a kilogram of stone and a kilogram of features whats the heaviest? (1point)
4.An electric train is going at 200miles/hour east and the wind is blowing 50miles/hour south west, witch was would the steam be blowing? (1point)
5.There are 7billion people on the earth. 360000 births per day, 151600 people die each day. What is the mass of the sun? (1point)
6.Who is the all time most popular runescape player? (well what i would think
) (1point)
7.i'm first in earth, second in heaven, i appear once in a year and twice in a week and i live in the middle of the sea.. what am i? (1 point)
8.What is the answer to the universe (mathematically) (1point)
9.What is the most hated skill in RS? (1point)
10.What does this mean? '01001001011011010111100100100000011110010110111101110101001000000110000101110010011001010010000001110100011010000110010100100000011000100110010101110011011101000010000001100001011011100110010000100000011010010010000001101100011011110111011001100101001000000111100101101111011101010000110100001010' (1point)
(got carried away)